The Continuing Rise Of Amiga 164
Mike Bouma writes: "Already well over 15,000 developers have bought the Amiga SDK 1.0 and soon there will be an update available (3D, Sound, GUI and performance improvements). It will be downloadable freely for 1.0 buyers and a Windows equivalent will be available.
There is an enormous amount of activity going on within the Amiga community, for example only yesterday
Hyperion Software acquired the rights for a Europa Universalis port. While Hyperion Software already had an incredible lineup of games licenses for the Amiga (Majesty, Soldier of Fortune, Sin, Heretic II, Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, Freespace: The Great War, Worms: Armageddon), Linux (Majesty, Sin, Shogo) and Mac (Shogo, Soldier of Fortune). Read this interesting interview with Thomas Frieden to know more about them. They are also working together with Titan Software to port various titles like Alien Nations as Titan has the Amiga and Mac porting rights.(Also their Exodus: the Last War *finally a Napalm beater?* and Evils Doom are great new games)
Meanwhile many other companies are investing a lot of effort to support alternative OSes and especially the Next Generation Amiga Digital Environment. Some examples are Epic Interactive and PaganGames (Earth 2140, Scavengers, Magick, Simon The Sorcerer 2, Dafel: Bloodline, etc., for both Amiga/Mac and Foundations series), Crystal Interactive (Gilbert Goodmate, Bubble Heroes, Dark Millennia, Dweebs, Gorky17), Digital Dreams Entertainment (Hell Squad, Wasted Dreams series, Diablo's Land), Blittersoft (Wipeout 2097 for Amiga/Mac, Payback, Homeland, etc.) and many many other small and unannounced companies developing for the new Amiga. Some interesting Amiga SDK information and some open sourced games and utilities for the Amiga SDK can be downloaded here."
Re:Spread the word! READ THIS! (Score:1)
I'd be careful about that.
read carefully before whinging (Score:2)
So which part of my statement indicates I did not read the article. I just don't buy the hype.
If you read my post before firing off your lame "he didn't read the article" whinge, you'd realize I was opining more on the state of Amiga and fruitless advocacy, than the "news of the day" this submission links to.
Any system that FUNCTIONS is viable for a particular user, but if AMiga had 100 times the market share... they still wouldn't beat Apple or Linux. I'm sure Amiga will benefit from open-source software that gets ported to their OS, but even then there's only so many port maintainers, and I don't envision lots of closed source software getting ported.
Amiga could have targeted systems to Linux users,
most of whom have fond memories of the AMiga of old.
WOW (Score:1)
Re:WOW (Score:1)
Re:Story moderation: -1, irrelevant poo. (Score:1)
It's easy to love a dead OS (Score:1)
An OS that is largely dead can no longer roast your files, frustrate you with non-existent support or let you down in any way.
What's next, people claiming that the TRS-80 was better than a PS-2?
bah (Score:2)
Lord Omlette
ICQ# 77863057
So now we all know what we have to do... (Score:1)
Re:So now we all know what we have to do... (Score:1)
Re:PowerPC is good but... (Score:2)
That's simply not an option in an apartment, and when I get a house I'd lose a whole room to "storage". I've already tried putting the system in the closet, but it gets too warm.:-/
I appreaciate PowerPC for other things than minimal heat. Just like some people view Linux as "free" because the software doesn't lock you into an OS vendor, I appreciate the potential for linux not locking us into *an architecture*. I am simply floored by people who don't click on this POTENTIAL... we'll never get anything revolutionary from Intel so why wear their handcuffs? I like cheap x86 parts (smp!) too, but Intel's lost there edge. The next revolutionary CPU designer will have nothing to offer if Linux apps are still chained to IA-32...
I ran PPC Linux when I had a Mac, and liked it. Sure, I'll miss out on Quake and Unreal, but Loki's porting PPC games.
One wouldn't need to compile everything if they run a Linux distro that supports apt-get. I totally love Debian now, after trying everything else first because of rumors of a difficult install (not so bad)
Re:Competition of ideas is good but... (Score:1)
WTF??? Did you ever own an Amiga in the '80's?? The main reason I bought an Amiga 1000, then an Amiga 500 while I was in college was because they were CHEAP! Even as a Mac fan and Windows user (sorry, I couldn't bring myself to say "Windows fan") today I can admit that PC's and Mac's were outrageously overpriced and underpowered back then compared to Amigas. Their primary attraction among their fans back then was the big bang-for-the-buck that you got when you bought an Amiga.
Face it, you need to learn to close your mouth when you don't know what you're talking about!
