Slashback: Periodicity, Vacuum, Strength 169
Bratty kids get to sit near the volatile elements. Theodore Gray writes: "About a month ago there was a slashdot lively discussion about my wooden Periodic Table Table. A bunch of slashdot readers sent me elements for it: Thank you slashdot! Two people actually sent me free Ag and Pd, contrary to the jokes in the discussion. I decided the world could stand another periodic table website. Since all the eight dozen other periodic tables on the web have better reference information than mine, I used some Mathematica programs to generate links to many of them for each element. But my site is more beautiful. I'm going for science as art. Mine also has by far the best quality sample photos: High resolution, high quality macro shots of 89 samples so far."
Starts with a crank, too. ripaway writes "With all the recent stories about vaccuum tubes, I find it ironic that I stumbled on this today. Sterephile reports about the Panasonic CQ-TX5500D(link to Japanese site) car stereo that uses a vaccuum tube, with analog vu-meters. It also plays mp3 files 8-) Naturally, this is for the Japan market only."
Sounds like material for a Burning Man tent ... nm1m writes "A superstrong composite developed by Brigham Young University scientists and students has received financing for its first practical application -- mammoth wind turbine towers able to more than triple the electrical output of existing steel models. Read the story here."
We mentioned this interesting lattice-looking material a few weeks ago.
Sucking requires a context to be good or bad. Sun Tzu writes "After the recent discussion on bad software, how about a different reason for why software sucks? Maybe we programmers and users don't have it quite so bad after all."
That dadburn whippersnapper, why when I was a boy ... Junks Jerzey writes "I remember reading about Halcyon Days: Interviews with Classic Computer and Video Game Programmers five years ago in Wired News. Pretty cool stuff, with an introduction by some guy called John Romero. It was available for a long time as a commercial product that used HTML for formatting, but it's now completely online, as reported by the author."
Brigham Young (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Brigham Young (Score:2, Funny)
Off-topic curiosity (Score:2, Interesting)
What's the difference between "mormon" and "latter day saint"? Is it simply a usage issue (aka, followers of Islam are Muslims, not Islams)? Is it an honorific type of deal? Is it simply a preference? What would John Smith or Brigham Young have referred to themselves as?
Anyhow, serious curiosity. Reply appreciated.
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:1)
The full name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is where the "latter day saint" nickname comes from.
The nickname "mormon" comes from a book called The Book of Mormon that is used and accepted as scripture only by members of the church.
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:2, Informative)
They are both the same, and both are nicknames.
The full name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is where the "latter day saint" nickname comes from.
The nickname "mormon" comes from a book called The Book of Mormon that is used and accepted as scripture only by members of the church.
Neither nickname is offensive to members of the church, although "latter-day saints" (and sometimes reduced to just "saints") is more commonly used for members referring to themselves or other members.
"Mormon" is generally used by non-members of the church, primarily because they aren't familiar with the actual name (it is a tad long...). It is also sometimes used as a pejorative by non-members, although it is a rather strange pejorative because it isn't offensive to the recipients
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:1)
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:1)
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:2, Informative)
In short, yes (mostly) (Score:2, Offtopic)
The official name of the church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". [1] As you can expect, that's quite a mouthful so a nickname is necessary. "Latter-Day Saint (LDS) Church" is acceptable, and the church Presidency supports it. Likewise, it's appropriate to call members of the LDS church "Latter-Day Saints".
"Mormon" [2] is a nickname that was given to the church and its members by others, who knew that we considered the Book of Mormon to be scripture [3] (but didn't know much else about us). This is not a nickname sanctioned by the church Presidency, but most of the church members tolerate it. The problem is that using the name "Mormon" for the church and its members makes it sound like we worship Mormon, or that the church was perhaps founded by Mormon; neither is the case.
What's worse, there are several groups that claim to be "Mormons" - most notably the "Reformed LDS Church" and the polygamists [4] in southern Utah (who I think call themselves "Fundamentalist Mormons", or something like that) - who have little to do with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. For the most part these other "Mormon" churches are splinter groups formed by people who left the church (or were kicked out) because they felt that they should be leading the flock instead of the current Presidency. The legitimate leaders are understandably anxious to make a clear distinction between the real LDS church and the others that call themselves "Mormons".
I personally respond to either and don't make a big deal about it in most cases as long as I'm sure that there's no confusion about what people mean by it.
[1] The "Latter Days" referred to are the present times. The members of Christ's church in His day were called saints, and members of His church today are called "Latter-Day Saints to distinguish the "former" church from the "latter".
[2] Mormon was a real person, a prophet-historian who compiled the Book of Mormon. It's his book, so it's named after him.
[3] We recognize the Bible as scripture, too. There are also a couple of other books of scripture that we use: the Doctrine and Covenants records revelations given to Joseph Smith, the first prophet of the latter days; and the Pearl of Great Price, which records revelations recived by Moses and Abraham, found and translated by Joseph Smith.
