Phone Numbers Instead of URLs? 158
December writes "This story says Australian company Nascomms claims to be the first in the world to go online with numeric addressing [CT:TCP/IP uses numbers too, just not ones with area code ;)], in which telephone numbers are used in replace of the ubiquitous dot-com address.
Interesting idea, but in the business case, I could much more easily guess www.toyota.com then figuring out their phone number."
Not the first? (Score:1)
The 555-xxxx of ip's? (Score:1)
Perhaps now movies will have to make sure they don't show a real IP address or hostname, like the 555 numbers on all the tv shows.
Re:The 555-xxxx of ip's? (Score:1)
All the joe wannabes would go home saying "Hey honey...look, I can ping that site from that movie."
Re:*cough*IP address*cough* (Score:1)
I think I'm going to go kill myself now.
No, wait. I'll kill their VCs, then kill the patent office folks, *then* kill myself. If I'm going out, I might as well smite some evil along the way.
*cough*IP address*cough* (Score:1)
blah (Score:1)
E-mail interception not too difficult (Score:1)
Big Brother locates evil citizen's SMTP & Server server. Big Brother points gun to server admins. Server admins give Big Brother evil citizen's e-mails.
correct link + more (Score:1)
Pah (Score:1)
The problem with this, as with myriad other 'solutions', is that it assumes that anything is better than IP4 and DNS. 'Bollocks' I say. If people wanted numeric addresses IP4/6 is perfectly suitable; it's as easy to remember and IP address as it is a phone number. However, people don't want numbers; they want something they can remember.
And if this is aimed at eliminating cybersquatting, what's going to happen when someone gets the phone number 7-11-7-11? How big a fight over 69-69-69 are we going to see among porn sites?
To sum up: half-arsed doesn't even begin to describe this idea.
Re:What a great idea! (Score:1)
Names can be used to differentiate between (vrtual) webservers, while IP numbers can't.
Re:What a great idea! (Score:1)
Re:What a great idea! (Score:1)
Growing incredulously... (Score:1)
Silly Aussie. It's really too bad somebody with a great name like "Siobhan" said something so bizarre and stupid.
Skeptical; disbelieving: incredulous of stories about flying saucers.
Expressive of disbelief: an incredulous stare.
So the figure is going to grow in such a manner that it can't believe itself. Wow. English is fun.
Re:The useability of phone numbers (Score:1)
It's not hard to use a cell phone, even someone else's, but it is hardly standard.
names and numbers (Score:1)
I agree that the proposition is completely backwards: we should be replacing phone numbers with urls, and not the ohter way around...
how aboutl "
ok. har har.
Apparently they were thinking about portable phones and w@p services. Their point was that it is easier to tap numbers on a phone than words. which is true. but i think phones will evolve a bit in the next few microseconds to make such an idea unnecessary.
IMHO, if you have screen realestate big enough to comfortably browse for information, there is a way to fit some kind of intelligent input system that would make it easy to type, at least an URL.
T9 software is already pretty neat, and things will get better.
if you are interested in typing efficiently in small spaces:
T9 [t9.com]
FITALY [twsolutions.com]
BAT [worklink.net]
FAQ [tifaq.org]
so, i don't think alternative URL systems are necessary. rethinking cellphone input is, however.
adrien cater
boring.ch [boring.ch]
Re:What a great idea! (Score:1)
DNS not good enough anymore? (Score:1)
There are some standard answers to this that
we've heard a lot recently:
1) Get rid of top-level domains altogether
Sure... But this won't make the battle for domains
go away, right? Rather make it tougher.
2) Make use of higher-level domains more extensively
Great idea, but we'll never convince corporations. If they come up with a great product/service/whatever they will want the domain-name for that as well as for their company, and a dozen more...
3) Make the top-level domains completely free
Like alternative number one, right? Only shift the fight one step to the rigth.
4) And so on...
What I would like to know is if someone is thinking of alternative ways to resolve names to addresses. No, I don't mean the alternative ("rouge") DNS:es, but completely new ways! Decentralized preferrably. Built around mechanisms similar to Freenet perhaps?
Oh great (Score:1)
The whole idea is so ludicrously crap it's actually quite funny! It's really just another dereference on top of DNS, so where we now have DNS->IP, one of these addresses is NUMBER->DNS->IP. Now how pointless is that?
