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Comment Re:I do not get it... (Score 1) 415

Do you have young children, and have you ever spent more than 2 hours in a minivan with them? Law requires me to be in the driver's seat, kids in the back seat. Kinda hard to entertain small children that way.

I agree that there may be other more worthwile forms of entertainment (books and travel games), which I have, but even those fade in time. A headrest monitor with DVD/whatever else capability is another tool in the box to keep your journey sane.

Now, as for the iPadd "killing" this, really??? I've seen dual monitor DVD kits for under $200, not sure how a $500 piece of hardware "kills" that. Shoot, I paid $400 for a laptop that often gets used a a backseat entertainment system, and has a lot more functionality than this Apple contraption.

* iPadd is a reflection of the fact that Apple has finally built a Star Trek TNG padd-like device that can actually be used as such for managing server farms. For this I give them credit.

Comment Re:Star Wars tech? (Score 1) 146

Transporters on Star Trek were no better explained than hover-craft in Star Wars

In reality they were. Transporters on Star Trek are only one step ahead of what we could build today, and the only reason they don't work in real life is because of Heisenburg's principle. Heisenburg identified that you cannot measure the position and velocity of a molecule at the same time. You either know one or the other. Both are required for the transporter. Hence, Star Trek utilizes the "Heisenburg compensator".

Because the Enterpise often encountered species that were less knowledgeable, it was often that the crew would show off and explain their technology to other guests. Much different than Star Wars. The visiting species didn't want to learn about your tech, they wanted to kill you. By the time they "learned" of the tech, it was because it killed them.


Submission + - 100 things we didn't know last year

gollum123 writes: "The BBC news magazine is runnnig a compilation of the interesting and sometimes downright unexpected facts that we did not know last year, but now know ( tml#a007948 ). some examples — There are 200 million blogs which are no longer being updated, say technology analysts. Urban birds have developed a short, fast "rap style" of singing, different from their rural counterparts. The lion costume in the film Wizard of Oz was made from real lions. Online shoppers will only wait an average of four seconds for an internet page to load before giving up. just one cow gives off enough harmful methane gas in a single day to fill around 400 litre bottles. More than 90% of plane crashes have survivors. For every 10 successful attempts to climb Mount Everest there is one fatality. The word "time" is the most common noun in the English language, according to the latest Oxford dictionary. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobiacs is the term for people who fear the number 666. The egg came first. Thinking about your muscles can make you stronger."
Media (Apple)

Top Ten Apple Rumors of All Time 170

An anonymous reader writes "CNET have taken a look back at 30 years of Apple rumors during which we have witnessed Apple's 'rise, fall, and rise again, like a kind of technological Jesus Christ.' Some of the rumors are outrageous, and some came true. The list includes such treasures as the Apple-Nintendo merger, which the article calls 'utterly outlandish,' and the persistent rumor that Apple will release Mac OS X for PC — described as 'so counter-productive and financially damaging for Apple that we doubt the company has ever seriously considered it.' There is also mention of the iPhone, which CNET says is 'an elaborate hoax dreamed up by Steve Jobs to keep journalists busy.'"

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