[4] Polygamy used to be practiced by the LDS church, but was discontinued about 150 years ago. Anyone church member who practices it modernly is promptly excommunicated. So Tom Green, on trial for various sex crimes against one of his underage wives has nothing whatever to do with the LDS church, regardless of how much he may protest that he is a "Mormon".
Re:In short, yes (mostly) (Score:5, Interesting)
The problems with this statement are going to be tough to clear up for those just joining the Mormon debates. When Joseph Smith died, he threw the proverbial boquet into the drunken bridesmaid horde. He never left clear instructions on who was to succeed him, and he had a tendency to make crazy promises to keep people happy. In short, there were about ten people who thought they should lead the Church, each with their own valid claims of authority (see "Origins of Power," by D. Michael Quinn).
Brigham Young just happened to be really charismatic, and got the majority of the early Mormons to accept his authority above other claimants (Sidney Rigdon, James Strang, Samuel Smith, Joseph Smith III). The victors rewrote the history books to demonstrate their legitimacy.
If you want a truly unambiguous name, call yourself the Brighamites. Each of the other splinter groups (gun-toting polygamists included) have every bit as much right to call themselves Mormons/Latter-day Saints as Brigham Young's followers do.
Yes, Mormon was a real person. And the Native Americans really are dark-skinned Jews, and the early inhabitants of this continent really did use steel in large quantities, and really raised cattle and corn and wheat, and really rode horses into battle. The fact that there's no more archaeological evidence for any of these cultural items shouldn't unsettle you. After all, you have a testimony.
According to the Articles of Faith (also LDS scripture), Mormons believe the Bible to be the Word of God insofar as it has been translated correctly. But Mormons also believe that the modern Bible was so thoroughly mangled by "wicked and corrupt priests" that the Bible actually became a stumbling block to those who wanted to find God. Smith made numerous revisions to the Bible to make it more theologically acceptable to him (and included a prophecy of his own birth). Of course, none of these revisions match up with the earliest copies of the books of the Bible.
As a die-hard atheist, I could really care less. But Mormons get a lot of flack from mainstream Christians for minimizing the differences between themselves and traditional Christianity, especially when they smell a conversion.
Oh, the Book of Abraham--purported to have been the writings of Abraham, the Patriarch of Israel--were really an Egyptian funeral book called "The Book of Breathings," written for a man named Horus. Joseph Smith got suckered, and so did his (now 12,000,000 strong) flock.
Polygamy was actually discontinued less than 100 years ago, in 1905. Mormons generally claim that the practice ended in 1890, but plural marriages were still being approved by the President of the Church and other apostles for fifteen years afterwards. Finally, with the second Manifesto, the Church got serious. Now they don't even allow plural marriage in areas of the world where it's legal.
To make things more complicated, Mormons still believe in polygamy in the afterlife. A widower can choose to be married to a second woman "for eternity" without affecting his marriage to his first wife.
Correction: Tom Green has nothing to do with the clean-cut young men on bicycles, the pretty white buildings you see from the freeway, the 2002 Winter Olympics, the commercials on TV for a free Bible, or anything else put out by the Corporation of the President. But in their zeal to distance themselves from polygamy, your presidency ignores the fact that early LDS theology left the door wide open for the Tom Greens of the world. The word "Mormon" can and does encompass all the supposedly illegitimate splinter groups.
The basic feeling of the Corporate Church towards the term "Mormons" is as follows: You can't use it to refer to us. You can't use it to refer to anybody else. They've tried some laughable PR blitzes to change the common usage, and it's never worked.
Re:pretty white buildings you see from the freeway (Score:1)
here in Our Nation's Capital(tm dave barry;-) they bought some land near where the beltway was going 2 b built (and ya gotta admire their long-term planning;-) so now travelers on the outer loop(counterclockwise, west-bound) cresting the rise @ the georgia ave. exit are treated to the angel moroni rising atop the main spire, appearing on the western horizon like a vision (as i'm sure he did 4 ol joe smith;-) and dominating the view for the entire 1 mile downhill stretch, until it disappears behind the CSX rr bridge over the beltway, where u can still make out the over-painted graffiti: "surrender dorothy"
hey, anybody up 4 slipping some green gels over the temple's floodlites?;-);-);-)
Re:In short... or not. (Score:1)
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I live in Utah and you seem to be giving the mo-mo's (yet another euphemism for a Mormon) an unfair shake. Most of the ones I've met are pretty good people. For every one that's so wrapped up in their jammies they seem to have lost all reason (if not oxygen) there are 20 who are nice, mostly normal and intelligent (as you can see by the BYU story, the Mecca of college bound Mormons).
And I'm agnostic if you were tempted to brand me as a Mormon apologist...
Ah, ok, yeah. I think... (Score:2)
So it's basically a money thing, then?
Re:In short, yes (mostly) (Score:1)
Re:In short, yes (mostly) (Score:1)
I guess there always has to be opposition in all things. It's important to remember standing AGAINST something is not the same as standing FOR something.
i.e. I'm not anti-microsoft, I'm pro-*nix.
