Ghost in the Shell 2, Matrix Revisted, Daft Punk 123
NeoCode sends tons of juice starting with "Ghost in the Shell creator, Masamune Shirow, has talked about a sequel to GITS in a recent interview. The director of the original is working on GITS2.
The Matrix Revisted is essentially a prequel to the original Matrix movie. My guess is that the anime story might be along the lines of the Matrix comics that are on their website. Anyways, here are some tidbits about the Matrix anime.
And lastly, CartoonNetwork has a interviewed Daft Punk about their anime video and their anime" I saw the Daft Punk (as well as all 3 Gorillaz!) videos on Toonami last friday. Had to immediately hit Cheap CDs and buy the album. (Yes, I'm buying CDs again. I ended my boycott now that Napster battle is over) I thought it was just Gap commercial soundtracks, but those are sweet videos.
Re: EXACTLY! (Score:1)
Re: EXACTLY! (Score:1)
Re:Nothing much (Score:2, Interesting)
The Napster battle is over? (Score:2, Troll)
Sorry to flame our mighty mentors here, but I really think Slashdot would do better if there was not personal commentary on story headlines. Most of the valid complaints people have about this site is the biased or foolish comments added into the headlines. It is quite frustrating.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
1) Taco is referring to the RIAA boycott, and has given up (due to
2) Napster is shut down and he's too lazy to run gnutella to do his music piracy
Either way it's a nice way to start a flame war in the comments section, which seems to be all Taco's commentary seems to be good for
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Maybe before you spit out your opinion you'd like to watch the 2 *SEQUEL* video's by Daft Punk and the clips just might start making sense eh?
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:4, Troll)
Not buying CDs and piracy are two different things. You see, it would only be piracy if he didn't buy CDs, and then downloaded the music from the CDs anyway. What he's referring to is when many people in the /. crowd were boycotting the RIAA by refusing to buy their CDs -- just because you don't buy their CDs doesn't mean you're also illegally downloading MP3s in their place.
By your definition, anybody who doesn't own a CD player is a pirate, because since they aren't buying CDs, they must clearly be pirating them!
Just because CmdrTaco doesn't want to support an "organization" that he feels is bullying Napster doesn't mean he's using Napster illegally, or even at all. That's like saying that all people who support the Free Dmitry campaign are doing it because they're E-book pirates.
No (Score:2, Insightful)
One thing about
Instead, the editor is not boycotting the RIAA anymore because Napster has been shut down? Does that even make sense? It's a convenient boycott when you can get your music for free.
It's like saying that if Microsoft should come up with some (supposedly) uncrackable anti-piracy distribution of Windows, then he would end his "boycott" of MS products by actually buying the software instead of borrowing it from a friend. A boycott is a moral stance against some company or product because of some stance or issue they support. A boycott is not simply stealing things for free and saying it's for some moral reason.
I wonder how long it will take before the editors change the post again. It didn't used to be this way.
Re:No (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:No (Score:1)
Re:No (Score:2)
That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I find it hard to believe that CmdrTaco hasn't heard of any of the Napster alternatives (most to all of which haven't been neutered by the RIAA, yet). Hell, just doing a search on Gnutella brings up quite a number of Slashdot stories: []
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Just for the record, I go down to the store and buy a CD. I rip it to mp3. Then I take the CD back to the store. After that, I give out copies of the MP3's to all my friends.
If I could do it with DVD's I would, but I do not have that much space on my HDD to be ripping DVD with good quality.
There is no reason that this stuff should cost as much as it does, and there is no reason for the RIAA to be such ass holes.
Oh, one more thing. I ride a skateboard, so already I am a criminal.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
I'm not sure if this is accurate, but most stores stopped allowing returned media(including music, videos, software, etc) except for a direct exchange of a identical media. I guess its to combat piracy.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Yep. I don't know of any software or music stores that will give you credit or moneyback for an opened product.
An interesting note though: Barnes and Noble sells several software titles, as well a slew of boks with included cd's (often containing commercial/promotional software that would otherwise have to be paid for). Their return policy actually allows you to return the box (or book w/cd) even if it has clearly been opened. I guess they didn't think about it since they are in the bussiness of selling books. I'm sure it won't last long though...
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Denial is a very hard thing to hide.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:2)
2) Agreed
3) Please check out the reply by "pangur" which observes that they changed the article (presumably in response to my comment) to specify the word boycott. Thus, my original comment is now irrelevant.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
taco is just to stupid to realize his slip-up and to change it now would be an even greater omission.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:2, Insightful)
I've been using napster/gnutella/audiogalaxy to replace scratched tracks on CDs that i've already purchased.
