Kernighan Teaches... Liberal Arts? 134
Flamerule writes "The New York Times has an article (free registration required) examining a new course Brian Kernighan is teaching at Princeton, called "Computers in Our World", aimed at liberal arts students who won't be going into the tech field. The author describes it as "a kind of intellectual smorgasbord, combining public policy - like technology's impact on privacy, copyright and antitrust matters - with large helpings of practical knowledge of how things work, from operating systems to disk drives." The K&R text is mentioned, though not as reverently as some would demand."
Privacy??? (Score:1, Insightful)
The question: do we have privacy? That that right was taken away Microshaft and the government back in the late 1990's
This will be on the exam.
Re:Privacy??? (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes, we still have some privacy, and I agree that we have less than we did before, but more importantly, we have an ever-increasing awareness in the general population that privacy is important, and that some people are pushing the pendulum too far to one side in the name of: 1. security; 2. increased profits; 3. (insert your reason here).
When people realize that there is a difference between privacy and anonymity, when people realize that they are giving away rights they took for granted, and when they (collectively) get concerned enough to complain in a loud, clear and compelling voice, then maybe we can push the pendulum back to the other side, or at least back to the middle, where it belongs.
Teaching classes like this is a great way to empower people outside of the tech/geek population.
The Perfect Opportunity (Score:5, Insightful)
For all the people who know nothing of issues like electronic voting, DMCA, Elrdrid v. Ashcroft, the hardest thing was to get the idea out to non-computer folk. Raising awareness of complex technical issues is usually next to impossible, and this is a great start.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:5, Insightful)
It's a start, yes, but it's not enough. This is going to be a bit of rant, I'm afraid
Why in God's name do students at Princeton -- Princeton, which at least used to be known as the greatest math school in the US! -- need to take only one course in "quantitative reasoning?" As a math major at a perfectly average state college [mscd.edu], I had to take quite a few classes in English, communications, history, and other liberal arts subjects. I'm not complaining about this; a good liberal education is, and should be, part of what being a college graduate in any subject means.
But "liberal education" should include science as well as liberal arts. There's no reason at all why students "headed toward degrees in politics, history, English, art history, psychology and economics" shouldn't learn how to differentiate a polynomial, calculate Gibbs free energy, or write "Hello, World." Studying the effects of science and technology on our world is all well and good, but those studies will only mean something if they know what science actually looks like.
I'm with Clarke on this one, not snow: there are not two cultures. There is only one culture, and if you can't discourse on the structure of a sonnet and the second law of thermodynamics with equal ease, then you're uncultured, period.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1, Informative)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
I can imagine a lot of socially relevent conversations where understanding the distinction between source and object code would be a prerequisite. People who have written hello world likely understand it and otherwise would likely be lost. Not that one couldn't explain this distinction verbally, but who's going to remember this abstraction without a minimum of experience?
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
I chose the three examples I did for a reason. Differentiating a polynomial gives people a feel for the difference between values and rates of change of values, and if nothing else that's useful in interpreting the economic numbers that politicians love to throw around. The equations for Gibbs free energy are probably the most elegant statements of thermodynamic laws ever, and are useful for understanding why creationist propaganda like "the second law of thermodynamics makes evolution impossible" is bunk. Writing "Hello, World" teaches people what a program is, what an operating system is, what the command line is, and perhaps most importantly that computers aren't magical creatures.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
How does this apply to DMCA and digital rights management? Fundamentally, DMCA has little to do with the complexities of implimenting a technical solution, but with whether something like digital rights should exist. To view this issue properly (at least in context of US society) requires knowlege of political and social history, US society, and individuals legal rights. In addition to considering the historical precedents for or against digital rights management, you have to think about what precedents this may set for the future of the society and government. This is the real issue with digital rights management - not the technical details of implimentation.
The fundamental question is not whether a drm solution can be created, but whether a drm solution SHOULD be created. Whether a solution can be created is just details - and the minimal exposure to computers that a class like Mr. Kernigan's provides should be enough to allow the students to research whether a drm solution can be done.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
To stay on topic: I always have been saying that people using computers should have a minimum knowlegde on the basic principles. I'm glad that now some schools teach those instead of "Word and Excel 101". Worst thing is that the word in my language for "computer science" is unfortunately misused in high school to denote "computer classes".
In my country I'm not proud to say I'm a computer scientist because most people relate that to "using computer".
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Although these days definitions vary, the origin of ther term is very exact anhd comes from medieval educational system.
From http://www.athena.edu/intro/eidos/eidosdef.html [athena.edu]:
Grammar, rhetoric and logic constituted the Trivium while arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music comprised the Quadrivium: combined, these fields of study were called the Seven Liberal Arts.
Interestingly, unlike most modern "liberal arts == no science" ideas, in the original, 4 out of 3 were sciences, although classifying logic as science is shaky considering it was not the mathematical logic taught in discrete math these days.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
Society is more efficient when people specialize. You write programs, I build houses, my wife writes books, etc. Since I build houses, I don't need to know the structure of a sonnet (my wife is an expert on that). Since I don't program, I don't need to know how to make a computer print "Hello World" on the screen (you can do that).