Re:Phone numbers vs IP numbers (Score:1)
Re:The 555-xxxx of ip's? (Score:1)
Re:You're overlooking the obvious ... (Score:1)
While many companies may have similar names, but dissimilar URL's, finding them online can be hard. If you have a brochure or manual with a service phone number (or any number, really), you just punch that in on the address line and viola!
OK, and if you had the brochure/manual handy, what is stopping you from punching in the web address from it?
This seems like a Dilbert cartoon! (Score:1)
SecretAsianMan (54.5% Slashdot pure)
Thats the whole point of using names (Score:1)
Nitpicking for phreakers (Score:1)
Re:maybe but 800-flowers.com... (Score:1)
Some mobile phones allow you to do this with numbers in their internal phonebook.
I had a friend who's office's voicemail system worked this way too. You would say "Victor Thompson" and it would figure out whose mailbox to use. He told me that some of his coworkers (with strangely spelled names) you had to guess a few times before you pronounced it the way it through. One guy nobody ever figured out how to say it right. (You could always fall back on some kind of numeric addressing scheme (like spell the name using the keypad, I'd guess))
Toyota's phone number. (Score:1)
Guess they never heard of mnemonics (Score:1)
There is a reason assembly language programmers prefer to use mnemonics instead of memorizing hex values (while memorizing the 6502 or 80386 opcodes is the hallmark of a true comp sci geek
One will notice the phone numbers are broken down into small numbers that we can "chunk" quite nicely: 3 digits, 3 digits, 4 digits
Most sane people don't memorize the first X digits of pi, we compress it down into one symbol. Same for any other "constant."
Notice how we use url's to do the same thing. One domain name
Re:Man, these ^%$# numbers are hard to remember! (Score:1)
Better use IP addresses as phone numbers instead (Score:1)
Seriously, using numbers instead of names is backwards and has been made outdated when DNS was invented long ago.
urls as phone numbers (Score:1)
I personally find this a pain, as it is easier for me to dial a number than the letters.
OT: A little advice here... (Score:1)
WTF? (Score:1)
From the aricle: Web users just need to plug in the ISD and regional code, followed by the phone number of a company with a registered numeric address, and its Web page will be brought up. Oh, is that all? So I just have to figure out where the server is located that I'm connecting too, then I just have to find the phone number. Go to Qwestdex.com. Oh wait a sec,
It was said before, but it needs to be restated. There are these numerical thingies called IP addresses. They're 32 bits long and every server on the internet has a unique one. Hmm... sounds like what they're proposing has already been done. It's a lot easier to find www.google.com than to try and remember I think they're trying to re-invent the wheel, but it's looking more like a Firestone
"You'll die up there son, just like I did!" - Abe Simpson
What? Are you Insane? (Score:1)
Other Way Around (Score:1)
Re:The 555-xxxx of ip's? (Score:1)
Back to numbers?!? (Score:1)
First we had phone numbers. Then we invented Vanity numbers because 1800-NUMBERS is just better to remember than 1800-686-2377. Then the WWW allowed us to use convienient names such as www.company.com, and to make it even easier things like internet keywords came up because some URLs still were hard to remember. So for what reason should we ever step back to using numbers again? Any rational explanation?
Hmm well, I'll surely enjoy people trying to remember my IPv6 address in a couple of years - come visit me at 12FB:8A6F:73E4:55E4:DEAD:C0DE ... maybe I'll make it sooo much easier to remember my site address by giving them www.1234761234124612346.com ... sounds good...
The idea got discussed on Slashdot... (Score:1)
Phone numbers for phones! Browsing w/ phones (Score:1)
Patent? (Score:1)
I would hope the patent offices would refuse this patent, based on the prior work of many online phone books where you can enter a phone number and get info on businesses, including their web page.
This is far from a new idea.
Re:What a great idea! (Score:1)
Phone numbers are a step back from URLs (Score:1)
The lack of semantic information in phone numbers has very real implications. For example, it's easy to distinguish between http://www.sexshoppe.com and http://www.holyangelschurch.org because of the semantic information in each URL, but if the Sex Shoppe's phone number is 555-1234 and the phone number of Holy Angels Church is 555-1235, there's nothing in the phone number to tell you that the number you are about to dial to book your wedding, will, because of a single-digit transcription error, result in a rather interesting conversation with somebody whose expertise is likely to be far more useful during the honeymoon than during the ceremony.