I've used them to get copies of music I own on VINLY or TAPE.
I've downloaded MP3 samples from TV show themes, funny commercials, speeches, and public domain recordings, all from Napster.
There are plenty of non-infinging, fair uses for these file sharing technologies. Don't lump all of us into the "Pirate" Category.
(FWIW: Yeah, I'll admit it. I've d/led tracks I don't own, mostly for albums not available here in the U.S.. Make of that what you will.)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
You know that radio thing works quite well some time.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
I don't know where you live, but where I am the radio plays a lot of shitty music intersected with annoying ads for used car dealers.
I'll take peer2peer file sharing over that, thankyouverymuch.
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:1)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The Napster battle is over? (Score:2, Informative)
The boycott of the RIAA was a show of support for the napster community- who was getting shite from them for a long time- about a bunch of bollocks.
Indeed- piracy goes on on napster, but that's not the reason the boycott went on.
Napster battle? (Score:2, Troll)
So whats that for a comment?Is it necessary? Is this now a political tension of slashdot? You're admitting you used napster just of piracy?
Honestly I really broke one of my CD's and downloaded the mp3. Really honest I had bought it befor, so it was 100% legal.
Taco gives his impression of the way the humanity should tread musical values just as a side in brackets?
Pleh now why I am reading slashdot at all, for such smartass side-comments?
Re:why? (Score:1)
Taco... (Score:1)
come on man...
Taco is an RIAA love monkey (Score:2, Insightful)
So presumably you stopped buying CDs because the RIAA was picking on the little guy and you were showing your support by boycotting their products... but the RIAA won, so now you're going to suppot them again? What the hell kind of stance is that. I'm personally pretty displeased with the RIAA still. And the MPAA! You buying DVDs Taco? For shame... I personally have vowed never to support these tyrants again.
Daft Punk (Score:3, Troll)
BTW: The latest GAP ads are just a rip-off of the video for "Around the World" - directed by the great Michel Gondry.
Re:Daft Punk (Score:1)
Just curious, where are you coming up with this from? I saw nothing in the GAP commercial which would imply that it was a rip-off of anything, unless you count Juliette Lewis dancing to Daft Punk's music, with Daft Punk themselves. And since Juliette Lewis isn't in "Around the World", and the song is from a different CD entirely, that leaves only the group, which means you could claim it was a rip-off of any video they appeared in.
So why "Around the World"?
Manmachine Interface (Score:1, Offtopic)
The 3D rendering with the superimposed hand-drawn characters worked out well, and I think only he could have pulled it off to make them look good together.
I haven't even gotten half way through the book yet (I've just finished the full color pages in the first part), so I'm just touching on the appearance of artwork. It seems that Shirow has also expanded and fleshed out details of his vision of virtual navigations (the brain dives).
Needless to say, I highly recommend everyone to go get a copy! (Although, I'd recommend all of Shirow's work)
Re:Manmachine Interface (Score:1)
*points and laughs at american*
Free from encryption (Score:2)
I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was free of CDD encryption. Making it much easier to play on my Linux desktop. Any idea anyone if GITS 2 will also be CSS-free? I am certainly going to buy it, if it is.
Ghost in the Shell Manga is *not* the Anime!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
As a tremendous Masamune Shirow fan, I think it's really important to point out that the comic (which Shirow did) is very different than the movie (directed by Mamoru Oshi). Important because the interview is with Shirow, who wrote quite a different work than the movie.
Most scenes in the comic feature tiny personal tanks that have a shared AI called Fuchikomas... if you've seen the Playstation game, you'll know them. Also, Major Kusanagi is a practical joker, who has a rather crude sense of humor, goes in for quickie sex, and pisses off and is pissed off at her superiors. None of this is in the movie.
Of course, the ending and themes of "what is self when memory is fluid?" and "what makes a soul?" are explored in much more depth, with seriously long passages of text. I'm not saying it's comparable to Critique of Pure Reason, but it's an enjoyable philosophic entertainment. It's also full of classic Shirow detail in background art and sidebars and footnotes explaining the tech used and political structure of the organizations.
( BTW - ditto for "Battle Angel", which, in the comic form goes way way past anything in the OVAs, and I recommend to anyone who is a fan of Shirow ).
