Open Source License Comparison 93
rbb writes "Bryce Wilcox-O'Hearn, aka Zooko, has put together a simple chart that in just a few lines displays the characteristics of each of the most popular Open Source licenses. The table, which is currently in version 0.8.3, makes it easy to see in a glance how the licenses compare to one another." Easily digestible information - good for PHB [?] s.
You forgot one.... (Score:1)
Does this seem wrong to anyone else? (Score:1)
So current copyright law, which is supposed to promote the progress of science and the useful arts, all for the benefit of the public, now actually makes it difficult for a creator to voluntarily release his work to that public?
No sense. None at all.
Re: So what license is THIS released under? (Score:2)
Duh. Scroll down or something.
Based on "license_quick_ref.html", originally written by Zooko in 2001 and posted to "http://zooko.com/license_quick_ref.html".
written in 2001 by Zooko; You may copy and use this document in unmodified form. Alternatively, you may copy and use this document in modified form, provided that you remove this line (that begins: 'written in 2001 by Zooko...') and retain the line above (that begins: 'Based on "license_quick_ref.html"...').
Hey! (Score:2, Informative)
We now return you regularly.
Tina Gasperson
Re:And your 1st 'licence comparison' was 'broken' (Score:1)
Thanks, I knew you'd like me some day. :)
btw - it's "competency"
Free as in **? (Score:2)
Re:Free as in **? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Free as in **? (Score:3, Informative)
It's used to differentiate between the very strange english homonym for "without price" and "having freedom" (and the other 17 meanings [dictionary.com] .
If you get "free beer" that would imply that you got without cost, not that beer was liberated from servitude. So if something is "free as in beer", then it has no cost.
OTOH if have "free speech" that you have freedom to speak as you will, not that you don't have to put a coin in the slot every time you feel like talking.
IANAL (l=linguist) but to me English seems to be pretty alone in having this confusion, as most European languages seem to use words derived from latin gratis for no cost (cf 'gratitude') and liber for freedom (cf 'liberated').
Maybe says something about the cultural mentality...
Re:Free as in **? (Score:3, Flamebait)
Re:Free as in **? (Score:2)
GPL -- Free as in speech
Microsoft EULA -- Also Free as in speech
What? Well, last time I checked, Free Speech meant that authors could say and publish whatever they want with a few narrow exceptions (shouting Fire! in a crowded theatre, libel, fraud, etc.).
Throughout the industrial age, there was little disagreement about this. If there was, then the New York Times would have been criticized by the likes of RMS for not being Free Speech. After all, they copyright all their articles and you can't just reprint them in some other newspaper. There are few if any compelling arguments for things to be any different in the digital age.
This business of "Free Speech" and "Free Beer" is just a subterfuge. Millions of people have picked it up and ran with it because it allows them to equate their desires with their rights.
Re:Free as in **? (Score:2, Informative)
In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
Why mix copyright with patents? (Score:1)
(If a corporation uses your code, add something
to it, which infridges their patent, and they have lost).
Though I see software-patents, ecspeccily as used in the US as an bad thing, the same holds in my eyes for the producers of wapons or riffles, or those who sell or buy them. And if an licence would discriminate against those, I think noone would call the licence free.
quick reference (Score:1)
For example, this quick reference puts into doubt whether "the community" (which community?!) likes to accept code under the GPL, and indicates that there is no problem accepting code under a BSD license.
IMO, it should be the other way around. GPL code is safe from an unscrupulous vendor doing what microsoft did to kerberos (use it, don't give anything back, and mess up interoperability for the people who originally wrote the code). The BSD license doesn't have such a protection, so I consider it unsafe, aka not popularly accepted.
You don't have to agree. That's the point: This is not something that can be summarized effectively in such a tiny little chart.
Quote from the article ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Well from my experience the more complicated it looks, the more like legal advice it becomes!
And judging from the wars on this site, most of us write like this anyway
Yet another break down of licenses... (Score:2)
Please help make it better -- don't just flame. (Score:5, Insightful)
Hi folks. The License Quick Ref is definitely a work in progress. I am no lawyer and there are a lot of question marks and probably a lot of inaccuracies or other bugs.
Please e-mail <zooko@zooko.com> with suggestions for improvement. Thanks!
If you send me flames, I may elect to post them to my web log. :-)
http://zooko.com/ [zooko.com].
Re:Please help make it better -- don't just flame. (Score:2)
I guess I'm rambling again. Must be off my meds. Miss Teschmacher!!
Re:Please help make it better -- don't just flame. (Score:1)
It's a bit brief too. There are a lot more licenses out there, most of which are described on the following three pages. (I've emailed this too).