Prior art (Score:1)
Works for me! It would put a quick stop to this "new area code" nonsense, too, given 26^10 possible "numbers" in the identifier space. /. just had a review of his Stranger In a Strange Land, it seems valid to bring it up here.)
Re:What a great idea! (Score:2)
"Don't trolls get tired?"
better url (Score:2)
A better idea... (Score:2)
maybe but 800-flowers.com... (Score:2)
I have a theory that even phone numbers will go to the wayside in the 5-10 year range. Seriously, why should I have to remember Joe Blow's phone number? A good phone service would be a voice recognition which lets me say in effect that I want to talk to Joe Blow in Detroit. The system then would do the dirty work of resolving this into a phone number. Just as we think it is antiquated how our grandparents had to ask an operator to connect the wires to make a call, or use a party line, I believe remembering phone numbers will a thing of the past in the near future.
I'm rambling just a little, but the point is that the future involves letting machines do what they do well... dealing with number. Let us humans do what we do well, interconnnecting concepts. Names have better hinges to concepts than numbers for most of us.
The unusability of phones (Score:2)
The book "The design of everyday things" talks a bit against this.
Do you know how to transfer a call to another phone? Do you know how to do it if you are not in your company system?
What are # and * for?
The basic stuff can seem easy but it may get very hard.
you can use letter for telephone number (Score:2)
If you want to find good "name" for your telephone number, try http://www.phonespell.org/ [phonespell.org] it's pretty funny and works well.
Region-specific addressing (Score:2)
First of all, by the time I'd loaded the page, I'd already mentally composed the obligatory joke about how maybe this could be supplemented by a global directory system that would associate names with the numbers, so you wouldn't have to remember them; it could even be built into the applications, so you would just type the name and have it automatically look up the number... but I see it's been done too many times already.
Your first point (Local businesses that just want to use their website to advertise a storefront rather than be an e-business) is interesting, though, in that this problem has been one of my biggest gripes all along. Most of us seem to agree that DNS is suffering under the "pollution" of the "com" TLD, which is even spilling over into "org" and "net". I think a large part of the problem is the fact that these global domains flatten everything into a single namespace, which is ironic since DNS' original solution to the namespace problem was to make it hierarchical.
If a local business just wants to advertise in its area, why should it have to have a unique name in a flat global namespace? It then has to hope that its name has not been "taken" by a big company, a more-ambitious startup, another local business somewhere else, a porn site, etc. This leads to the crowdedness which has given us the "aridiculousnumberofwordsconcatenatedtogether.com
Even among the startups, there are lots that are geographic-region-specific -- they even specifically advertise the fact that they concentrate their service in that area (supposedly making it better than the others whose efforts are spread so much thinner). And yet, they use the same global namespace, making their names even messier by mushing the region in. I've lived here all my life, but I'm not arrogant enough to think that the San Francisco Bay Area is the only area in the world near a bay who residents call it "the Bay Area", and yet we have "bayarea.com".
I've always thought we should use the existing country and region domains for things that are region-specific. Then, "bayarea.com" could be "bayarea.ca.us", "bajobs.com" could be "jobs.sfba.ca.us", and a little mom-and-pop store in Berkeley could be "mom-and-pop.sfba.ca.us" or "mom-and-pop.berkeley.ca.us" without having to worry about collisions with "mom-and-pop.nyc.ny.us", etc. The argument is, of course, that people have been conditioned to think that "website" is synonymous with "something dot com", and would be afraid of anything with more than one dot. I don't know that that's true, though: people can understand phone numbers with area codes, postal addresses with ZIP codes, etc., and I think most would automatically recognize their region code as being analogous, so if local sites advertised with it, it would begin to seem natural. For some reason, though, they are not popular. What makes this phone-number thing interesting is that it puts a novel spin on the idea, which could poularize it, even though it's not really any better.
David Gould
What about area code splits? (Score:2)
Probably not first (Score:2)
Oh! Oh! I know, we could have name servers! (Score:2)
Who thought this up? Was he pithed?
uh (Score:2)
I don't want a lot, I just want it all!