When we all work together within our specialty, the world is more efficient. We don't need polymaths as their knowledge is typically broad and shallow. Whereas specialists have narrow, but deep knowledge that benefits everyone.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
I also think you misunderstand what a polymath is. It's not "jack of all trades and master of none." It's "jack of many trades and master of some." This is a crucial distinction.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Pot, kettle, black
When we all work together within our specialty, the world is more efficient. We don't need polymaths as their knowledge is typically broad and shallow.
Let us see, I have degrees in electronic engineering, nuclear physics. I have designed or contributed to the design of many of the technologies that allow you to read this post.
One of the reasons why I am a leading contributor to the development of security standards is precisely that I have in depth knowledge of fields besides computer science.
For example all of my specifications are designed with a comprehensive business model in mind. Whether the specification is to be free or not and whether the code is to be free or not it must still offer significant value to end users. This is a considerable challenge for network protocols which typically suffer from being at the wrong end of Metcalf's law, the part where the network is too small for joining to be attractive.
I am also familliar with contemporary trends in analytican and continental philosophy. My college tutor was Tony Hoare and so I am very familliar with the application of Russell's typed set theory and the logical positivist view of computing. I have also worked at the AI lab and so I am also familliar with contemporary philosophical thought, in particular hermeneutics. A good deal of the design of the Web is based on hermeneutics.
So no, your assertion that bredth equals shallowness is completely false and you will find at any elite academic institutions many individuals who are making world class contributions in areas that are not joined in the traditional academic structures.
To take yet another example, Richard Feynman made major contributions to the development of parallel computing devices - he needed them for his research. Tim Berners-Lee was also a physicist.
Contemporary academia suffers from over specialization and from artificial boundaries introduced by considerations of tenure and prestige.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2, Insightful)
Pretty much every University's mission or charter is to provide a broad education in addition to (book) expertise in a specific field of study. I think the argument most of us have is that they need to do a better job of keeping up with the times as far as what elements should be part of this broad education, but for the most part their intentions are good.
However, small colleges and technical schools should be able to focus specifically on one area if they choose, so students can choose that route if it's more appropriate for them. One size does not fit all.
Society is best served if most people have broad experiences to give them perspective and yet a small percentage are allowed to focus singlemindedly on a specific field of expertise.
Ideal world aside, I have to admit that I was pretty upset when the University I attended forced me to take some classes not even remotely connected to my major--not because I was against learning the material but because I objected to being forced to pay for it.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:4, Interesting)
Interesting. I agree with your notion about a single culture.
But the idea that you -- or anyone -- picks a single thing out of the culture and says, well, if you don't know this thing, you're uncultured -- well, this is bad. I agree, though, in an ideal world we should be able to discourse on the structure of a sonnet and the second law of thermodynamics. But I disagree with the idea that if you don't know these two things, you're uncultured.
This reminds me of the so-called 'culture wars' that went on several years ago. Roger Shattuck, Dinish D'Souza (sp?), Roger Kimball -- everybody was chiming in with lists of stuff. You gotta know about the Spanish Armada, about Amerigo Vespucci. You gotta know what country wrote the 'Lusiads' and why, in the history of poetry (and exploration) why the Lusiads are important.
My concern with all this -- and I haven't yet made up my mind how best to approach it -- is that when we start talking about "lists" or about "stuff we need to know, or else", we're often blindsided by a kind of subconscious -- or silent -- xenophobia. The stuff we need to know is largely "Western" -- both in its cultural orientation and in its
So as not to venture too far off-topic, I'd say that while I agree with your general idea of diversity among the disciplines, I'd like to see it pushed even farther -- but not too far, not so far that, suddenly, the same ol' moral relativism looms and threatens to say, well, everybody's right, no one's right, and the oppressed are *really* right. I'm not sure where to draw the line.
But I think in addition to science and math, most students (IMHO) simply need to READ more. Novels, poetry, biography. Read, read, read. Whatever. But be unrelenting in your reading. Pursue stuff in college that you never thought you'd read.
If you're a reader, you learn how to become a critical thinker -- and this skill -- critical thinking -- is equally important across all disciplines: math, science, literature, philosophy, you name it.
It's nice to know stuff. And it's nice to think that you know the right stuff. But unless you're equipped to think about what you know -- and play the complex game of mental-connect-the-dots -- it's easy enough to discourse on the sonnet, discourse on the second law of thermodynamics, discourse on the mystical nature of the Kaballah and not realize that all three of things and more -- you name it -- are all, somehow, somewhere connected.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
For that matter, people can read a whole bunch without developing critical thinking skills. I agree that reading is a prerequisite, but it's definitely not sufficient.
Re:Non-western ideals??! (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course you should *learn* about them. Learning about something doesn't mean you have to *agree* with it.
You prove my point -- exactly -- about critical thinking. (And the dangers, alas, when it's lacking.)
Re:Non-western ideals??! (Score:2)
Crusades, the Inquisition, or Hitler?