GPL encumbering clause (Score:3, Informative)
Falls between two stools (Score:3, Interesting)
Kudos to Zooko for producing this, but I have to point out that if you didn't already know this stuff, you're not going to learn much of anything useful here because there's not enough basic introduction, and if you did already know it, you're not going to learn much of anything useful here, because there's not enough detail.
And what on earth is the point in posting your opinion on legal issues, then disclaiming that opinion as being worthless? Again, no disrespect to Zooko, but his opinion isn't worth any more than mine or yours.
Let's keep pressing for IAAL advice, or better yet, get some of these licenses tested in court, proactively and preemptively if necessary. I'd happily help fund a FSF case to have a declaratory decision made on the validity and limitations of the GPL.
Re:Don't be hasty (Score:1)
1) Judges these days tend to be pretty clueless about these issues, and may tend to do whatever the big corporation with the high-priced lawyers suggests. In other words, invalidate the parts of the license that benefit the community.
2) The longer these licenses are used, the more they will become part of our popular culture, and the harder it will be for a judge to consider striking them down.
Re:Falls between two stools (Score:1)
Apparently, this is not for you. It's for me. I've never taken the time or made the effort to read through all 600 PLs, and I'm not enough of a self-starter to do it. What the Quick Ref does for me (and many like me) is give me a starting place. I now have two PLs that I can read through in detail -- or find more commentary on -- other places. If I find that they don't work for me, I can move to the next.
Besides, what part of "Quick Refernce" don't you understand?
Apache style license? (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Different Questions (Score:1)
In your case, I suppose, it's a good idea, as you are, as you say, helping your friends in the games industry, where the rules are all the same - closed source, making our bread and butter. But if I, ooh, say, wrote a networking stack for a free OS, and say, just hypothetically, that a massive corporation grabbed my code and integrated it into a product that they then used to attempt to squash the OS that said networking stack was taken from, I'd be a bit annoyed, to say the least. That's where Win9x got its net stack from, and it will sure as hell never happen to any of my code.
good for PHB? (Score:3, Funny)
Open Source as a Business Strategy (Score:1)
Re:Good for PHBs? (Score:1)
OK, calling them PHBs was a little mean, but the fact is that most managemant types won't have put in the free-time research-cum-hobbyist-wnderings that most of the
The Apache Public License (Score:1)
BTW, to have an idea about what APL developpers think about GPL (LPGL in fact) just have look here [covalent.net] it's an excerpt from a discussion where the integration of GNU Regexp was seriouly discussed in cocoon-dev mailing list.
Re:The Apache Public License (Score:1)
Thanks for posting this.
This is a bit silly (Score:1)
1) Some people in the community think Coors tastes great, but considering this is subjective bullshit it doesn't matter.
2) Bass is an 'ale' not a 'lager' like Bud and Coors, and I don't know enough about beer to know if 'ale' contains 'hops.' I know there are 'bugs' in this list (in other words I have little clue as to what I'm talking about and I hope people who do have a clue fill in the blanks for me) but my stupid little occasionally accurate matrix of text made it on
I have a feeling showing that table to your PHB might give your PHB more clue about YOU than open source code and the associated licenses that a real PHB couldn't care less about. Remember to post a "I got laid off, now what?" 'ask slashdot' request in hope you'll get more brilliant advice.
Which licenses scare MS? The Artistic License? (Score:2, Interesting)
What we really need is an answer to the question: "Which licenses scare MS?" If they don't stop at least MS from appropriating the software, then what use is such an OS license?
GPL code not liked by the community? (Score:2, Interesting)
He seems to be unsure whether "the community" likes to accept code under the GPL. If he means the business community, maybe I can understand his uncertainty, but I thought he meant the hacker community.
He actually stated "a hypothetical open source/free software hacker may prefer to create source code under the GPL, but may prefer to use source code licensed to her under a license that permits her to combine the licensed source code with proprietary source code." Are we that hypocritical?
Re:GPL code not liked by the community? (Score:1)
Though he makes an mistake. Even, if he releases it under GPL, he can still combine it with propriatrary source code. What he can not, it combine contributions by others with propriatary source, if they do not allow it. That's why I an perhaps many others are much more likely to contribute to an GPL-programm than to something else.
Re:GPL code not liked by the community? (Score:1)
Re:GPL code not liked by the community? (Score:2)
Is it appropriate? (Score:1, Interesting)
The Condensed Version... (Score:1, Insightful)
...kind of like all those people who were protesting nuclear weapons in the U.S. while the U.S.S.R. was unashamedly preparing to destroy the West.