Re:In short, yes (mostly) (Score:1)
Re:In short, yes (mostly) (Score:3, Troll)
But don't fret. Joseph Smith himself loved persecution:
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:3, Informative)
Although in English, calling one who practices Islam (Submission to God) a Muslim (One who submits) seems a curious usage issue, in Arabic it makes perfect sense. Almost all words in the Arabic language are formed by 3 consonant stems. In this case, it's SLM , which implies submission. From this you form iSLaM and muSLiM in much the same way you form Christianity and Christian from the root word Christ in English.
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:1)
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:2)
Living in a fantasy is much more entertaining. I think everyone should join a religion at some point.
Re:Off-topic curiosity (Score:1)
I thought that the Ark was in a warehouse outside Washington? Or Golgotha the name of that warehouse? They weren't very clear about that at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Re:Off-topic curiosity[golden plates] (Score:1)
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1, Interesting)
How about White Supremacy, forced tithing (paycheck withholding; mandatory in Utah), Brigham Young's declaration of war against the US, the Meadows Mountain Massacre (look it up), and special Government-Issued underwear?
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1)
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1)
Funny. If my post had been references to Scientology (the new American-made religion) it would have been rated +5 Insightful.
Anyway, since the parent brought up the subject...
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1)
eh... what?
See... you could have had a few points there that we might have listened too, then you went and blew it on a lie.
Re:Brigham Young (Score:1)
If you noticed my follow-up I posted links to some of the issues, but not the tithing issue. Why? Because in the follow-up I was trying to bring attention to real issues (different context).
Re:Brigham Young (Score:2)
Score one for us Latter-day Saints. Now if only the comments would last five minutes without obligatory mentions of polygamy, jello, large families, missionaries or cults, we'd have it made.
A limerick by Edward Abbey:
Brigham Young and Burning Man? (Score:3, Funny)
Wow. Brigham Young and burning man mentioned in the same sentence?
Having attended one of the above, I can guarantee you this will not be a frequent event.
Ag and Pd eh (Score:1)
Re:Ag and Pd eh (Score:1)
More vacuum tubes! (Score:1)
Re:More vacuum tubes! (Score:1)
Re:More vacuum tubes! (Score:3, Insightful)
-1 Stupid
Re:More vacuum tubes! (Score:1)
Applications (Score:2, Funny)
The first impractical application was for shoes that could have doors slammed on them and not injure the wearer.
Some of the radioactives are readily available... (Score:4, Interesting)
Polonium: You can buy photographic negative brushes that contain polonium, from good camera shops. The polonium gives off alpha particles that help to discharge static from the negatives as you brush them. $10-$20.
Americium: Smoke detectors contain Americium-241. A tiny speck of it is in the detector head -- the roughly cylindrical gizmo that looks like a stamped-metal flying saucer. $9
Uranium: pitchblende is comparatively easy to find, and of course the infamous 1970s Fiesta Ware is still to be found (though getting more difficult).
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:1)
Just don't try to make yourself a breeder reactor [slashdot.org]! :-)
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:2)
can someone give a reference on this?
Radioactive Spark Plugs (Score:1)
Polonium was also used on spark plugs for a while during the "atomic age". Neat idea, ionizing radiation lets you set the electrodes further apart. Found a picture of them here. [blackcatsystems.com]
Sounds plausible, but I'm not sure how well they'd work, nor am I sure how much polonium would end up reacting chemically during combustion and leaving the tailpipe as a dangerous radioactive compound, but I've seen them before and thought they were amusing.
Better watch out or every homey with a V-Tec sticker on his Honda Civic will be trying to screw 1940s spark plugs into his head so he can have a "nuclear-powered" 4-cylinder wanna-be racecar.
Wait a second (Score:2)
I mean, if the beaterz.com website taught us anything, it is stickers with cool names can compensate for lack of actual performance any day.
Re:Wait a second (Score:2)
What is going to stop him from putting a "nuclear powered" sticker on his car in the first place? I mean, if the beaterz.com website taught us anything, it is stickers with cool names can compensate for lack of actual performance any day.
Oh my God, thank you, that site absolutely kicks ass. :)
Re:Wait a second (Score:1)
Or racing stripes. Here's a hint for the auto makers of America: a racing stripe all the way down the center of a pickup truck doesn't make it look any faster; it just makes the driver look like a knob.
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:1)
Here is a site describing FiestaWare with pictures of the Geigercounter resting on top of it.
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:2)
Re:Some of the radioactives are readily available. (Score:2)
Vacuum Tube Collectors (Score:2)
Then, if you're a real man/woman, clean up the old trash.
Meet Fake Tom Cruise [lostbrain.com]
Re:Vacuum Tube Collectors (Score:4, Interesting)
I found a basket full of buggers out of a few old TV sets on a friend's property last week. They tend to weather the elements pretty well.
Sadly, TV tubes don't tend to be very valuable. With the number of 6GH8As that I have, one would think that I should be a millionaire, but most people don't need a bandpass amplifier for a 1960s color TV.
I've grabbed a few tubes out of the backs of radios, TVs and industrial equipment I've found mostly in (primarily) automotive junkyards. Usually the type number is washed off the glass, making the tube nearly useless. If you can tell a triode from a pentode by looking through the glass, you can make guesses and then careful analysis on the tube tester, but that assumes the tube was good to begin with.