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2, Insightful)
The Ontario curriculum mandates that all students take 5 english courses while only taking 2 math courses. This has always really annoyed me...more for the fact that I found the english as useless as an english major would find math courses.
I agree with your point. If 'math/science people' have to take arts courses, 'arts people' should have to take the same amount of math/science courses. It's only fair...and it does lead to being more rounded. I can honestly say that I enjoyed the History courses I chose for my arts credit.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
While I believe that a person with a broader outlook will usually do better than a narrow specialist I actually oppose most curricular mandates at University.
There is simple no point in trying to teach people a subject they are not interested in.
That does not mean that there should not be requirements for various courses. For example I got very pissed off with postgrad physicists who simply refused to learn how to use a computer properly. Like it or not the computer is not the primary tool of practically all science the way that the microscope was the primary tool for biologists.
Most attempts at forcing a broad curriculum are led by narrow minded arts professors who think it is OK to be ignorant of science but that the arts are somehow more important. Learning a second language is a pointless requirement, all foreigners speak English and all journals worth a damn are published in English. I have worked at top institutions in Germany, France and the US without learning the local language.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Many soc/sci and some humanities classes are exercises in learning a dogma. The best way to succeed in those classes is to buy into that dogma quickly and write your papers accordingly.
In other words, many soc/sci and some humanities classes are about learning "the truth" about the area of study and have nothing to do with facilitating a sharing of ideas.
After all, if new ideas were easily added to the mix, what would the faculty members' experience memorizing and internalizing the old ideas be worth?
Much of this has to do with the way that many social sciences are rooted in some kind of activism. I call this "blinders with a purpose", and it accompanies the disdain felt by some social scientists for those who choose 'hard science' (aka science in which hypotheses are testable).
Sorry to rant. My point is, great job to K for attempting to enlighten the 'enlightened'.
While you're at it... (Score:2)
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Shit, the vast majority of people don't even know
what a sonnet is and have never heard of the laws of thermodynamics.
You make the mistake of assuming that because you have the capability to understand certain concepts, everyone else should be able to as well.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
Epistemology & Cognition (EC) one course
Ethical Thought & Moral Values (EM) one course
Historical Analysis (HA) one course
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) one course
Literature and Arts (LA) two courses
Social Analysis (SA) two courses
Science and Technology (ST) two courses (one lab course)
thats for a libral arts degree the BSE degree is obviously much more science heavy.
Now for why I dont want to see MORE math science in the distribution requirments. I agree with you that it would be good for everyne to better understand programing but think about the other fields that could make a similar claim, anthro could just as easily say that you shouldnt leave campus without having studied a different culture so you can better understand your own. or the arts could demand that you take one course on painting so that youll be able to better appreciate the fine arts in your later life. The english department could demand that everyone at least learns basic grammer and spelling, which you can see from most of my posts im not the best at.
All of these are good ideas but if you throw too many of them in the idea of "Electives" and the possibility of getting a certificate (princeton version of a minor) beyond your field of major flies out the window. three courses is enough to introduce people if not toeverything at least to a variety of science and if something catches their attention there's nothing stopping them from exploring it further.
(oh and as a side note Princeton still is the greatest math school in the US!)*
*the above statment was completely unbiased and should be take as such,thereby mortaly insulting all memebers of other institutions.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
The REAL reason why it is very important (Score:1)
Engineering skills in general make life so much more easy to deal with. It's all about not panicking about the presence of a problem long enough to solve it. I'm in a math class right now in which so many of my classmates freak out when they encounter a story problem. They can't seem to let go of that fear long enough to even TRY.
When I was in high school, I didn't know much about computers beyond starting Microsoft Word and typing papers for classes. Computers intimidated me. At some point, though, I got really tired of feeling intimidated and confronted my fears by takings some classes in electronics and computers. I proceeded to find out how cool all that stuff was and now I am an all-around science geek.
My point is, the more we shy away from anything that scares us, the more we lose. Geeks, that means we should confront our fears of politics and getting involved. We have isolated ourselves long enough.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
There is a problem with your assertion: lack of time. A bachelors degree is 4-5 years of school (depend on if you rush it or take things slow). To learn everything you think I should know I would have needed to cram 30 years of class into my 5 years. There isn't time for that.
People need a broad range fo exposure, and a specality. Thermodynamics is all well and good, but to understand it, as a side to their normal schooling, takes more time than anyone has to give. Sure you can quote the second law like a parrot, and might mention it once or twice, but to understand it enough to make it useful to know takes years of study.
I have a large range of skills that I can do, and every day I watch people (some not as smart as me) to things that I can't do. I can change a diaper (and I don't have kids), do CPR, weld steel, hang a picture, change a tire, balance my checkbook, and many more things. Most of those are simple basics that I'd put on the list of things to know. Most people do not know CPR, few can weld, some should not hang a picture, simple as it sounds. (and they are not idiots, just no mechanicly ability). Off the top of my head: I cannot spell, do that touch your toes thing from gym. There are many more things that I can't do, but the point is that I don't have ability or time to do everything.