Okay then...let me ask you a question (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Okay then...let me ask you a question (Score:1)
However, the GPL requires the author to include the source of the program when distributing his code, which makes it much easier to determine what has been done to the code if it is changed and redistributed.
Re:Okay then...let me ask you a question (Score:2)
You should have an automated test suite with examples that check to see if they have been correctly calculated. Every time a bug is found you should add a check to your test suite for it.
[assuming you are concerned about changes to Python]
You state with your program that it has been verified to run with Python version foo.
You should warn that versions of Python other than foo may break your program and it should be fully tested before deployement.
You personally check against your test suite.
[assuming you are concerned about updates to your code breaking it]
1: don't incorporate patches unless you know they are safe for use.
2: verify patches against the test suite you built earlier before accepting.
You have no protection against someone forking your code and making a competing product with it, however, you also aren't liable if the competing product screws up since you don't sell / support / acknowledge it.
Re:Okay then...let me ask you a question (Score:2, Insightful)
So in conclusion, I think it is great to open your code, and as long as you put in a proper disclaimer it's legally safe, but if you wouldn't be able to emotionally handle some idiot messing up on modifying your code (even though IMO it's not your fault) then using it for a critical application and causing damage, you probably shouldn't do it. A side note is hopefully any program in which mistakes may cost lives would be rigorously tested before being put into use.
Re:Okay then...let me ask you a question (Score:1, Interesting)
What you might want to do is produce the engine as a non-GPL precompiled library, then produce a Python (whatever language) application which accesses the free standing engine. This will not stop a cracker, but it adds a layer of difficulty.
You also requested input from experienced programmers, but did not post an e-mail, and your user info does not include an e-mail. I can be reached by mindstormaniac@yahoo.com if you want some programming help.
Pizza is good for the soul...
You're not responsible for forks. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Condensed Version... (Score:3, Funny)
Exactly when did the Soviets destroy the West? I must have missed that.
I guess all their preparations were for nothing...
Re:The Condensed Version... (Score:2)
They didn't, but that was largely because they'd have been destroyed as well.
The USA was fairly close, after WW2, to making a bunch more nukes and carrying the war to the soviets. They were stopped partially because they couldn't afford the manpower to actually hold the country once it had been broken.
The USSR was fairly obviously looking to become the only superpower, and that would have been most quickly accomplished by destroying the USA.
Why do you think they didn't?
You may not like this, but war is a fact of life. As long as someone else desires violence, or is willing to use violence to get what they want, you have to be prepared to match them, or there's nothing stopping them.
Having an army, and building weapons of aggression, is required, unless you are so confident of your strength that you can rely 100% on defensive weapons. Do you want to risk your life on a missile defense system?
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Re:Hmmm (Score:2)
Probably the same reason that the Sun Community license is missing, and the dreaded MS EULA!
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Isn't limited use of code allowed by MS's shared source, or does that license just buy one the right to view?
Free, as in air (Score:1)
I have a couple of projects I'm thinking of making available to the public, and the only reason I see to release under, say, the GPL is that I feel deeply indebted to the FSF and others who contributed to free software. Other than that, these licenses are too restrictive, except maybe for BSD and X licenses. They may bring a feeling of assurance to developers, but users do suffer.
Re:Free, as in air (Score:1)
Anyone care to explain it?
Re:Free, as in air (Score:1)
Re:Free, as in air (Score:1)
That's a common misconception. As long as the user does not mess with the source, the GPL has no effect (except, of course, that the software is freely redistributable). These things only rear their heads if you want to modify the source. Users are not affected.
The irritating thing is that M$ are using this argument against using GPL'ed software vs their own. As long as you only use the software, not modify it, the GPL does not affect you - and it certainly doesn't harm your IP. That's only if you modify the software, which you couldn't even *do* with proprietary licences of M$ Shared Source.
Wait for the GPL vs BSD flame fest... (Score:1)
I like the idea behind the chart though. Choosing a license is a personal thing, and after all, it's the developer's right to do what (s)he will with their own code isn't it? A simple chart like this should help people make a more informed choice.
It would be nice if it included a few more licenses though; there are what? Maybe 30 or more? Anyone have a list to send this guy?
Re:Wait for the GPL vs BSD flame fest... (Score:1)
OSI has a nice list of OpenSource licenses: www.opensource.org/licenses/index.html [opensource.org]
But I suppose it won't be a help for PHBs if the comparison gets more complicated.