Only TV tube I've ever got like that which was useful and rare enough to warrant the effort was a 6BK4. Fortunately, those are pretty easy to spot through the glass, it looks like a death ray in there. (High voltage triode, designed as a shunt regulator in early (late 1950s) color TV sets.)
Re:Vacuum Tube Collectors (Score:2)
I use Sovtek (one of the brands) EL34's and ECC83's in my guitar amp, and they sound great. A quick Google will turn up the US equivalent of these, but the EL34 is a large power pentode used in the output stage, and ECC83's are the dual triodes used in the preamp.
The Russian valve companies also produce the bloody big transmitter valves that most high-power TV and radio transmitters depend on. They can only be described as a work of art. The actual designs haven't changed much, but 20 years of development in precision engineering has improved the quality of these devices greatly. I've got a "dead" UHF transmitter output valve sitting on my bench - about the size of a coffee mug, beautifully machined aluminium thing. The whole anode is one big, shiny, CNC-machined heatsink, to dissipate the 250W or so that it produces.
The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:5, Insightful)
Software development is driven by clueless pointy-hairs, overreaching sales guys who make baseless promises and people who've never had a single software development class or written a single line of code
I realized this at my last company -- I was in a high enough staff position to see the whole tragedy unfold. Features were driven by what the sales team promised, deadlines by what was written into contracts without development's input, and product managers would bypass the release process and give customers internal test versions of the software. The developers were simply issued marching orders and then ignored.
I believe this is the way most crappy software comes about, regardless of how obvious this process is.
Of course, leave it to the geeks and you'll get Mozilla (good, solid, standards-compliant and really, really late). There's a balance between shipping decent software and shipping a product in time to stay alive as a company. id Software has this balance, ION Storm certainly did not.
Rant over. Please go about your business.
Re:The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:2)
That said, people been harping about the "software crisis" for the past thirty years. I disagree. I think modern software is an impressive feat, when compared to the alternative (no software).
Re:The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:3, Interesting)
Simply put, their products work well, and they sell well. They sell well; other game developers notice this, and they license their technology.
They please the geeks by releasing linux versions of their products, as well as releasing source code to their old engines which no longer pull in any cash for the company (after all, what good IS the source doing on a dusty pile of old disks in the closet?). They also release game sources for mod developers and such: once again, they help themselves by helping others, but they aren't loosing anything by doing this (have ANY 3rd-party games incorporated the QuakeII engine since the release of the QuakeIII engine?) This generates a highly positive image for the company.
Now only if they could please the overprotective parents!
Re:The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:1)
Re:The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:1)
Re:The Reason Software Sucks: (Score:1)
Halcyon Days (Score:4, Informative)
Free As In Freedom - Sam Williams [oreilly.com] - A biography of Richard Stallman and an excellent read for those who would like to understand the man a bit more or even understand how GNU and Open Source actually happen. I reccomend this to even people who dislike RMS (as i did) as you will understand the man from a new perspective
The Cathedral and the Bazzar- Eric Raymond [tuxedo.org] - This book has been condemmed and praised by many and provides an intersting look at open source and the different models of software - worth a read
Underground : Hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier - Sulette Dreyfuss [underground-book.com] - A great look inside the world of the cracker and very intersting and compelling to read
There are heaps more out there - post them as you find them - BTW if you have a bit of cash to spend i reccomend Hackers by Steven Levy and Fire in the Valley by freiburger and swain for 2 more great books on computer and PC history
Re:Halcyon Days (Score:2, Interesting)
The word Halcyon, if you care, refers to a hallucionigen(sp?) that was used as a pain medication in dentist's offices a long time ago, but turned out to be incredibly addictive. The song is about the Hartnoll brothers dealing with their mothers addiction.
I know, off topic, but if you've ever heard the song you'd agree with me, and the word is hardly common english, so I have to get my plugs in when I can.
Re:Halcyon Days (Score:2)
idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere" 2: joyful and carefree; "halcyon days of youth" 3: marked by peace and prosperity; "a golden era"; "the halcyon days of the clipper trade"
Which is probably why the dentists named their drug after it.
That car stereo.... ugh! (Score:3, Insightful)
Not that I think modern car stereos look good... give me those they made about 5-10 years ago: decent button layout, single color displays, and no frigging light-shows. *sighs*
Re:That car stereo.... ugh! (Score:1)
Re:That car stereo.... ugh! (Score:1)
No kidding. I don't know where I'm gonna get another Denon 970 for my new car. This is the second time I've traded a car in without pulling the head unit thinking, "There's gotta be something better available, now." *dumb, dumb, dumb*
Re:That car stereo.... ugh! (Score:2)
Come on. Analog VU meters and the tube exposed, combined with what looks to be a gold finish. Almost as ugly as a Marantz set.
Hey! At least there's solid engineering in the Marantz. This is just something shiny for the home-boyz who think a CD hanging from the rear-view mirror is a status symbol (or helps them avoid laser speed guns, something else I heard and gave me a much-needed laugh).