Flame away, I have a hose!
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
On reading this I thought this was a damn silly idea, but at least with these numbers you stand a chance of dealing with a local company. However, its simpler just to enter www.dominospizza.com in your browser and look search for the local shop.
Re:Numbers? (Score:2)
Yes, this is do-able, but it's not elegant, and it's not simple. I, for one, HATE that horrible tri-tone thing that you get when you misdial a number, particularly because I'm usually using a headset on my phones.
If phone numbers were such a great system, why do we need a phone book? A computer provides a much richer user interface that a 12-key telephone. Why not use it? And people who are uncomfortable with computers aren't suddenly going to warm up to them because they can type in a telephone number.
URLs aren't perfect, but they're a damn sight better than phone numbers. Any user who can't operate Yahoo or Google is unlikely to want to use the computer for much of anything anyhow.
Nascomms is not the first in the world. (Score:2)
Man, these ^%$# numbers are hard to remember! (Score:2)
Maybe I could write a program to associate a name with the number..
You're overlooking the obvious ... (Score:2)
It makes sense. No more close approximations of the company name, no more .com/.org/.net confusion, no more wondering if it's hyphenated or not. And since the phone number had to be unique by nature, you get the right place every time.
Hell, even if it were only a re-direct to the regular URL, that would be something.
Re:The useability of phone numbers (Score:2)
Compare this to using a computer. We all hate being disconnected on the phone, but that almost never happens when you compare it to using a computer. I can talk on the phone, walk around, and do all sorts of other tasks at the same time without the phone's performance being affected. (My attention span, on the other hand...) The look and feel of phones may differ stylistically, but the procedure is always the same: pick up phone, dial numbers. Compare that with the ever-changing UI standards of computer OS's, and the navigation controls on web pages that often puzzle newbies. "Press 1 for function x, 2 for function y,..." may sound annoying, but (i) we all know how to do this and (ii) frequent users don't even need to listen to the prompts any more.
Many Internet sites are realizing the ubiquity and relative reliability of the phone system. I can get my Yahoo! Mail by calling 1-800-MY-YAHOO. I can get weather forecasts from MIT by calling 1-888-573-TALK. Weather forecasts and a lot of other functions are available through TellMe (1-800-555-TELL). They're realizing that while the telephone isn't perfect, there is still a lot of functionality that it can carry out.
Re:Region-specific addressing (Score:2)
DNS is as hierarchical as people want to make it. Most of the problem is local businesses (especially in the USA) insisting of having second level
The difference with phone numbers is that if a company wanted something like a +800 number they'd have to pay extra for it (and pay for their calls) even more than a national freephone numbers. Phones come as standard with geographic numbers appropriate to the place they are in, anything else is a chargable extra.
Re:DNS not good enough anymore? (Score:2)
Great idea, but we'll never convince corporations. If they come up with a great product/service/whatever they will want the domain-name for that as well as for their company, and a dozen more...
The problem here is the registrars who don't know how to say "no" or "that's your nth domain so the price will be X*2^n" or even "proof that is a recognised trading name of your company please".
Re:What about both? (Score:2)
You'd first need to convince the ISC to update bind to include the '+' character in the valid character set for DNS. Also how do you cope with organisations which print their phone numbers in all sorts of strange ways. If you could rely upon the full number to be printed without spaces then it just might be workable.
I met this guy... (Score:2)
Totally mad. Quite a pleasant guy to share a beer with, but...
What would 1800Flowers.com do? (Score:2)
Then, they were (and are) 1800Flowers.com.
Would they be 1-800-Flowers again?
And would my numpad get phone-like letters applied to the keys? And would it be switched? But I digress.
Great (Score:2)
alpha-numerics (Score:2)
Re:This has been done before (Score:2)
They use weird names for their nameservers that are like the ones you mentioned:
Re:Numbers? (Score:2)
The goal is to advance technology... not to regress to a bad system.
Unfortunately, this is the goal of the Geek, not the goal of business. The goal of business is to make money. This is commonly forgotten by geeks, and hence people [fuckedcompany.com] point and laugh at the non-bisiness business model most web companies use.