You should have some exposure to basic things. Today tires are reliable enough that most people wouldn't have to know how to change one, just to replace it every few years. In the past tires blew much more often and so it was a required task.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2, Insightful)
It's a funny thing. There are still those in the arts monstering about proclaiming that VR is the "next big thing" and will revolutionise the world in a sort of sadcase Wired sorta way. Most can barely even operate a mouse and have perhaps missed that VR has been and passed and the revolution *didn't happen*, and probably *aint gonna happen*.
Or in the Journalism classes with lecurers on online journalism claiming that Altavista is the latest and greatest search engine and never having *hear* of Blog journalism and the whole gonzo paradigm shift.
For a good giggle , try my old trick, and do a semiotics class and argue your paper using Catastrophy math... "I still don't understand why a small shift leading to a big jump is a catastrophy and WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT HORRID EQUATION ON YOUR PAGE?". Heeeee!
But that said, most CS guys are clueless on politics too. Many of our open source community have never gotten past the simplistic RMS/ESR libertarian gone wrong politics or can see why we look like goofs arguing for small government AND small business without understanding the subtlties of arguments used against such things.
Hands up is you "get" Rawls? What about Kants moral Imperrative? Do you understand what Foucault actually means when he talks about the Panopticon.
Sadly the culture divide between the sciences and the humanities runs both way. Time to "deconstruct the difference folks"
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
While interesting the important thing is to understand Derrida and read Foucault. Derrida is the idea, Foucault the implementation.
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:2)
As for the connections between the two, I tend to think it's pretty superficial. Derrida places subjectivity on a strictly textual plane of semiosis , while Foucault tends to look for the discursive practices and techniques behind subjectivity and being. Although both do seem to take some cues from the whole post-sausarian structuralist project, really they are both arguing entirely different things.
Eitherway, while I think Foucault has a *lot* to offer the whole debate over social construction and interaction with the net and the growing surveilance culture developing around it, trying to plug Derrida into IT is really inviting dark counsel. The only difference is that Derrida is stilll pluggin' away while Foucault rolled off the mortal coil before the whole net thing really happened (As we know it today).
Re:The Perfect Opportunity (Score:1)
We need more of it versus rants about past institutional histrionics and how they have fallen from some preconceived notion of Grace.
Geek religion (Score:5, Funny)
Depth (Score:3, Informative)
I think a course solely devoted to the changing nature of copyright and patents today (esp. IT and biotech) could create more awareness of today's issues.
Re:Depth (Score:1)
Well, they do swallow that propaganda but don't care too much. Often they don't even have enough technical knowledge to choose CD-R's. I noticed my sister always buying CD-R-Audio to burn her MP3's/copy audio CD's and I asked her why. Well, she actually thought you could only burn audio on such CD's. How many people out there believe exactly the same thing?
Big surprise to her when I told her she was paying more for nothing, but I also told her: buying these kinds of CD's actually "pays you free of piracy" (which is true in my opinion - same as casettes). Now she still buys CD-R-Audio, but for a reason: it allows her to pirate without guilt.
This has become a bit offtopic, right? Sorry...
Re:Depth (Score:1)
Re:Depth (Score:1)
Why this is important (Score:5, Interesting)
Dinking with Word and Paint, don't de-mystify the machine. Only by having a basic (no pun intended) understanding of the machine and what it does will a person be willing to control it. So many folks that have computers are so intimidated by them that they are afraid to control the machine. Changing fundamental settings like wallpaper truly scares some people. (Insert gratuitous MS slam here)
Equally important is the discussion and enlightenment these students will get on matters of copyright, law as it is being applied to computing, and patents. Only a well informed citizenry will prevent the spate of knee-jerk reactions to minor problems. Perhaps a well educated citizenry will clean up the ridiculous mess that is the DMCA and software patents.
I hope This kind of course gets cloned and used in education everywhere. It's desperately needed.
Re:Why this is important (Score:1)
I have no interest in whether the driver of the car in front of me can change the oil or clean the sparkplugs, still less whether they understand how a racing cam works. What I want to know is whether they can steer the thing and obey the traffic regulations that prevent us from killing each other.
So comprehending the possible uses of computing power perfectly entitle joe public to have an opinion on technological law.
(Incidentaly I assume that most people have a view on the legality of cloning without a detailed knowledge of genetics).
The problems the world faces with respect to laws and new technology are in my opinion - actualy the problems that the individual faces when confronted by business interests. Whilst arguing the fine details of what is technically possible may persuade the legislators to adjust the laws more towards the interests of the individual in society it is unlikely. What you realy need to do is get some political buy in on the idea of limiting the rights of big business to enslave their customers.
Sadly as the primary religion of the US is "making money is good" you havent got a cats chance in hell of getting reasonable laws.
However I agree with you, courses which raise the issues of our times are very worthwhile to equip students with an understanding of their world.
Re:Why this is important (Score:1)
Okay, "Don't demystify the machine." is an imperative clause. You are telling me not to demystify the machine.