-- ... ungh ... Faygo, Mt. Dew, Ephedrine, Penguin Mints... Ahhh... no shower... heart fluttering... dying... "Oh, sure I'll jump in... I'll play Nod, and ally with John".
Evan, who has been up for 48 hours now at a LAN party.
Re:Free from encryption (Score:2, Informative)
The movie rights to MMI have already been obtained by Miramax. I'm sure their disc will have CSS, Macrovision, R1, RCE, and contact poison for anyone trying to mess with them.
Re:Free from encryption (Score:1)
Daft Punk music videos (Score:5, Informative)
I had originally heard that only the first four tracks from the album would be animated, but the fourth video (which I saw on Cartoon Network's 'Toonami' the other night) doesn't resolve anything. Has anyone heard for certain how much of the album will be animated?
The first three videos are available in RealVideo format from ''. The third video is my favorite.
I'd love to see QuickTime or MPEG versions of all four videos; anyone know if such is available?
Re:Daft Punk music videos (Score:1)
Re:Daft Punk music videos (Score:1)
Re:Daft Punk music videos (Score:1)
Not only are all 14 tracks from the album going to be animated, but they're going to release each track as a single. Not all of them are going to be full releases, though. For example, Aerodynamic (2nd track), and Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (4th track) were only released on vinyl.
In the interview, they mention that all the animation is "done", so now we have to wait while they drip-feed us new episodes of this masterpiece. I imagine one day we'll be able to buy a DVD with the whole thing.
True Intentions (Score:2, Flamebait)
There are people (I'm one of them) who ^might^ think that "hackers" are bad people like they are shown in the media. "Hackers" are the ones that come up with worms, virus toolkits, and remote exploits designed to make life miserable for others, and are generally dickheads. But after reading Slashdot for a few years, I realized that "hackers" can be legitamite people with legitamite concerns about copy protection, security holes, freedom of information, the centralization of power in one corporation in Redmond, the "fair use" provision in law, protecting the littlr guy against the big corporations, and other such issues.
These last few stories have shown your efforts in a new light.
We may think that lawyers are slimy because they sue for little reason hoping to fish for some settlement money. The reason the lawyer might give would be "I'm just protecting my rights", but under it all, it's for the money. It's disheartening to find out that the reason behind some supposed "civil rights" actions is merely greed in a socially acceptible form. It's frustrating to find out that the political party you support because they back a certain issue only back that issue so they can get more votes to promote a hidden agenda (Insert major party here). And it's frustrating to see a major player in the Linux news community admit in print that the reason they support "fair use" is to shield their illegal activity long enough to that they can get as many mp3s as they can.
Once you lose your credibility, it's hard to get back. Hardly anyone listens when it's said that Clinton pardoned Rich as a favor to Israel leader Barak, because they are used to seeing Clinton lie about other things. They assume the worst when it come to motive. Also, because the public feels that Condit has not been truthful and has been more concerned about reelection, he has already been tried in public opinion. Nothing he can say now will be seen on the context he may want it to be seen, even if it were sincere.
So what's the point of this comment?
Once you say, "Well, yeah, actually it was about getting music for free", when for MONTHS you have been saying otherwise, well, why should those who are not necessarily "hackers" see this site as anything but a fraud? Perhaps the real reason you want the DeCSS file propagated is as the first step to pirating DVDs? Perhaps the reason you want the DMCA overturned is because it stops people from cracking encryptions and giving away other people's material for free? You can say, "No, we want to view DVDs on Linux, and the DMCA is too broad", but it's hard to see your point of view when you admit that a previously held position was only held for greed.
I think that there is a good community here (then again, I browse at +2). I think that people here have things to say that don't get said many other places. And I think that for one of the admins to undercut one of your main messages just to put in an ad for says a lot more about this board than one hundred well meaning posters can ever do.
This comment might be redundant, but only because it takes a while to type.
Re:True Intentions (Score:1)
Are you stupid or just generally defective, Taco? (Score:2, Flamebait)
Ah, I see. Of course the battle is over! It must be. Because Fanning and company sold out like the little whores they are, we shall all now stop trading mp3's and gladly throw away our fair-use rights to music and literature. Please RIAA, saddle us with watermarks, encryption, and subscriptions! Please, publishers, lock us out of reading the books we bought and paid for! We don't mind. Because if CmdrTaco says the battle is over, then it must be so.
A quick apology... (Score:2)
So, apologies for the overly harsh wording of the title there. Wownt doowit n'mower.