Lets consider the technological make-up of the world today:
1. We have the 3rd world. Yes, these people are untapped "web" resources, but the reality is that a TRS-80 is considered high-tech for some of them. Whole towns don't have power, running water, and/or phones. Do you think that these people really care about reverse lookup DNS tables? These people are off of the eBusiness radar.
2. On the other extreme We have the Uber-geeks. These people are all about making everybodies lives easier - as long as they hold the secret knowledge as to how everything works. Why pay for a phone call, when you can email them? Why email them when you can ICQ them? why ICQ them when you can use voice over ip for free?
3. Then there are people like my inlaws... Who have internet access and a slough of questions, but don't care to listen. They waited patiently for 3 months until I was around over thanksgiving to remove a stuck CD becuase they didn't feel comfortable with a paperclip. Anyway, they can enter in a URL from the TV screen, but when toyota doesn't say www.toyota.com on their advertisement - they don't think to type it in. Some day they may figure it out - but I figure I'll have a few more trips out there before then...
4. People who aren't don't know anything about computers at all. There are actually a few people in business that still don't use a computer - and not all of them are auto mechanics. A lot of them are older, and very set in their ways. A phone number is a familiar item. They can punch it in and they know what they can expect to hear - someone from that company on the other end of the line. They can type it in on a computer, and amazingly it would take them to the website. Not only have you adapted current technology now to a familiar frame, but you have actively encouraged someone else to see your business model. This are the largest untapped but available customer base for online companies PTFMA.
In addition, a telephone crossreference fixes many problems with domain squatters, two companies with similar names/different prodcuts, and provides most of america with an existing directory structure to find the company they are looking for (the Yellow Pages).
Lastly, I personally prefer to shop locally when I can't get a better deal elsewhere. I could run through (617) business lines for the product I wanted. This would allow me to shop online - and have the convenience of doing so - but put the company close enough that if it broke, I could easily return it or exchange it.
anyways... phone numbers aren't a bad system - just one you wouldn't think to use given the current direction of technology. I however, see where this could be useful - and hence, profitable.
Reminds me of Realnames (Score:2)
Sounds similar to Bango (Score:2)
http://0 (Score:2)
Standard trademark laws would be in place. Coca-Cola probably has rights to be the only Coca-Cola, but Smith Consulting would need city information to help you whittle it down.
Then, like a memory-dial phone, you would bookmark your most commonly visited sites and forget the number.
It doesn't have to be a phone number. It just has to be a unique number, like, oh say, your IP address.
The naming system sounds good until you try to pick a unique name and let your business rely on people spelling it right, or working out your messy attempt at a unique name. If you were Smith Consulting what would you use? smith-cons.com? What did you get the first time you tried to find Via, id, or Diamond? These are national companies. Now try to find a local carpentry service.
Also, it can be embarrasing to make a messy URL when they are suppose to be so obvious.
This has been done before (Score:2)
Re:IETF have already done this (Score:2)
Correct Link (Score:2)
Useful... (Score:2)
On the other hand, for those using Altavista, or Lycos, or what have you, or who don't know how to properly refine a query, could have more difficulty. This could be a real boon for those people, as now you can simply look them up in the yellow pages.
Now whether or not we WANT those people to be able to use the Internet more easily is a question that goes beyond the scope of this post...
Hmmm (Score:2)
Devil's Advocate (Score:2)
I hardly think it merits a patent, but it does offer advantages over "http://123.123.123" and looks cleaner than "http://www.555-1234.com".
My mom is not a Karma whore!
Re:What a great idea! (Score:2)
An IPv4 address is a sequence of 4 numbers (bytes), grouped into sets of one.
"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
Numbers used in proposal for private .nl domains (Score:2)
I'm still waiting for the first person to send me such a 'cool new domain name'. Most Dutch people who wanted a domain simply got a .org/.net instead or asked a friend at some company to register it for them.
Re:better url (Score:2)
Not really. Thd DNS system have been badly abused by the Internet rush. Those names were not supposed to be seen by humans, but were handles to specific resources. The real DNS was supposed to be something like Google, or Real Names.