Re:amiga? ick. (Score:1)
Assign NatPor: CD0:Images/Sex/Illegal/StarWars
Then just use NatPor: to get where you know you wanna go.
Assign NPAndGrits: NatPor:Grits
And you get the idea. :-)
$HOME is... (Score:1)
Re:ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! (Score:1)
Also it runs by its self. That is it doesnt have to be hosted by another OS.
And really, if your sick of people talking about the amiga why do you read their comments/articles ?
Another thing how can a computer die? Maybe people stop programing for it. But that never happened. Maybe you all just tuned out!
Re: Benito Mussolini still dead (Score:1)
"We have dug up Mussolinis corpse, cultivated germ cells with DNA from the corpse and spliced it with DNA from Hitler and Stalin to build the greatest dictator the Earth has ever seen...
;) Okay, okay I guess I'll stop mocking the believer's for now... Being a long time Apple supporter I know what those skeptical looks are like... I guess only time will tell if you're following the shoe or the gourd.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
Re:amiga? ick. (Score:1)
I wish tcsh on Unix had the ability to obviate the need for 'cd '.
(As someone mentioned, you could also add defines for directories, both for use as commands, and for access to files associated with a program. For example, I had src: assigned to Work:Development/src, and to CD there would just type "src:". Yes, of course this can be done with alias in tcsh, but alias doesn't help with things like "src:AmigaDos", or "copy src:foo/*.c wherever". Also, yes, if you are willing to create a bunch of top-level softlinks it will mostly work the same way in Unix - but people rarely are willing to do so.
ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! (Score:1)
All anyone talks about is it's potential comeback [slashdot.org]
Amiga is dead, and until they release something more substantial than what they have been (like something cool maybe?) they will remain there. Linux would not be where it is if it
wasn't free
didn't have free developemnt tools ($100 is crazy, even apple has _some_ free stuff (not much but some))
It just seems that 1 or 2 times a year they release something that has potential to be cool, but then really isn't. If there is enough demand for the OS. Release it! I looked on amiga's website and could only find information specific to the "classic" amiga and the new SDK. If this is supposed to be some sort of portable application tool it's not specific enough.
It says it's minimum requirements are red hat linux? hmmmmm So what OS does this actually run on? It lists that the os can run on (embedded) windows, linux, and QNX and can run on powerpc hardware...but with what os there? certainly not mac os.
If they really want to "make a comeback" as they have talking about for years (even before they were fully dead) then open source the os! port it to x86! port it to whatever you want! but come on do something people!
Re:The Continuing Rise of Nostalgia (Score:1)
Everybody just made copies of each other's CP/M binaries. Were you around then?
Re:who knows (Score:1)
Re:Just Games? (Score:2)
That's what the Amiga was FOR. The Video Toaster and all those neat applications that made Amiga famous? Those came later.. by several years.
As with many things from the early days of personal computers, the history is muddy and filled with opinon, but if you poke around for a bit, you can pick up one common thread: They were striving to build the next hot gaming platform.
One example of this would be a history found here [geocities.com].
There's dozens more out there.. I reccomend looking them up and getting a lot of opinions before making your own. But playing games exclusively wouldn't be an insult to the Amiga. :) It'd be using it for exactly what it was meant to do.
amiga? ick. (Score:1)
The Amiga (it was a 3000) tops the list of computers I was glad to get rid of.
I could never see why people liked them that much. Braindamaged CLI syntax, atari 800 class video.
Yeah, the Toaster was a crufty hack and some of the Psygnosis games were OK but for the most part, ick.
tranquility for the mac...coming soon.
Re:Phoenix rises again (Score:1)
Let's see...A Java virtual machine that runs on top of Tao's Elate OS that runs on top of Linux. Sounds sooooo efficient to me.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
I must admit though, the Amiga SDK does sound like it will be as 'revolutionary' as the hardware was in 85... but let's just wait and see hey
You can still buy the Amiga computers too. (Score:1)
I wonder... (Score:1)
...how many people have actually read the actual articles and base their replies on actual information, not just to "Amiga? That was a nice piece of gaming hardware in 80's and died in early 90's." - level of knowledge.
Somehow most of the replies to the original give me the mental image of a quite small percentage. Whether negative or positive, the feedback should be in my opinion based on relatively up-to-date information. Bashing or blind zealous worship without facts are rather useless when only a few minutes worth of work would be needed to get relatively up-to-date. If someone doesn't bother doing that, she or he probably shouldn't bother to participate in discussion either.
