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Jacuzzi with 42'' Plasma TV 272

[RNP]Venom writes "Now this is cool. Jacuzzi has a new "private" collection for people with too much money. Only question is do you prefer this Whirlpool Tub with a 42'' Plasma TV, DVD, and all the trimmings, or a more subtle tub with a 10'' screen, but jets that can do 30 Gallons per minute? Things like floating remote controls and underwater lightning are also included. Now all you'd have to do is mod the tub with a computer and wireless internet, and you'd never have to leave!"
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Jacuzzi with 42'' Plasma TV

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  • Lightning? (Score:4, Funny)

    by hatter3bdev ( 533135 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:46PM (#3665718)
    underwater lightning

    The rich always have it so good....
  • "Things like floating remote controls and underwater lightning are also included."

    Underwater lightning? No wonder these things cost so much, the liability insurance must be insane.
  • Can't imagine sitting in a jacuzzi for over 2 hours watching a movie... you'd come out looking like a raisin.

    • Ahh... but then you have to purchase Dilbert's depruner :-)
    • Not only that, unless you set temp at 98 degrees, it isn't good for you. I own a hot tub and it says never to stay in longer than 1 hour if the tub is over 102 degrees. I had a new year's party with a few close friends (my hot tub holds 8 people, or 10 if you get cozy) and we stayed in for a couple of hours with it on 100 degrees. In addition to feeling like we had drank WAY more champagne than we did, we were all almost catatonic when we got out. It relaxed us so much it was hard to motivate our muscles to move afterwards. But hey, it was all worth it, it was a great new year.
  • "and you'd never have to leave"

    Ok, maybe you never have to leave, but I do like clean water.

    And, the occasional bodily outlets might clutter up those 30-gallon-minute pipes...

    However, the whole setup does look gooooood...

    -- Tino Didriksen / Project JJ [projectjj.dk]
  • by delta407 ( 518868 ) <{moc.xahjfrel} {ta} {todhsals}> on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:51PM (#3665733) Homepage
    "I can see it now: 'Pink raisin found in tub, boy's whereabouts unknown'"

    Think about how wrinkly you'd get after watching a movie in it.
  • by Trinity-Infinity ( 91335 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:51PM (#3665735) Homepage
    Well, shoot. If it's not THX-Certified [thx.com] or doesn't carry the SDDS [sdds.com] trademark for a superior listening experience, it's just not the Jacuzzi Enterntaiment Center I'm looking for :P
    • Well, shoot. If it's not THX-Certified [thx.com] or doesn't carry the SDDS [sdds.com] trademark for a superior listening experience, it's just not the Jacuzzi Enterntaiment Center I'm looking for :P

      Expect to see in a few months:

      "/. reader mods home stereo systems, makes Jacuzzi THX certified"


      Actually just setting the speakers back a bit and using an external receiver.
    • How's it going to be THX certified with a loud "blub blub blub blub blub" going constantly?

      Dave :)
  • Freakin great until your kids jump in there one day and put their damn foot through your $20,000 TV set...

    Bah :-)..

  • safety issues? (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Water and high-voltage electronics (eg, TVs) don't mix well in general -- have they found a solution?
    • Water and high-voltage electronics (eg, TVs) don't mix well in general -- have they found a solution?

      Dude, public swimming pools use lighting, and pumps, and so forth.

      You see, it is something call INSULATION. Rubber, silicon, whatever.

      That and the screen isn't IN the Jacuzzi's water, it is mounted on a pedestal that is at reasonable viewing height.


      Now if you went through the trouble of getting out a high powered saw of some sort, taking the Plasma screen off of its mounting, sanded away the surrounding panels got to the wires, dropped THOSE in the water, turned on the power;

      then yah, you MIGHT have a safety issue.

      But if you go through all of that trouble either:

      A: You should be aware that a toaster would be a bit easier to implement and just about as effective


      B: Whoever you are trying to kill is going to notice the big ass mess and that their 42inch Plasma TV is split wide open.
    • Are flat-screen plasma sets high-voltage? They're nothing compared to tube TVs, that's for sure
  • by PhantomHarlock ( 189617 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:52PM (#3665741)
    ...watch pr0n while you make pr0n!
  • by bravehamster ( 44836 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:53PM (#3665744) Homepage Journal
    Things like floating remote controls and underwater lightning are also included.

    Now, is it just me, or does the phrase "underwater lightning" send images into your brain of tons of rich people floating dead on the surface of their new hottub?

    • God, this is like the fith post to the effect of underwater lighting is dangerous. For Christ's sake, I have been in plenty os swimming pools with underwater lighting, and not feared for my life. The make friggen glass walkways way up in the air (I admit that scared me shitless at first but I got over it). Airplane windows are plenty strong.

      Maybe your'e all too jealous about it (I know I am), but say something about the pink raisin's, the lighting thing just isn't funny.
    • Now, is it just me, or does the phrase "underwater lightning" send images into your brain of tons of rich people floating dead on the surface of their new hottub?

      No, it reminds me of "ball lightning," which naturally occurs at certain private moments but can leave a disgusting film on the side...
  • Are they free as in beer, or as in freedom?
  • I'm still trying to get a waterproof phone. A waterproof cordless would be useful for the hot tub, and a Sprint-compatible cellular for carrying around.
    • You could try nokia 5210. [nokia.com] It's not marketed as waterproof but sure comes close. As a plus you can also throw it against a concrete wall and expect it to survive without damage. I believe it is gsm only so no sprint with this phone.. If you want real waterproof just get a waterproof cover. Lots of people into boating etc. have those.
    • Where you gonna clip it?

      nonononOOOO OUCH!
  • Hrm. (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by SkewlD00d ( 314017 )
    I saw this thing on TV at some rich $!@#'s house, probably on "Lifestyles of the megalorich and bored fux0r$"
  • Obviously these were created by someone who was a serious Douglas Adams fan.