Their idea is not as dumb as I originally thought. Phone numbers are already a way to uniquely indentify a service. Those numbers are ubiquitous. With more and more cell phones getting internet access, the thing may make a bit of sense. You try to reach your friend, but don't find him. You can directly go to its website, or whatever. Or someone calls you. With caller-id, you can have more informations. Or you want to a professional. You get its number from a phonebook, and you can get to its web-site to check its hourly rates, or whatever. Sure, it is dumb because if you were on a computer, you have probably got its number via the web, and if he had a webpage, it would probably been indicated next to the number.
All in all, it is not 100% stupid. Just 90%...
Replacing phone numbers by URLs (Score:2)
Bango.net (Score:2)
Bango.net [bango.net]
They were selling them off at some stupid rates for small numbers - and for some reason they've dished out really attractive numbers to local companies - e.g. 12345 is a regional newspaper.
Great! (Score:2)
Wow, amazing capital expense (Score:2)
Your IP address can reveal your location! (Score:2)
So remember this when you're browsing. The websites can calculate your physical position right down to a 2-mile radius. That's more than close enough for an ICBM!
Big Brother is watching you, and he doesn't like what he sees...
Considering the number of dead links... (Score:2)
Phone numbers vs IP numbers (Score:2)
Casting one function for another? (Score:2)
Score: -1, Redundant.
a number-based scheme might be good (Score:2)
Separating the two concerns would give you a system where you have a two step resolution: human readable to location independent numbers, followed by location independent numbers to IP addresses. Such a split gives you a lot more flexibility on mapping the human readable names because you can change the mapping without having all the web pages that point to the affected hosts go bad.
Of course, these location independent numbers should not be phone numbers, since phone numbers do, in fact, change.
Numbers? (Score:3)
The goal is to advance technology... not to regress to a bad system.
The useability of phone numbers (Score:3)
Corrected link: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/zd/20001128/tc/will_p hone_numbers_replace_urls__1.html
I seem to recall an article involving the relative difficulty of getting to a web site as compared to dialing a telephone. At the time, "web tone" was a hot buzzword. Many companies were using it to describe what they saw as the ideal user experience for the web - it should work as easily as a telephone.
Except that when you think about it, telephones are pretty damn hard to work. Buy a cheap US$20 phone in a department store. Plug it in. To dial, you have to lift the receiver, wait for the dial tone, then punch in this obscure sequence of ten (in the US, anyway) digits. If you don't know what they are, you have to look them up in a book, or call another number to ask someone. If you misdial, you run the risk of bothering some shmuck in his living room. Etc. The point of the article being, phones aren't as easy to use as everyone seems to give them credit for. We've just been using them since we were kids. Come to think of it - no kid I know who's been using the web for any period of time thinks it needs to be that much easier to use.
And of course, this neglects an obvious question: what happens if you have to change your phone number?
TPC.INT did it in 1993 (Score:3)
The system, called tpc.int (which was only about the fifth or sixth
Shortly after it was launched using the awkward backwards phone number with every digit separated by a dot syntax, someone (and his name escapes me for the moment) hacked up a special DNS zone to eliminate the extraneous dots and reverse the number. This system is still in use today at tpc.int [tpc.int], where you can already address tpc.int servers by phone number the same way you have for over seven years.
If you've got some spare cycles and a lightly used phone line lying around, and unmetered local access, you should consider setting up a tpc.int server for your area. It's fun, and you'll learn a lot about MIME, mail processing, and neat DNS tricks in the process...
New browser dialog boxes. (Score:3)
Dammit... (Score:3)
ahh crap this is a net number...
It -Should- be the other way around... (Score:3)
Correct link (Score:3)
I can see it now... (screen goes wavy) (Score:5)
Wife: Hon? It's still busy...
Husband: *snicker* Keeeeep tryin'. Call again.
Wife: (dialing aloud) 1-2-7, 0, 0, 1... damn! Busy!
Husband: Dear, I gave you the number earlier. You're the one who wanted to eat at Chez Expensif. Why didn't you make reservations?
Wife: I've been dialing ALL DAY!!!
IETF have already done this (Score:5)
What a great idea! (Score:5)
Seriously, wouldn't the easiest way to accomplish this be to just turn off DNS
Incredulous? (Score:5)
"We expect that figure to grow incredulously over the next few months," Nacomms general manager Siobhan Dooley told ZDNet.
I, for one, am certainly incredulous about the growth prospects.