But I don't understand the first sentence fragment. "Dinking with Word and Paint." There is no subject and no verb. Dinking is a gerund, so we need to know who is dinking, and then we need a linking verb. "I am dinking..." would work. But then you wouldn't use a comma. You wouldn't say, "I am dinking with word, please don't de-mystify the machine." unless de-mystifying the machine would interfere with whoever is dinking.
Maybe I'm missing something... Please explain.
cat got my tongue (Score:4, Interesting)
So, what to say ?
You see a lot of "old time" computer programmers slowing down these days- it's sort of sad. It shows us that however brilliant we are at programming there will come a time when we have to slow down.
The difference between true greats and us (if you consider yourself a "true great" then apologies, and "fuck you!") is that when they slow down they are still brilliant enough and have enough energy to change the world, either through writing, or lectures.
Does anyone know of any great programmers who are old, say over 60 ? I would be interested. Probably some people who are really famous are that old, but I just didn't realize their age....
Re:cat got my tongue (Score:1)
Enough to be dangerous (Score:3, Interesting)
All the computing sector needs is an influx of people who think they know something about computers.
These people get a government job, and start telling their contractors what to do and how to do it
This courses introduction should be "Here is what real software engineers do (insert comlex UML diagram here), and this course won't prepare you to even get there."
Re:Enough to be dangerous (Score:3, Insightful)
These people get a government job, and start telling their contractors what to do and how to do it
This courses introduction should be "Here is what real software engineers do (insert comlex UML diagram here), and this course won't prepare you to even get there."
Nice troll.
To paraphrase, I believe it's Swift, "a little learnin' is a dangerous thing", true. However, there's "a little learnin'" and awareness raising. How many people here moan about users who can't diagnose the most basic of hardware/software related problems. It's not because they don't want to diagnose the issue it's because they've been told that their computer is a dreadully complicated beast that they can never hope to understand. So if the printer doesn't print, it must be a problem that can only be resolved by a call to tech support rather than a quick check to see if the power is on, if the cables are plugged in or if the OS is reporting an error.
This course goes further though. It doesn't teach "howtos" -- which I agree can lead to trouble, it teaches fundamentals. What is it that makes a computer tick? How does it work? How is that mouse gestures and keystrokes make things go that then appear on a monitor. This is grand stuff to know and to teach. This isn't taught on a systems-level, but on a conceptual level. Nobody is going to come out of this thinking they can become kernel hackers.
What are you anyway? A programmer? an engineer? Whatever it is that you do, do you really believe that you shouldn't know about things outside of your core competence? Aren't you ever intrigued by the workings of nature? physics? What if a physcist said to you, "hey now, don't go reading that quantum physics stuff, you're liable to think you know something about it and cause a disaster." Or if a chef freaked because they saw you fingering a cookbook?
Re:Enough to be dangerous (Score:1, Flamebait)
Apparently your English course did something similar when came to use of apostrophes to indicate possession?
Re:Enough to be dangerous (Score:2, Interesting)
Granted, the company was pretty stupid not to question him a little bit more to validate his claims, now their stuck with someone who never designed a database and is asking for my help with Access because it's the only thing he's able to work with. This can't be good for true programmers.
I took a psychology class but I don't pretend to be a shrink. My first language is French and I also speak French but I don't pretend top be a professional translator.
The only way to protect against this is professional organizations regulating some professions. In Canada, it's illegal to pretend to be an engineer if you haven't graduated from an accredited engineering university and you registered in your provincial Order (yes it's illegal for an MSCE and the like to put the word engineer on its CV or his business card).
The Computer Scientist and Engineer profession need to protect themselves and the public a lot more as more and more people will learn a little bit and think they know it all.
Re:Enough to be dangerous (Score:2, Funny)
Good thing, your translation skills would be severely limited by only speaking French!
Although it's pretty clear you also know English. =]
Guest Speakers for the class (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Guest Speakers for the class (Score:1)
Re:Guest Speakers for the class (Score:2)
One of the things I learned in school is that there's a certain level of overall presentability required to be an effective teacher. Either you have to be good looking enough to offset how dumb you are, or you have to be smart enough to offset how ugly you are... and actual teaching skills are part of the mix, so you can't be intelligent, handsome, and a crappy teacher and be effective.
I've seen professors who are dumb as shit, I've seen professors that have wet circles under their armpits all the time, and I've seen professors that couldn't teach their way out of a wet paper bag. Surprisingly enough, one of the professors I had who possessed just AWFUL B.O. turned out to be one of my best professors ever. And that I'll remember for the rest of my life - along with everything he taught in class.
Of course, anyone can be a teacher. But from what I've seen, being effective is not always a requirement. And I don't think RMS would be effective. Sorry.
Not the only one out there (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Not the only one out there (Score:1)
Re:Not the only one out there (Score:2)
CS and Liberal Arts have a lot in common.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyway, my point is that a lot of these Lberal Arts kids are going to be interested in knowledge about a wide area of subjets--that's the whole focus of a Liberal Arts education. Computers is another area (though, today it would be extra interesting since everyone uses them but so few know how the "magic" works) to learn about. Of course, there are always some who don't want to learn.