VU meters... what, the thing is a recorder, too? No? Then what do you need VU meters for?
Not that I think modern car stereos look good... give me those they made about 5-10 years ago: decent button layout, single color displays, and no frigging light-shows. *sighs*Got two that I love. There's a Clarion double-shaft in my 1976 Dodge Ram. The thing is gorgeous - simple button layout, good digital tuner picks up WRVA in Richmond VA all the way from Toronto, Canada, good cassette deck, line inputs for when I finally get around to stuffing a low-end machine behind the seat as an MP3 player. And it drives the 6x9s in my doors hard enough that when I play Black Sabbath, all the little children in the Hondas get scared. (Generally not wise to eff around with a Black Sabbath fan who drives a 25-year-old pickup truck.)
(Pre dot-com meltdown fond memories: driving that truck through the financial district after work on a nice summer's day, stuck in a traffic jam, windows rolled down, stereo playing Paranoid loudly, my hand resting on the driver's side mirror, wind blowing up the sleeve into my Armani suit jacket. The non-sequitur was enough that guys in Mercedes, Porsches, Acuras, etc. did a double-take. :) )
The other one that I love is a 12-year-old Alpine pull-out CD player and matching cassette deck. I got them both out of cars I bought for parts and then junked along the way. I keep both under the driver's seat in my winter beater and pop in the one for the media I want to listen to. Nice tuners, well laid out controls, no blinkenlights for das dummkopfen.
Slightly OT: Programming and Artwork... (Score:5, Insightful)
I found this 'alternative reason to why software sucks...' to be true with 3D Animation as well.
As a hobby, I assist people entering into the world of 3D art. My goal is to teach them professional methods to achieve their goals. What I've found interesting, though, is that a lot of them are reluctant to actually design what it is they are building or animating.
With new recruits, I can almost never get them to actually sit down with some paper and design the robot they want to build, for example. What they try to do is just sit down and build it. I'll hear stuff like "Oh I can't draw...", or "It's faster if I just sit down and build it. I know what I want it to look like."
The results? Well, the models they invent are
I really think what happens is that they have in inaccurate impression of what being a 3D artist really entails. This is similar to what Ray said in his post about why software sucks [librenix.com]. The sad thing is that until they start taking approaches like designing your model, they'll always look like a 3D newb.
Is there a solution? Well, I have an idea as to how to help both the 3D Artists and the Programmers out there: Make it clear that there is more to their job than just poking keys. I had no idea what all a Software Engineer (I used to call them Programmers...) did until I got a job at a software company. I had the impression in my mind that all they did was write code. The thought of them doing things like 'designing the UI' was alien to me.
Heck, before I got a job doing 3D, I thought all I had to do was build a model as fast as I possibly could. I expected they'd give me 3 days to do what would normally take me a week. I had no idea that they'd actually give me time to design and understand my model before building it. I spent over a year trying to be faster in LW, only to find that faster isn't what they wanted.
In short, I think it's very important to alter the perception out there about what a job really entails. If somebody aspiring to be a programmer knows that they need to pay attention to design and UI, then they'll be far more observant about those aspects during their education. If I had known how much learning to draw would help me with my 3D work, I would have done a lot more drawing exercises in high school.
Re:Yes and no (Score:2)
Re:Yes and no (Score:1)
Periodic Table Eh? (Score:1)
Taller Wind Turbines, good or bad? (Score:1, Insightful)
Vacuum Tube? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Vacuum Tube? (Score:1)
"Uh, is this a Goddamn?" Gotta be the funniest line of the whole movie.
Why software sucks (Score:4, Insightful)
The second big problem is weak interprocess communication. UNIX is partly responsible for this. Interprocess communication was retrofitted to UNIX in several different ways, most of them bad. The basic problem is that what you usually want is a subroutine call, but what the OS gives you is an I/O operation. If you build a subroutine call on top of an I/O operation, (think Sun RPC, or CORBA) it's slow. This leads to big, monolithic programs that crash all at once, instead of little, intercommunicating ones that contain the damage caused by a bug. It doesn't have to be this way. Take a look at QNX to see this done right.
The third big problem is DMA. The idea that the peripherals see raw address space and can read and write to it dates from the early days of minicomputers, when it required fewer transistors to do it that way. Mainframes had "channels", which connected peripherals to memory in a controlled, secure way. You could take full control of a peripheral on an IBM mainframe, run a driver as a user program, and still not be able to crash the system. With channelized I/O, drivers aren't as privileged. They can only mess up their own peripheral, not the whole system. This improves system stability considerably. IBM tried to put channelized hardware in PCs, but at the same time, they tried to increase their profit margins on peripherals. This killed the IBM PS/2.
Fourth, Microsoft likes a complicated OS. Ballmer has said so publicly. If PCs came with channelized hardware and a microkernel in ROM, the OS would have far less to do, and would be more of a commodity. There'd be alternatives, like KDE and Gnome on Linux, all of which ran the same applications. Standardized interprogram communication, enforced by the kernel and hardware, would make components more pluggable. All this would dent the Microsoft monopoly severely.