UCSD p-code link (Score:1)
Re:developers (Score:1)
01 13 19
It's worse than that. Far worse. (Score:1)
So, after being raped by third party comapnies for the last half of a decade (060 accelerator for only US$1000 anyone?), the new owners must have it in their heads that supporting amiga means some kind of rape. And they give us the biggest rape of all. Bigger than Gateway's patent rape, if that is even possible. They stole the "Amiga" name, slapped it on some idiotic technology package, and hope that this scheme gives them some kind of respect that they didn't have before.
If I only thought that a guy like me could succeed at some sort of homebrew/open source hardware project, I'd try it. Maybe dirt cheap PPC accelerators (avnet has 603e's for $44 per unit), or even a cloned motherboard. But even if I managed to, to what effect? Jumping the hurdles of 68k emulation still leaves us with a seriously outdated OS, and no one is gonna change that. Even OS X has more in common with System9 than DE has with AmigaOS. Is software like this something that is realistically clonable, especially considering how little effort might be mustered for it?
Like the father who is begging/crying to the doctors to just please save his child, just save him, I can't believe Amiga has to be dead. Quit posting these goddamn morbid stories so I can grieve in peace.
Re:Fifteen Thousand (Score:1)
Just Games? (Score:2)
Re:This is something NEW, folks (Score:1)
Click on that stupid Amiga Icon, and read through the stories, and see exactly HOW MUCH vapor has been spewed on this topic, and HOW MANY of their plans have never materialized.
...then you might start to understand why we take all our Amiga stories with a decent-sized glacier of salt.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
15.000 developers?!? (Score:3)
Re:Amiga. Who Gives a Fsck? (Score:2)
Re:15.000 developers?!? (Score:3)
Fifteen Thousand (Score:1)
I know people who bought one, and they don't know how to code. So that number is inflated. But, rest assured, there are more than "Fifteen" Amiga developers.
(Probably just not many more than that worth a flip, but.....)
New record? (Score:2)
Re:Mario 64.. very unusual (Score:1)
PowerPC is good but... (Score:1)
If that's your main problem, get longer display and keyboard cables, and stick that machine in another room. No need to change mb architectures (buying a new mb, recompiling all your software, and some of it is only available for intel linux).
(this coming from a guy who really likes his PowerPC mac)
- Isaac =)
Re:Gee whiz! (Score:1)
Re: Listen, there are NO licensing fees! (Score:1)
Sigh! There are no licensing fees involved. The new revised license agreement is onl ine [amigadev.net] for all to read.
You only pay Amiga Inc. if you want your software to be "Certified by Amiga" and get marketing support from Amiga Inc.
Re:15000? So what! (Score:1)
OT: What's with all the formatted posts? (Score:1)
15,000 developers @ $99 ! That's already far exceeded my expectations for Amiga, which admittedly weren't very high in the first place.
Re: Benito Mussolini still dead (Score:1)
Idiot. The article isn't about the "classic" Amiga (A1000-A4000T) or its OS (1.x-3.x). It's about the forthcoming Amiga OS (or DE as Amiga Inc. want to call it). You can't flog an unborn horse.
Re:Phoenix rises again (Score:1)
okay, i know you meant windows when you meant "PC". but it's a pet peeve of mine. ever since the mac vs windows wars, the word "PC" has gotten a bad rap. this is sorta like the whole "hacker" and "cracker" thing.
Re:This is something NEW, folks (Score:3)
The modern ones are all either veery powerful, but with hideous, clunky user interfaces (gimp, photoshop), or with superficially similar easy UIs to Amiga packages, but ridiculuously feature free.
If I'm drawing original, bitmapped web graphics, I use an emulated copy of Amiga software - although, now that phoitogenics is out for linux, that can finally begin to change.
Re:15.000 developers?!? (Score:1)
Re:Competition of ideas is good but... (Score:2)
It was technically excellent, but management screwed it up.
Wipeout's not supposed to be THAT fast! (Score:1)
I mailed Psygnosis (original makers) and they said that it was bound to happen as computers got faster. I guess they can program great console games, but forgot how to do PCs. (Funny, my copy of Lemmings ver.1 for the PC (or Tandy,) runs just fine on my P3 450.)
people think to much of the past (Score:1)
Re:Just Games? (Score:1)
Re:amiga? ick. (Score:1)
That disks and drives aren't in their own seperate class from files and directories just tells me how utterly lazy unix programmers are. ;-)
Re:Just Games? (Score:2)
Oh yeah, it was this thing called...
Re:Gee whiz! (Score:1)
While the Amiga name will be used to promote the product, it's nothing like the purchase of the Commodore name; there's actually a new product behind it this time (as impossible as that sounds, given the last few years in Amiga's history!)