I was wondering about textbooks or notes and looked up the course info at Princeton's site. It's COS 109... unfortunately they don't have many details but searching for K himself led me to his notes and problem sets [princeton.edu] (link is HTML, but notes are pdf). He obviously used cal(1) for the schedule, too.
Re:CS and Liberal Arts have a lot in common.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Finally (Score:1)
The simple fact is that computers and computer-related issues are playing a larger role in the day-to-day life of the average American citizen. I'd rather have someone who's been through this course writing the next DMCA than some octogenarian senator from the deep south who has never been within 10 feet of a computer.
not educated unless you know technology (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:2)
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:4, Funny)
Wow, you must have a heck of a commute!
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:3, Insightful)
That said, I had plenty of wonderful discussions about all sorts of things at Stanford. Just because someone hasn't had two years of math and science doesn't make them inferior.
Of course, MIT probably doesn't have that many fuzzies going there, does it? So your peer group at MIT has already self selected when they decided to apply.
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:1)
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:2)
Your viewpoint would be a lot more palatable if you didn't insist on using a derogatory term like "fuzzies" every time you refer to non-Engineering students.
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:2)
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:1)
And how often were those terms used by the "fuzzies" themselves? It IS insulting, not just to the person but to the subjects. Do you really think anything not science or technology related betrays "fuzzy" thinking?
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:2)
All the time. The terms were not seen as being perjorative. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings. It was not my intention to do so. These terms were ubiquitous were I went to school, which was a place that was considered "extremely PC". They were used as a distinction, not an insult. I am sorry if you don't know the difference.
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:1)
Personally, I like the terms and use them all the time, even though I declined the offer of admission from Stanford. I think they're very descriptive.
Re:not educated unless you know technology (Score:1)
Random Bits - but is it ART? (Score:1)
Liberal Arts? Really? Hmmm. I've got one of them valuable degrees. Had to go back and get a Master's in Computer Science it was so useful.
Perhaps I need to re-read an <a href="http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mihaib/kernighan-i
BTW, let's remember that Brian Kernighan is not a "high creator" of C. All he did was write the book with DMR. Here's an exact quote from the aforementioned interview:
<i>"I can't comment on the 'worse', but remember, C is entirely the work of Dennis Ritchie"</i>
Still, liberal arts? I guess so. I remember several times thinking "crap, this could be automated"
Personally, I think K would do everyone a favor is he actually did send the artsy ones into the inner regions of the macines. Computers are likely to be an every day tool in their careers - but just that - a tool. The students will need to learn how to remain creative and original in spite of the conveniences of a computer automating the drudgery of composing notes, sentences, graphics, etc
Just the same way we need to keep teaching elemenatary school kids their times tables - in spite of the fact that they are now equipped with solar powered calculators.
Of course, I can't let this go by without asking the all important question "<a href="http://www.healyourchurchwebsite.com/archiv
Liberal Arts, Lazy Convenience, bah! (Score:1)
Liberal Arts? Really? Hmmm. I've got one of them valuable degrees. Had to go back and get a Master's in Computer Science it was so useful.
Perhaps I need to re-read an interview with Brian Kernighan [cmu.edu]
BTW, let's remember that Brian Kernighan is not a "high creator" of C. All he did was write the book with DMR. Here's an exact quote from the aforementioned interview:
"I can't comment on the 'worse', but remember, C is entirely the work of Dennis Ritchie"
Still, liberal arts? I guess so. I remember several times thinking "crap, this could be automated"
Personally, I think K would do everyone a favor is he actually did send the artsy ones into the inner regions of the macines. Computers are likely to be an every day tool in their careers - but just that - a tool. The students will need to learn how to remain creative and original in spite of the conveniences of a computer automating the drudgery of composing notes, sentences, graphics, etc
Just the same way we need to keep teaching elemenatary school kids their times tables - in spite of the fact that they are now equipped with solar powered calculators.
On a lighter note, in a paper by by Dennis Ritchie detailing the history of Unix [bell-labs.com] we get this juicy quote about K's wit
Of course, I can't let this go by without asking the all important question "What Would Bjarne Do? [healyourch...ebsite.com]"
Re:Liberal Arts, Lazy Convenience, bah! (Score:1)
Liberal Arts? Really? Hmmm. I've got one of them valuable degrees. Had to go back and get a Master's in Computer Science it was so useful.
That strikes me as a prime example of the same attitude that has kept computer science basics out of consideration as a component of a liberal arts education. Getting a solid liberal arts degree isn't supposed to be "useful" for a specific application, it's supposed to useful for the development of your capacity to think, reason, and understand. And the great technological divide we have in American society is partly a result not just of non-geeks lacking basic knowledge about how computers work and what the policy implications of that might be, but of geeks being unable to explain (and often uninterested in explaining) that in terms that actually render it comprehensible.
The students will need to learn how to remain creative and original in spite of the conveniences of a computer automating the drudgery of composing notes, sentences, graphics, etc ...