The GITS legacy.. (Score:2, Insightful)
..doesnt really seem to exist. Sure, a couple of years back it was hailed as revolutionary and it was supposedly going to change the face of animation. But what has happened since then?
Anime itself has stalled with few of the newer flicks progressing beyond a minor foray from the tried and tested. When GITS was released, I would have expected that its sequel would one day extend a complete revolution, but instead I now look forward merely to a couple of hours of quality entertainment.
Sure, you could name Final Fantasy to prove that I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that a few years down the line, people will recall FF too as a really well-done movie instead of some kind of harbinger of a revolution in animation.
What a disappointment!
Napster? What about Felten? (Score:2)
Taco is my hero. Not.
Cowboy Bebop premiering tonight at midnight (Score:3)
Re:Cowboy Bebop premiering tonight at midnight (Score:1)
Re:Cowboy Bebop premiering tonight at midnight (Score:2)
Re:Cowboy Bebop premiering tonight at midnight (Score:1)
I bet Cartoon Network/Toonami will just skip the real first episode and show Stray Dog Strut. What I want to know is what they will do with characters like Gren and Vicious....
I doubt they'll show Gren's breasts, but I wonder how much of Vicious' violence we will see. (his coup d'etat comes to mind) Of course, I guess they could just cut out lots of episodes. =P That would be interesting, the Cowboy Bebop series w/o any of the 5 Vicious episodes.
Re:Cowboy Bebop premiering tonight at midnight (Score:1)
promos for Benop.
We in the west would have less of a problem
with the violence in general, and one of the
reasons it didn't air on Japanese TV was that
it came out during a backlash against volent
images in the media in general.
If they do choose to show it, it will give us
a good barometer of how they plan to deal with
the rest of the series.
Re:Just watched it! (Score:1)
All I can think of is maybe a shot with blood removed, and I swear the color of Abdul's afro just looked weird, but I haven't seen these episodes in a while so I could be wrong. Regardless, I must say I'm amazed it could air like this.
The only thing I really have to grip about is the TV 14 rating always being in the upper left corner. Does anyone else find this funny since the adult swim block tells kids under 17 that they can't watch?
I think the whole swim block thing is rather lame though, bring me Tom and the Absolution(is that his ship?) instead of old ladies in a pool being yelled at by a lifeguard anyday! Anyone else feel the same?
Re:Just watched it! (Score:1)
Buying CD's? (Score:2, Insightful)
(Yes, I'm buying CDs again. I ended my boycott now that Napster battle is over)
If you weren't buying CD's during the Napster battle, you're part of the reason Napster lost! Napster was a great resource for finding music, More often than not, I would find some obscure piece of music by one of my favorite artists , listen to the mp3 and then rush out and buy the cd. I would often also find more information on the people recording with these artists and end up buying more music by the people listed as working on the albums.
Now that Napster is gone, I'm finding the rate at which I discover and purchase new music is lessening because I don't have this wonderful database at my fingertips anymore.
The "I want everything computer related for free" crowd has really messed up my new music discovery process.
new daft punk vidoes (Score:1)
Around the World and Da Funk videos were just plain cool. Even though I have and enjoy the new cd, I was really disappointed when seeing the videos.
I could be wrong. After all I saw the Homework videos while I was in college and still got high. Maybe they just seemed better.
Don't know about anybody else... (Score:2)
Really, it hasn't been so hard. But then, I like classic rock and have never purchased a DVD in my life, so the tempatation to buy the "latest and greatest" is somewhat diminished.
You know, a fundamental component of capitalism is the right NOT to buy something. Until I can purchase their products with cash, instead of my freedom and soul, then I think I'll do without.
Thats it. (Score:2)
The Matrix Revisited (Score:2, Informative)
Cowboy Bebop airs tonight (Score:2)
Also check out this petition [] to get Disney to release some of Japan's greatest anime.
Victoria's secret (Score:1)
Matrix Revisited (Score:1)
On that note, is anybody actually considering buying it?
I love extras. I don't mind The Matrix's extras I got on the CD, but I can't justify paying for a DVD of just extras.
About the only other Matrix extra I'd want is a new commentary by the directors, the original commentary was... mediocre, at best.
Re: Homophobia (Score:1)
Re:Spell check (Score:2)
Both these would pass a spellcheck. (Except for the word napster which is still spelt correctly)
Re:Gorillaz like goats? (Score:1)
Much like the men here [] and here []
Re:Get over it (Score:1)
Re:Anime is stupid! (Score:1)