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Comment Re:IOT is a massive threat to national security... (Score 1) 26

well sure there's a downside, but look on the bright side (dadum dadum deedum dadum;-) here's a modest proposal:

all ECUs control the fuel/air mixture in realtime, so when the air contains unburned hydrocarbons, the ecu knows, as does anyone who has been coal-rolled or when followed an un-smogged muscle car or more frequently a chipped performance car...smell ya L8r-\ and don't forget _all_ cars spewed u.h.c. when we boomers were growing up:-( the rust-belt heavy-metal childhood exposure goes a long ways in explaining cult45)-: but i digress...

so in the future, as more cars have cameras for lane-detection/autopilot/etc, when the ecu sniffs that sh!t, use the uplink to send the data & image to the epa, extract all lic.plates & when the same car shows up in enough reports, impound the stinker!-)

Comment Re: our entire civilization is built around them (Score 1) 113

in the year of our ford 119 it will take some time to unwind that design decision (not that it was consciously decided)-/
a good start would be to require new drivers not only be able to parallel park, but also pass the moose test
that would certainly increase the demand for public transportation;-)

Comment Re:Version 0 is always the most recent. (Score 2) 283

ah, yes, the VAX legacy;-) i remember those daze fondly:-) layered logicals, automatic versioning...VMS was noted as a developer's environment, so much that the commies copied it;-)

i had just started on my 1st unix project: CCATS configuration control & tracking system (it did neither;-) and made the greatest of my many CLMs:

the project manager was droning on in an orientation meeting, in a warm, dark room, on a friday, after lunch...i was just nodding off when i heard him say: the latest version is 0, and the previous version zero is renamed 1, and so on...all references of course had to b updated as well!-}

i snapped out of my nod & exclaimed: what moron came up with THAT?!?!?
the p.m. of course;-) somehow i kept my job...

but thanx, i'll check out duplicati

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