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Comment Re:Instead of complaints, we need answers (Score 1) 338

Only question 1 relevant, unless by "majority" you meant "most money".
Even the Pope has spoken out against this kind of thing, as on effort to oppress poorer people.

Than being said, the solution is to label this kind of actions for what it is, stand with the Pope ( I'm NOT Catholic ), get other religious leaders to understand and see is as an effort to oppress and control people. This discussion needs to be taken to religious groups, because that's where the majority of people begin to think about and discuss moral issues.

There no use trying to convince the intellectuals, they already understand the dangers and have been speaking out against them. They have also been largely ignored for decades.

I know this goes against the general slashdot-geek philosophy but this is class warfare and war makes strange bedfellows.

Comment A more generalized but equally accurate headline (Score 1) 421

Fox new brings (_Topic_of_your_choice_) Debate to a new Low.

Summary: Fox News collected information from various experts and opinionists on the (_Topic_of_your_choice_) then choses to only air the information about (_Topic_of_your_choice_) from the opinionists who opinions on (_Topic_of_your_choice_) that closely match Fox News running narrative. Surprisingly all other research, studies and statistics were curtly summed up and presented as "... unsurprising theres are some studies 'out there' which can be contrived to present a different viewpoint ...". This is apparently done to maintain the "Fair and Balanced" integrity of Fox News.

Comment Re:Words (Score 1) 156

So and up stream ISP took some action to take these server off the internet.
  So did they
    A. Cut the tubes leading to zeus
    B. clog the tube with something
    C. install a calve on the tube

Cause if they didn't (A) cut the tube, won't zeus be able to pump stuff into the internet again by (B) having their internet tube cleaned or (C) have someone walk out to the curb and turn the valve back on?


P.S. could we flush a tube-bursting bomb down zeus's tube and reall shut them down for good

Comment Horray for the RIAA (Score 1) 439

First off I do not work for the RIAA.

America needs to wake up and realize the damage these PIRATES are doing to the economy. If they cannot pay the fines then they should be imprisoned for the equivalent number of years it would take for them to have earned the amount of money required for their fine.

In this case it is a simple calculation: Average Hourly wage in US: $18.46 (
Fine: $80,000 per song * 24 = $1.92 million
Jail time: ($80,000 * 24 songs) / $18.46 per hour
                      4334 days or 11.87 years in prison

Obviously America does not understand the vast natural resource and source of wealth music represents.

Lets take a look quick look at just on source of music distribution, the iTunes store.

As of February 2008 Apple has sold over 4 billion songs ( we know that the legal value of each digital copy those songs to be worth $80,000.
That is 320 trillion dollars worth of goods people, since just April of 2003 !!!!
Now consider that a song is copyright protected for the lifespan of the artist plus 150 years (let round that to 180 years). Now lets look at the math again.
Yearly value: $320 trillion / 5 years = $64 trillion per year
Value of the music that existed on February 2008 over the life of the copyright:
$64 trillion * 180 years = $11.52 quadrillion dollars

An that would be if no new songs were recorded over the next 180 years.

How important is that number?
Well in 2008 the GDP of the world was a paltry $69.49 trillion. (CIA fact book, all amounts are in USD) Which means that one can safely say that the value of music that existed Feburary 2008 is worth more than the sum of the GDP of the WORLD over the last 200+ years.
Not that the RIAA needs to brag, but evidently the music industry was responsible for the lion's share of the Worlds GDP in 2008.

Now you can understand just how much of a threat piracy is.


"Anonymous" Hacks Palin's Private Email 1733

netbuzz writes "'Anonymous,' best known for its jousts with Scientology, has apparently hacked Sarah Palin's private Yahoo email account. Contents, including sample emails, an index, and family photos, have been posted by Wikileaks, which calls them evidence that the GOP vice presidential candidate has improperly used private email to shield government business from public scrutiny." Note that there is no easy way to tell if the material on Wikileaks is genuine or a hoax. Update by J : Genuine.

Submission + - Free global virtual scientific library

An anonymous reader writes: More than 20,000 signatures, including several Nobel prize winners and 750 education, research, and cultural organisations from around the world came together to support free access to government funded research, "to create a freely available virtual scientific library available to the entire globe. The European Commission responded by committing more than $100m (£51m) towards facilitating greater open access through support for open access journals and for the building of the infrastructure needed to house institutional repositories that can store the millions of academic articles written each year. From the BBC article: "Last month five leading European research institutions launched a petition that called on the European Commission to establish a new policy that would require all government-funded research to be made available to the public shortly after publication. That requirement — called an open access principle — would leverage widespread internet connectivity with low-cost electronic publication to create a freely available virtual scientific library available to the entire globe." Isn't this the way its suppose to be?

Submission + - Big 'Ocean' Discovered Beneath Asia

anthemaniac writes: Seismic observations reveal a huge reservoir of water in Earth's mantle beneath Asia. It's actually rock saturated with water, but it's an ocean's worth of water ... as much as is in the whole Arctic Ocean. How did it get there? A slab of water-laden crust sank, and the water evaporated out when it was heated, and then it was trapped, the thinking goes. The discovery fits neatly with the region's heavy seismic activity and fits neatly with the idea that the planet's moving crustal plates are lubricated with water.

Submission + - Windows Genuine Advantage gets more lenient

Troglodyte writes: Microsoft is revamping its Windows Genuine Advantage program so that it generates fewer false positives. WGA now has a third category besides "genuine and "not genuine," called "not sure." From the article: "While Microsoft has not responded to requests for comment, it's quite obvious what is going on here: Microsoft has added 'not sure' as a way of cutting down on the number of false positives associated with WGA. As many as one in five PCs were failing WGA checks, but this new setting should both reduce this and give Microsoft the chance to investigate further the kinds of things that are landing folks in the 'not sure' category."

Feed Calif. Stem-Cell Group Wins Suit (

An appeals court upholds the state's $3 billion stem-cell research effort. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine will distribute $80 million in grants this month. In Bodyhack.


British Government Comes Out Against 'Pure' Software Patents 91

uglyduckling writes "The British Government has issued a response to a recent petition calling for 'the Prime Minister to make software patents clearly unenforcible'. The answer is reassuring but perhaps doesn't go far enough, and gives no specific promises to bring into line a patent office that grants software patents (according to the petition) 'against the letter and the spirit of the law'. The Gowers Review that it references gives detailed insight into the current British position on this debate, most interestingly recommending a policy of 'not extending patent rights beyond their present limits within the areas of software, business methods and genes.'"

New Sub Dives To Crushing Depths 245

University of Washington Scientists are reporting that they have a new autonomous underwater vehicle that increases both the attainable depth and duration of deployment over current submersibles. Weighing in at just under 140 pounds, the "Deepglider" is able to stay out to sea for up to a year and hit depths of almost 9,000 feet. "Deepglider opens up new research possibilities for oceanographers studying global climate change. The glider's first trip revealed unexpected warming of water near the ocean floor, and scientists are interested in studying whether the temperatures are related to global warming."

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Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