  • by handsomepete ( 561396 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @02:59PM (#3665778) Journal
    Now all you'd have to do is mod the tub with a computer and wireless internet, and you'd never have to leave!

    Good thing that the NHP 200NC "case" [g-news.ch] floats (although not completely waterproof)... might destroy the look, though. Now if only I could fit this thing into my parent's basement... oh yeah, and could afford it.
  • I think someone got confused, shurely Designed exclusively for individuals with the most discerning taste should read: Designed exclusively for individuals with the most money.
  • by doorbot.com ( 184378 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @03:03PM (#3665796) Journal
    If you have a lot of money to throw around on products such as this, at least use some common sense...

    Designed exclusively for individuals with the most discerning taste

    This is the first line of the description of the product. This can be generally translated as follows:

    "Created for, and sold to, people who think 'If it's expensive, it's good and therefore I need it.'"

    Anything that suggests you have "discerning taste" when you buy it is just trying to lighten your wallet.

    Everyone knows that when you're filthy rich you have everything custom built (and engineered).

  • As the captain in the HitchHiker's Guide said after spending three years in theub, "One is never alone when one is with his rubber ducky."
  • I don't know about you, but I'd much rather not sit in and have to use a toilet bowl large enough to hold several people.
  • Jacuzzi has a new "private" collection for people with too much money.

    I always thought that was what Athlon 2100s [slashdot.org] were for.

  • Now I know why Bill Gates is trying to keep his monopoly going. The perks are great. Now if I could only move out of my parents basement...heheehe
  • Now all you'd have to do is mod the tub with a computer and wireless internet, and you'd never have to leave!

    Don't forget a water filter...

    • Don't forget a water filter...
      Or something. If CT really *would* never leave the tub, he's better have something more effective than just a filter. Maybe he'd just change out the water a lot...
  • Now all you'd have to do is mod the tub with a computer and wireless internet, and you'd never have to leave!"
    Anyone except me find it disturbing that a geek would rank Internet access over sanitation facilities?...
    • I tend to use the internet while in the sanitation facilities more often than I don't.

      In case you wanted to know, I'm using my toilet while writing this post.

      Yep, thought you did :)
  • But why would anyone want this ? I mean, if you want to watch TV, watch it. If you want to go in the hot-tub, do that, but I see no reason to combine the two activities.

    It seems like this would detract from the enjoyment of a movie (you would get cold and wet) and of the jacuzzi (you could not concentrate on the experience because of the damn movie).

    I know there are a lot of rich geeks out there, but surely they will not be taken in by this, will they ?

    • It seems like this would detract from the enjoyment of a movie (you would get cold and wet)

      Uh, Jacuzzi, heated. This isn't a bathtub with a Plasma screen, it is a Jacuzzi

      and of the jacuzzi (you could not concentrate on the experience because of the damn movie).

      Being relaxed is being relaxed, and it all depends on the movie. Sure watching a horror / action flic may not be best for this, but a quiet romantic movie would be just perfect for time with your SO.

      I know there are a lot of rich geeks out there, but surely they will not be taken in by this, will they ?

      Me and my friends are already drooling over it. ^_^
    • You woudln't get cold, you use warm/hot water.

      Secondly. it's for PORN YOU MORON. Why do you think its seats two?

  • "and you'd never have to leave"

    That would definitely give new meaning to "stinking rich"!

  • we can have porn stars watching porn while making porn, and not have to leave the jacuzzi.
  • Junk News (Score:1, Troll)

    by Corvus9 ( 300802 )
    "Now this is cool"!? How on Earth is this "News for Nerds" or "Stuff that Matters"?

    Is VA so hard up it's resorting to advertorializing for totally worthless junk?

    Oh, and if you think the rich actually buy crap like this, do yourself a favor and read The Millionaire Next Door [nytimes.com]. Most millionaires would never say something like this is "cool".

  • OK, so I don't REALLY want one, but I do wish I had enough money that I could waste $20K on one of these.
  • I happened to meet someone selling these the other day at my work. Told me they cost about 30k$ and they sell about 12 a year(at least his place does). Apparently his latest install was to a football players house.
    Wish i could afford one.
  • Question... (Score:2, Interesting)

    Who really needs a 42" plasma screen and surround sound to watch porn in a hot tub?
  • Priceless.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by lowy ( 91366 )

    Antique clawfoot tub............$450
    CD of the Wiener Philharmoniker playing Mozart's Requiem ........$ 22
    A dozen or so candles $.....6

    Time soaking in the tub *away* from video screens.... Priceless

  • OMG!

    Not even when "emergency" occurs ?


    Thats usually first sign of a forming fetish ... =)

  • If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you can jacuzziteleconference with.

    Jesus [jesus.com] needs one of these.
  • A wise man once said:

    He who has too many gadgets along with his hot tub deserves to be electrocuted.

  • ...as a buyable object for my Sims game. They can increase their hygiene and their fun meters! (Well, okay, so they can already using a normal hot tub, but this way they could do it faster!)

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