If you seriously mean to imply that you get no joy from the act of composing a sentence, then how on Earth do you think someone not particularly interested in the inner workings of a computer feels when expected to use the arcane symbols associated with computer code? One of my best friends has a Masters in comp. lit., speaks four languages fluently and is learning a fifth, and is working on a novel, yet I can't get him to understand some of the most basic concepts of computer usage. He manages to use Word Perfect, and he can look up his stock quotes and even access investment research, but you have no idea how hard it was for him to figure out where a file went when he downloaded it. And he uses AOL, unsurprisingly. Yet, how many people in the U.S. who grew up speaking English at home can't even converse, let alone write, in a language other than English? How many Americans, geeks and non-geeks alike, can barely write a grammatical English sentence, let alone an elegant one, that actually manages to convey their thoughts?
A course like K's is meant to start building bridges. I hope those bridges carry traffic in both directions. We might not be faced with legislation like the DMCA nor with some of the more absurd software patents had computer science not grown up as a relatively isolated field of specialization. The point isn't to label non-geeks as stupid because they don't know how Java works nor geeks as stupid because they've not read Mark Twain or Plato, the point is to fit the basics of computers within the basics of a broad and, yes, useful understanding of how our world is shaped.
We had this... sort of (Score:2, Interesting)
Class itself was kind of interesting. Rather than the teacher lecturing, we broke up into 6 groups. Each week, two groups would do presentations based on research they did into the topic. The next class meeting (we met 2x a week), the groups would face off in a debate on the issues. This was kind of tough, because invariably we all wanted to argue the same side. This approach was really good though, because it forced the presenters to do their own research and find out things for themselves. It was sometimes not so good for the rest of the class, as an incomplete presentation wouldn't give you as much information.
The only drawback to this class was that it was a 3000-level computer science course (equivalent of a 300-level course, I guess), and so we had only comp. sci. majors in there.
This is an excellent idea though, since it will give people a chance to really learn about topics that ordinarily they might avoid, but will certainly impact them in the future.
Re:We had this... sort of (Score:2, Informative)
Re:We had this... sort of (Score:1)
Oh, and when I was at Stevens tech, they had a whole slew of introductory courses that *everyone* was required to take. Courses like calc 1 and 2, mechanics, E&M, chem 1 and 2, philosophy, literature... and comp sci classes. The first semester had the comp sci topic actually broken into two sections. The first covered the basics of how hardware functioned, the second semester was some very basic programming in visual basic. All simple stuff, but Stevens wanted to introduce you to this, and noone was exempt except for those who went into the "advanced" versions of the course.
Back when I was at Stevens, we were required to take a three-credit humanities course every semester (avg load each semester: 20 credits). In retrospect, it seems like it was an excellent requirement. I could have done without MGT 442, the class where they taught you what sort of tie to wear to job interviews.
Stevens certainly did offer a well-rounded engineering curriculum. You touched on every discipline: mechanical, civil, chemical, electrical, pure physics, pure chemistry, pure mathematics. I only wish there was more in terms of practical stuff; the EE labs were typically non-challenging.
Of course, this was back when the DEC Pro350 was what we were required to purchase :) ASIC synthesis tools weren't taught because they didn't exist.
Thanks, Slashdot (Score:1)
For this tagline:
from the old-programmers-are-never-free()'ed dept.
This was probably the funniest one I've read on /. so far. Thanks for a good laugh!
dept (Score:2, Funny)
no duh, they're delete'ed.
Garbage Collection (Score:2)
Re:dept (Score:1)
Great teacher (Score:1)
The thing that he is trying to teach these students is how computer technology is not this mysterious art and that it's not really as complicated as everyone likes to think. I have lots of friends who went through his course without knowing a thing about computers and coming out with a real good idea of how things worked. Granted, they were not going to build a new computer or write an operating system any time soon -- but they knew how to write a program, set up web pages, and how lots of seemingly disconnected things all had a common base and an idea of how it all worked.
He deserves all the praise he gets for his efforts. He's a hell of a teacher.
Re:Great teacher (Score:1)
New Jersey Institute of Tech and it was one of the best courses I ever had. The text was his "The Elements of Programming Style" and some mimeo sheets of another book he was working on.
Finally! (Score:1)
More seriously, I think that the opposite of this class (one in which Technical people are given a bit of a liberal arts education) would be even more beneficial than this one. Raising awareness of complex social issues among techies might lead to a class of technical people who could communicate technical idea with the rest of the world rather than sit back and moan about how nobody in power understands the technology.
They need to teach Technology and Citizenship (Score:1)
The bigger point was that maybe we see what's at stake here, but most folks can't and don't. Most folks aren't able to understand and make intelligent decisions about privacy, security, EULAs, file-sharing, and everything else we argue here. The world of computing, and especially the industry of computing, controls them because they lack the understanding and skills and proficiency to control it themselves. We can argue about the abuses by Microsoft and the federal government and the spammers (and on and on), but 90+% of computer users don't have the ability to take basic steps that allow them to do take control of their own computing, whether it means using a firewall, identifying and removing spyware on their computer, applying simple patches that reduce vulnerabilities, choosing an operating system, or even participating in the discussion.