Down at the bottom, at the foundations of personal computers, those are the problems. And that's why software sucks.
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2, Insightful)
People don't know what they want.
The secondary reason why software sucks:
The "marketing" department.
Put the two together and you get the "office paperclip".
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2)
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2)
C++ is nothing like C. Chuckle.
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2)
The alternative to C is not Java, it's
assembly. In the absence of C the situation
would be profoundly worse. So you've seen
a few misapplications of C. That hardly
justifies an indictment of the language itself.
> The second big problem is weak interprocess
> communication.
Solaris Doors are really cool. They allow you
to call into another user-space process. But
I disagree in part. Even if I were to accept
that RPC is the primary function of IPC -- which
I don't: although the importance of RPC has
grown over the years most of the bytes going over
IPC are raw data flow, even today --
network-transparency requires that the RPC be
implemented over an I/O layer. Really, the
only reason anyone uses local domain sockets
is to pass capabilities! Besides which, there
are plenty of RPC APIs on top of network I/O.
How could their implementation model be impacting
the quality of software so negatively as to
merit being in your quirky list?
UNIX is partly responsible for this. Interprocess communication was retrofitted to UNIX in several different ways, most of them bad. The basic problem is that what you usually want is a subroutine call, but what the OS gives you is an I/O operation. If you build a subroutine call on top of an I/O operation, (think Sun RPC, or CORBA) it's slow. This leads to big, monolithic programs that crash all at once, instead of little, intercommunicating ones that contain the damage caused by a bug. It doesn't have to be this way. Take a look at QNX to see this done right.
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2)
While C pointers are the bane of undergrads and junior programmers world wide, the resulting bugs are squashed quickly in production environments. Most of the big, hairy, bugs are both more mundane and more subtle: complex and misunderstood 'business logic', inadequately tested reporting and summarization routines, databases without any consitency checking, and incorrectly implemented multi-threaded systems.
Some of these problems can be laid at the feet of the implementation languages, but most of them are the fault of hasty, clumsy programming, regardless of language. Some can also be laid at the foot of the client/contractor interface: the client only has a vague idea of what they want, and the contractors are more interested in not antagonizing the client with too many questions than producing usable specs. Lets not even consider the problem of who to bill for properly maintaind developer documentation.
Weak inter-process communication isn't a problem, it's a feature! The best way to build reliable, maintainable systems is with loosely coupled processes that exchange data through simple file-like streams. Then, when something fails, you can remove the misbehaving part, without disrupting the rest of the system, and examine the intermediate files to diagnose the problem.
In fact, one of the worst culprits in the modern software rogues gallery is the database, precisely because it strengthens the coupling between all parts of the system. Sophisticated IPC tools, that make IPC look just like a function call, result in brittle, opaque systems that can't be easily maintained or diagnosed.
DMA and device drivers are only the concern of a very small fraction of programmers. Most of those programmers who do have to deal with such things, however, are well able to manage any of the resulting complexities.
I/O channels are nice, I admit, but their lack is not a fatal flaw. Perfectly stable systems can be built on simple interrupt or DMA driven architectures.
The lack of channelized hardware or an in-ROM micro-kernel is not why we don't have a comoditized OS on Intel PCs. In fact, we do have comoditized OS's: Linux, the BSDs, Solaris etc. are all adequate counter examples. However, Microsoft has managed to manipulate the market in order to marginalize any significant competition. The fault is entirely a political/economic one which cannot be addressed technologically.
Inappropriate Abstraction Methods (Score:2)
Re:Why software sucks (Score:1)
Compare it to building say a treehouse, that will be easier given good tools, but is your design looks like flying carpet, you will never get a treehouse, no matter what tools you use. But is the design is allright you might even manage to build a treehouse with your bare hands...
Re:Why software sucks (Score:2)
And so does everyone else. Linux and OS X are in the same complexity ballpark. You could argue that Linux is simpler than Windows, but that's like saying that a 747 is simpler than a 777.
When you look at what people are doing on systems without operating systems--take a look at Grand Theft Auto 3 on the PlayStation 2--then it makes you wonder.
Re:Why software sucks (Score:1)
And so before bashing the language which simply is responsible for virtually all of the technology we have, realize that using a different language will not make software better. A good design will be good design, regardless of the language. A bad design may result in an average program, but will more than likely result in an extrememly bad program. Java, I don't know why you considered C++ on par with it,simply protects the programmer from him/herself. If the programmer/designer cannot be relied on to provide a good design, then they should not be employed.
Mathematica Envy (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Mathematica Envy (Score:1)
Re:Mathematica Envy (Score:2, Funny)
send him some plutonium; that should do it
Wind turbine towers? (Score:2)
Re:Wind turbine towers? (Score:1)
These tubular steel towers reach heights of about 100 m (99m is the highest I've seen so far, on the DEWI [www.dewi.de] test field).