Our department quite often uses open-source projects as a basic part for in-house tools. Co-workers sometimes consider to call an external program but say "It's GPL, we would have to add a commandline-option, we don't want to make things complicated if we want to sell it."
I wish they would at least try to contact the original author and hear his opinion. I suppose most programmers would be willing to cooperate and support (for example) a generic interface to custom extensions.
Re:Wait for the GPL vs BSD flame fest... (Score:1)
This way you would have not problems with GPL and the like. If it is "in-house", that you can hav more advantages by the community integrating and bettering your changes, than the possibility to sell something, which I guess as very low.
Re:Wait for the GPL vs BSD flame fest... (Score:1)
We're a research-department an we're not supposed to create real products. We're creating several source-analysis and documentation-management tools, which might be "sold" to other departments.
Commonly used OS-projects are e.g. xerces, boost, python and wxpython, where we usually only contribute bugreports or small patches.
Some tools use proprietary libraries that we must not redistribute as sourcecode. (e.g. a C++ backend from EDG) So if we want to call GPL programs (e.g. cvs or some source-documentation systems) we must not make proprietary extensions to it. It doesn't matter if we put the modified program under the GPL, it would still violate the license, because such an extension would be only usable with other non-GPL programs.
The sad thing is, that some people prefer to pay for inferior commercial sourcecode instead of contacting the original authors in order to come to an agreement.
Instead of documenting the subtle relations between dozens of different licenses (as someone suggested) we should try to encourage a personal contact to the developers. If the author allows you to use his code under certain conditions you don't even have to understand the original license.
IMHO the problem is that PHBs are afraid of such agreements, and as long as there's a different solution they don't want to try something new.
Open Source Licenses are so confusing... (Score:2, Informative)
07/Aug/2001:07:22:58 - pentagon.mil - /~mentifex/jsaimind.html /~mentifex/aisource.html /~mentifex/jsaimind.html /~mentifex/index.html /~mentifex/ /~mentifex/aisource.html /~mentifex/aisource.html
07/Aug/2001:14:44:12 - af.mil -
07/Aug/2001:14:44:16 - af.mil -
07/Aug/2001:14:48:19 - af.mil -
08/Aug/2001:11:21:48 - army.mil -
08/Aug/2001:11:22:02 - army.mil -
08/Aug/2001:22:18:15 - nosc.mil -
While I don't believe this project will succeed... (Score:2, Insightful)
An attempt to create a general purpose artificial intelligence -- and specifically one which is more intelligent than any human AND one intended to be loaded into robots! -- which acts from self-interest, rather than to fulfill some specific function, is nothing less than an attempt to destroy humanity.
People who make this attempt should be killed, and their work destroyed. Collaborators should be killed, sympathizers should be killed. It is unclear whether it is wiser to do it publicly, to discourage attempts, or covertly, to keep attempts public and make them easier to catch.
The creation of free AI is the one true threat to the survival of humanity (or will be once we get a few viable colonies off-planet); nothing else would hunt people into remote areas or through space. No preventative measure is too extreme.
This is not a joke, this is not a troll. True artificial intelligence should only be approached with the greatest caution, in a carefully contained environment, by people who take the threat seriously and who are ready to abandon it and destroy their work at the first sign of danger. The idea of rights for an AI should never be seriously considered. Perhaps the only justifiable purpose of creating an AI would be to destroy other AIs, and the potential problems are obvious.
Re:While I don't believe this project will succeed (Score:1)
You name would not happen to be Sarah Connor, would it?
Ad libs. (Score:1)
(incidentally, I never suggested that "people opposed to [my] argument should be killed," only that people attempting or supporting attempts to destroy humanity should)
Re:Ad libs. (Score:1)
Actually, I would. Please hear me out.
By using phrases such as "monstrous and evil" it suggests that you have already written these people off as such, and are not prepared to discuss the situation any further.
In particular, it suggests that any question posed to you will be answered with the same phrase.
Also, you have to be very careful deciding what is evil and what is not, because it changes as society changes.
For example, contradicting the Bible used to be heresy, a monstrous and evil act since you were seen as speaking out against the will of God, and what could be more monstrous and evil than that? So they used to burn alive the people who did it.
Nowadays, burning people alive would probably be considered as a monstrous and evil act, and depending on where in the world the perpetrators lived they would either be locked away for life, electrocuted, hung, killed in a gas chamber, shot, etc. etc. etc.