Or, to put it another way, informed use of technology is now a major issue for citizenship, in the broadest sense of the word. And when I went to college, I was taught that one goal of a liberal arts education was specifically an education for citizenship in this sense, to understand your own rights and those of others, to be active and engaged with the broader community and with the government.
This article was a little light on what, exactly, is taught in this Princeton course, but it sounded like CompSci-lite to me. But, if we're going to teach technology to non-technology majors, in the context of a broad liberal arts education, wouldn't we be better off to be teaching courses in technology and citizenship? And wouldn't that go a long way toward enabling people to assert their rights and take more effective steps toward moderating the excesses of the business and government interests in technology that tick all of us at slashdot off so much, without requiring these folks to become hard core IT geeks, which just isn't going to happen anyway?
Sorry if I rant, I guess I just believe that higher education can make a difference, when it is done right.
My personal experience... (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe he has gone the way of Donald Knuth... (Score:3, Funny)
The scary part... (Score:1)
Re:The scary part... (Score:1)
Education majors do work hard. Trust me, I know several of them. But all they do is busy work. Which is why they all they assign is busy work when they graduate. Which bores more students, and makes sure they don't learn anything.
My mother, who is a principal, said that her best teachers don't have education degrees. In my personal experience, this is quite true. Their degrees are in a field related to what they are teaching.
Courses Like This are Valuable (Score:1)
I like this idea. I think of general literacy as not so much a state you achieve but a way of life. You're never done. And I think knowing something about a field is better than knowing nothing, as long as you maintain skepticism about your own knowledge and abilities. I wouldn't want, as Tbonium warned, "...an influx of people who think they know something about computers. These people get a government job, and start telling their contractors what to do and how to do it."
As computers are now a huge part of our culture, people ought to know something about them. Demystifying is good, and if somebody has an "Aha" experience, that's great. Somebody might get interested enough to make a contribution to the field. Not everybody who has made contributions majored in computer science or engineering. Here's Eric Raymond's description of his computer education:
"Undergraduate studies (including some graduate-level courses) in mathematics and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. I have never taken any courses in computer science or software engineering."
He must have had an "aha" experience somewhere along the line.
And Kernighan's course will have practical applications for some of these students. I did part of a PhD program in psychology. My knowledge of simple programming, networks, and databases helped me a lot. The other students were highly intelligent, but ignorant about computers. They couldn't use the tools to make their lives easier, and their data safer. Even a bit of experience with text editors and simple programming can help you when you start SAS programming. There were people who were quite good with statistics who needed a lot of help with the computer. "Where are my files?" "Is a text file an ASCII file?" "How do I telenet [sic] to a server. And what does that mean?"
And lots of people, once they're shown, like to use a folding programmer's editor for prose writing.
Interesting quotes from Kernighan in an interview [cmu.edu]:
When I have a choice I still do all my programming in Unix. I use Rob Pike's sam editor, I don't use Emacs. When I can't use sam I use vi for historical reasons, and I am still quite comfortable with ed.
I don't use fancy debuggers, I use print statements and I don't use a debugger for anything more than getting a stack trace when the program dies unexpectedly. When I write code on Windows I use typically the Microsoft development environment: they know where all the files are, and how to get all the include files and the like, and I use them, even though in many respects they don't match the way I want do business.
The only computer science book I read more than once, that I actually pick up every few years and read parts of again, is The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks, a great book.
There are other books that I reread that are relevant in computing. Books on how to write, write English in my particular case, like "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White. I go back and I reread that every few years as well, because I think the ability to communicate is probably just as important for most people as the ability to sit down and write code. The ability to convey what it is that you're doing is very important.
Sometimes I do write C++ instead of C. C++ I think is basically too big a language, although there's a reason for almost everything that's in it. When I write a C program of any size, I probably will wind-up using 75, 80, 90% of the language features. In other words, most of the language is useful in almost any kind of program. By contrast, if I write in C++ I probably don't use even 10% of the language, and in fact the other 90% I don't think I understand.
Last Post! (Score:1)
anything in all the world, I would wish for more user-defined equations
in the HP-51820A Waveform Generator Software."
-- Instrument News
[Once is too often. Ed.]
- this post brought to you by the Automated Last Post Generator...
Re:This should be interesting (Score:3, Funny)
A train stops at a train station. A bus stops at a bus station. This explains the problem with my workstation.
Re:This should be interesting (Score:5, Informative)
What have you done lately?
Kernighan is the foundation of some of the best CS books ever, not just one book. Find the pattern:
He's a researcher and a teacher. Most researchers do obscure work that no-one ever knows. How many researchers and teachers are so productive? Practically none. If you want to know what he's up to, try a search engine.
Re:This should be interesting (Score:2)
It is my firm belief that Kernighan can heal at a distance and that flowers spring up wherever he walks. Touch the screen and feel his power.