In the olden days, lattice towers were used quite frequently (see all the old machine forests eg on San Gorgognio or Altamont passes). Nowadays, the nicer aesthetics plus the possibility to put the electrical gear inside has nearly completely replaced them. However, for getting significantly higher than 100m, they might be much more cost-effective (I've seen one 114m lattice tower wedged in a forest - yes, it's a stupid idea).
Plug of the day: If you're really interested in wind energy, try windpower.dk [windpower.dk]. This will tell you everything you wanted to know, and then some.
George Lazenby contributes elements? (Score:1)
Re:Tube amp in a car. (Score:1)
It's just new to the kids among us
Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes. Plenty.
The car radio was not invented with the transistor. Motorola, who was originally founded to make "Motor Victrolas", ie. car audio, branched into semiconductors almost as soon as it was seen that they had practical aspects in car radios.
In the beginning, car radios had tubes. Tubes require filament power as well as the power and B+ power. The parallel would be a transistor radio which needs a 9V battery (main power) to power the radio and a whole bunch of 1.5V D cells (filament power) to keep the transistors warm enough to work.
The filaments of appropriate tubes will run happily off 12V, but they still need something from about 90V to 250V for main power (known as B+ or plate supply). Back then, cars ran off 6V or 12V electrical systems, and this had to provide sufficient voltage for the radio. Before transistors and switching power supplies, there was only one way: the vibrator.
Sexual references aside, a vibrator is basically a relay wired to break its circuit when it's turned on. The raspy buzz chopped a circuit on and off, which made DC from the car's electrical system into a pulsetrain which drove a small transformer. The transformer stepped up the voltage and it was rectified in the usual way for the era: a small recifier tube. Of course, this was highly inefficient and noisy.
Never mind that the car radio would take several amps while it was on, and these were in the days before alternators. Less efficient generators and battery technology meant that leaving the radio on for too long while in traffic would run down the battery to the point where the ignition system stopped - and so did you.
Durability was another issue. Tubes are held in their sockets by friction, and would have a tendency to vibrate out of their sockets, making the radio fail. The "loctal" base was invented to deal with this. It was a base design where the tube's keyway was notched and would hold the tube with a spring on the base. They're a pain in the ass since they always corrode in the locked position and you often break the tube trying to get it out of the socket.
Tubes are basically light bulbs with a whole bunch of closely-spaced wires, grids and sheetmetal electrodes. If they move relative to each other, the electrical characteristics of the tube change - and therefore so does the behavior of the radio. This effect is called "microphonics". Not to mention vibration fatigue causing shorts, cracked glass and vacuum loss, etc. Tubes don't like vibrations. If don't believe me, hit your monitor a few times.
While I love tubes, a car stereo is about the last place they belong.
On this site you can see what a 1930s car radio looked like [rogersattic.com]. Note that the radio was too large to fit in the dashboard and often ended up in the passenger's footwell. A "control head" was a set of remote volume and tuning knobs on the dashboard; they were usually connected by a cable arrangement similar to speedometer or bicycle brake cables.
Background? I collect and restore antique TV sets and 1960s/1970s musclecars. Lots of my friends are into 1930s and 1940s cars, and often get me to fix their vintage tube car radios so that the full experience of driving a car of that era can be preserved.
Sterephile reports about the Panasonic CQ-TX5500D(link to Japanese site) car stereo that uses a vaccuum tube, with analog vu-meters. It also plays mp3 files 8-) Naturally, this is for the Japan market only."Even with a modern DC-DC converter powering the B+ circuit, what a profoundly stupid idea.
While I really like the fact that it plays MP3s, this is just more stuff for homiez with gold chains, small cars, and smaller penises.
Can't wait until "Da Bass" people get their hands on this. A car stereo which can bounce quarters on the roof of the car will be more than sufficient to make the tube microphonic. Feedback between the subs and the tube will result in blown subs, toasted amplifiers, and no more din of license plates rattling on every rusting 1984 Prelude at every traffic light.
Re:Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:1)
Re:Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:4, Funny)
But nothing sounds better than a tube system warming up much like a 2.3T revving up to 7Krpm yes they both make me weak in the knees
Feh. 2.3L. Talk to me when you can afford to gas up a real man's car.
440 cubic inches. Conventionally-aspirated Detroit iron. 7.2L of V8 power, and it propels my 4,000lb 1976 Dodge Ram down the 1/4 mile in 13.8 seconds. 12.8 seconds when I take the crushed Honda Accord out of the back.
2.3L. Sheesh. If I stomp on my gas pedal, I'll suck the block right out of your little front-wheel-drive wimpmobile and get it stuck in my air filter.
Well personally I think tubes do belong in the car radio. They have a much more richer and reboust sound to me and yes i can tell the differenceSure you can. Absolutely. What's the cause of the richer and more robust sound?
Hey, as a self-proclaimed vacuum tube expert ready to tell me all about why tubes are so well suited to a vibration-prone environment, why don't you solve a lifelong mystery for me and tell me what the filament voltage of a 50C5 is?