Umm... which in themselves are (IMHO) fairly monstrous and evil acts, yet considered perfectly fine in the circumstances because "the perpetrator was monstrous and evil, and thus deserved it"
(incidentally, I never suggested that "people opposed to [my] argument should be killed," only that people attempting or supporting attempts to destroy humanity should)
But your argument here suggests that creating AI will destroy humanity. Fair enough, that's your opinion, but not everyone shares that opinion. That means that there is a chance that you are wrong. So you cannot (safely, without any doubt of becoming monstrous and evil yourself) say that any particular group of people is trying to destroy humanity unless you know absolutely that it is there intention to do so.
If it isn't their intention to do so, then the best that you can say is that they are misguided, in which case you should be aiming to educate them, but you can't to this by imposing your view on them and forcing them to accept it (after all, they might be right and you might be wrong - you can't be sure), so the only way to do the education is to discuss the situation with the people involved and try to convince them that your argument is best, whilst being prepared to take the risk that their reasoning might be better than yours.
To conclude, that's the reason I don't take people who use "monstrous and evil" in their posts seriously
Moral Relativism vs. Human Annihilation (Score:2)
Don't be an ass. Not everything is a debate.
Of course it makes no sense for people I judge to be monstrous and evil to argue with me over my belief. I'm not interested in debating with them, I'm interested in stopping them. I don't write to communicate with them, but to communicate with others who share my belief, or might be persuaded to. It's a call to arms, and strong language is appropriate.
Not every communication is a logical argument, meant to persuade impartial judges. Assertion of one's belief is neither logical argument nor logical fallacy, it is a statement of fact about oneself.
I'm not interested in arguing over whether a free AI would destroy humanity. That is not something we can know until it is done. It is enough that a free, superior AI would have humanity at its mercy, that it would be the introduction of a totally unnecessary, totally avoidable threat.
Others do not value humanity so highly; they consider any intelligence their equal kindred. There is no logical argument against that, you must simply judge for yourself whether you stand with them or against them. There are no moderates: you either find the extinction of humanity acceptable in some avoidable situation, or you don't.
I don't, and I won't sit and listen to people plot the annihilation of the human race without at least stating my unequivocal objection.
Re:While I don't believe this project will succeed (Score:2, Insightful)
So kill me if you must -- thereby putting me out of my misery as slavishly devoted to a do-or-die AI Project [sourceforge.net], but first I would like to raise the perhaps feeble argument that we human beings have a right to know exactly what we are and how we function as both minds and bodies.
As for your lead-in statement that you don't believe this project will succeed, think again, because it is not the admittedly amateurish AI source code propelling the AI Mind to success (i.e., proliferation), but rather the SourceForge/ Mind/ Docs/ Theory of Cognition that will inexorably introduce True Good Old Fashained AI (GOFAI) unless stopped by a nefarious military/government/Microsoft/_whatever_, because the Mentifex AI theory is the free, public-domain distillate of thirteen years of slavish agonizing over all possible roads to its now uniquely magisterial Theory of Mind [scn.org] -- and you can't stop an idea whose time has come.
If the U.S. or other military does take over an Open Source AI Mind project, they are not going to announc it to the world here on Slashdot. They are going to pick a place like Los Alamos, New Mexico, and develope the End-Of-Humanity in secret. The only way to thwart the forces of evil is to let _them_ sweat a lot about who _else_ has the plans for the Superintelligence.
Your "theory of mind" is wrong and stupid. (Score:1)
Crackpots are very common when it comes to the topic of free AIs. I find this a very reassuring thought.
we human beings have a right to know exactly what we are and how we function as both minds and bodies.
The hand cannot grasp itself. There is no way for a human brain to know exactly how a human brain functions. Feeble indeed.
Besides, building an AI doesn't mean you've figured how the human mind works. There are probably many ways to create intelligence.
You are insane, but harmless. You will probably die bitterly disappointed in your life if you continue pursuing your crackpot theory (if you think you feel bad about the 13 years you've spend, imagine how you will feel when it's 50 years, and still no real progress in the working model). You should see a psychiatrist, as you are clearly paranoid and megalomaniacal.
interactive version (Score:3, Informative)
Check this out:
Peter Lowe has written an interactive version of the License Quick Ref which shows you the table in a way that reflects your own biases. Ha!
http://yoyo.org/~pgl/lqr/ [yoyo.org]
P.S. Despite my fears of massive slashdot flamage, there has actually been pretty much no flames, except for one from a certain unnamed Linux world journalist. Maybe the community is growing up! After all, Linux itself is 10 years old, so the first generation of Linux hackers are now in their late 20's at least.
no flamage? (Score:2)
So, I had a look at your page. While it's nice that you are doing this, won't you end up with this [gnu.org] when you are done? I kinda missed the why bit.