Or regale the readers of Slashdot with a gripping explanation of how there's *one* tube in the car radio, but presumably it carries audio for left and right (two distinct) channels.
but the point must be taken lightly because like you said a car is a hunk of stealYup. One of the pillars of a good sound system - and chief benefits of a tube preamplifier - is a low noise floor. That's kinda hard to achieve with tire noise, suspension noise, transmission noise, differential noise, wind noise and exhaust noise all conspiring to make your car a noisy place. At least 40dB in the quietest luxury car. In order to achieve signal to noise ratio of 100 (the S/N of a $200 CD player) inside your car, your stereo system would have to be somewhat louder than a Saturn V rocket at take-off. Do the math... if you can.
Re:Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:2, Informative)
The tube is a twin triode.
Re:Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:2)
The tube is a twin triode.
Of course it is. Elements look too small to be a 12AX7 or a 12AU7. I think it's a 12AT7.
Could actually be a twin tetrode, pentode or any number of amplifying tubes, but the 9-pin miniature base (instead of a compactron) was a dead giveaway.
The questions were entirely for the benefit of the child with the poor spelling and grammar.
The filament voltage of a 50B5 is very easy, since you didn't jump at that one. American tubes conform to a standard numbering system and the 50B5/50C5 (which did I choose again?) were some of the most common tubes, produced in the millions for "All American Five" (5-tube, series-filament, AC/DC-power, inexpensive and reliable) table radios. It's not a difficult, obscure or exceptional tube; in fact, probably one of the easiest. If you knew the twin triode, you already know the answer.
Re:Vacuum Tubes in Cars - Car Radios in the 1940s. (Score:2, Interesting)
Your 440 cid engine was rated at 225 HP @4000rpm and 330 lb/feet torque @2400 rmp in 1976.
Your truck weight a little over 4000 lb.
Putting that into the cartest software (with a 3 speed automatic) gives a 1/4 mile time of 16.7s.
To obtain the number you gave, 12.8s, would require you to have a MUCH more powerful engine, and at least drag slicks.
Now, let's take a 2.3l turbo engine, say in a Merkur Xr4Ti (american version of the ford sierra). It put out 170hp, and it can do 16s on the 1/4 mile. And that's an old 80's car.
Explain to me then how can you claim such numbers. Can I see a time slip, a video, some way to calculate this?
Understand me, I love big engines and the sound of a 400+ cid car shredding it's tires at the red light...
Muscle cars are quick, but when you compare them to the modern cars, they tend to show their age. A modern Nissan Altima with it's 260Hp 3.5l V-6 can outrun a lot of old muscle cars... and it's a family sedan. Or take the small 5 liter engine in a BMW M5, 400hp!!!
It's just the technology improving year after year. I would love to see what a modern engine with 440 cid could spit out, 700hp? It would be a blast (and maybe a little dangerous) to drive.
(and your are welcome to correct my spelling, english is my second language)
Re:Your 7.4L Dodge, VS. My 2.3L SLK... (Score:2)
I would waste you so fast, it would be almost a waste of my time. Not only could I beat you in the 1/4 mile, I could beat you in the turns, and in endurance. Just because you have a bigger engine, doesnt mean you are better in any way.
Your MacPherson struts make up for my handicap of a longer wheelbase and greater mass. You probably wouldn't outhandle and outsteer me as well as you think you would. Note that I'll take the bale of hay or the crushed Honda Accord out of the back before the event.
Four wheel disk brakes might be your advantage. Even if they're tiny and cute and motorcycle-sized. You might want to check www.rockauto.com, look up my truck, and see what my brakes are like. My rear drums are on the 9.25" axle. You should be able to look up my drum diameter and width from that. Unloaded, with modern tires, the truck stops quickly. I've driven a variety of performance cars (and I don't define a Honda Civic with tinted windows as a performance car). It doesn't stop as quickly as those, but it's *quite* respectable.
Rear-wheel-drive is my advantage. Ask yourself why legitimate performance cars of any era are universally rear-wheel-drive.
Displacement doesn't matter? Given that power is created by burning gasoline in air, and that the amount of gasoline you can burn stoichiometically is limited by how much air you can get into the motor, I'd think that increasing the displacement would be one of the most effective ways of increasing the power of an internal combustion engine. Maybe the laws of physics and chemistry apply differently wherever you are.
So, while you are still driving your pentacle of inefficiency, I will be near the finish line, WINNING!Uh-huh.
Stoplight to stoplight confrontations are essentially what? Drag racing.
What do they drive on TNN's NHRA coverage? 4-cylinder front-wheel-drive smegmamobiles or large-displacement rear-wheel-drive long-wheelbase railcars? Hmmm... More like my truck than your car, isn't it?
The astute will even watch NHRA Today looking for those large V8s where the spark plug leads go through the valve covers. That's the legendary Chrysler Hemi. The Hemi and my 440 are rather close relatives, sharing most of the same geometries and many parts.
Your 2.3L motor probably shares most of its geometry with a minivan.
Re:full experience of driving a car of that era (Score:2, Funny)
When you've been developing it for 15 years (Score:2)
Theo has been a key member of the Mathematica development team since day one.
Early on he was looking at defining its graphical user interface using Mathematica itself, and it isn't all that far from GUI to Web site and book [wolframscience.com] design.