More factual info can be found on amiga.com [amiga.com]
Re:15.000 developers?!? (Score:1)
Sig goes here, or so I'm told.
Go Amiga! (Score:1)
More power to 'em. We need more platforms, not fewer.
Heck, If I had a billion bucks to throw around,
I'd bring the Apple II line back. Sans Apple, of course.
Reverse engineer the ROMs and OSes.
I'd like to see a modern system, w/ a built in language interpreter and machine-language monitor.
Re:PowerPC is good but... (Score:1)
AHRM (Score:1)
Otherwise, Your Amiga is Alive. Or not.
For those who know, this isn't funny.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
Even taking it further... the A500/2000 with 512K or 1MB or 2Mb... theres a hell of a lot you can do in that on an Amiga. Nothing compares to the responsiveness and abilities the little beast could do back then even compared to now (with those that have more memory and processing power)
How would Linux perform in 2Mb RAM? What could you run on it? QNX is probably the only thing that is comparable in this way
Pity. (Score:1)
That, and the licensing issues benind Amiga...I hope they get straightened out, though my primary interest in Amiga is in hardware. Odd to see Amiga tech go platform-independent.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
Where the hell is PETA when you really need them?
Re:Gee whiz! (Score:1)
Wither Productivity? (Score:1)
Bring Back the Commodore 64 (Score:1)
Am I reading this right? (Score:2)
This sounds like a java that actually works. 3 month porting time, everything compiles to virtual machine code, and is translated native on the fly, depending on architecture.
Too bad about the licensing/fee issues that others have posted. The SDK itself should be free, and freely downloaded, if they are going to do that. Or $100 and free from royalties. But not both.
So, I think this is a great idea, and a high quality implementation, but the licensing stuff looks stinky. Too bad. Maybe they will open source it in a year or so?
Mindwalker (Score:1)
15000? So what! (Score:1)
--- Speaking only for myself,
Re:Just Games? (Score:1)
Re:I wonder... (Score:1)
Not only is the current company an entirely different entity to the old Commodore, Escom and Gateway incarnations of the same name, but more importantly their new product line has very little to do with the old Amiga hardware or operating system either.
So, what I'm trying to say is: give them a chance. Open your minds. Look at their product, find out what it does, and what their plans for the future are. *Then* and only then, pass judgement on what you find.
And quite frankly, I think you might even be a little surprised.
Re:This is something NEW, folks (Score:1)
Gee, that's all we need! Another pedo phi le [inet-one.com] programming language for PERVERTS [foxnews.com] only good for writing applications like this! [geocities.com]
--- Speaking only for myself,
Shogo Shouldn't be Too Difficult (Score:1)
Monolith Software was in collaboration with Microsoft very early on in development. MS did all they could to support development of LithTech as the Quake-killer, the DirectX engine that would finally topple id's OpenGL-driven dominance. But, alas, Monolith and MS had a falling out, and monolith decided that they weren't going to take any more of Microsoft's crap.
They started making most of the core Lithtech code OS and API independant. In fact, the original intent was to simultaneously release Shogo for the Windows PC and the Nintendo 64. They never finished the N64 version, but a pleasant side affect of it's incomplete development is that we have a modular, portable 3D engine that will take very little modification to run on Linux with GL. Or Amiga with whatever 3D API they're using (I assume GL as well).
It's always nice to have engine competition. Now if we can just convince Carmack to open-source Q3...
Re:Filtering "serious developers" they say.. (Score:1)
F18 Interceptor (Score:1)
Need I say more? That game took all I had seen of computers before, wrapped it up in a large tortilla and shoved it down my throat. I was simply astonished. It made me choose Amiga before Atari, gave me some really memorable nights of cool gaming, brought me through the demo scene, taught me computer architecture, assembly language programming and a lot of basic computer skills in general. Heck... Made me wear sunscreen...
Would love to see a revival of this fabulous machine! For sure!
Re:15.000 developers?!? (Score:1)
That said, keep in mind just because 15,000 SDKs have been sold it does not mean there are 15,000 Amiga developers out there. There would be far less I'd imagine, especially since the Amiga community tends to support anything produced for the Amiga - meaning many SDKs were purchases by people with no intent of programming anything.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
I can remember many hours of fun playing the original Lemmings, and other great Psygnosis games like Blood Money and Awesome.
there was also no shortage of way cool demos for the amiga showing off it's prowess... one of the original ones was a bouncing red and white checkered ball, I don't remember if it was rendered or if it was a video, but anyway, the ball is still their logo to this day.
Re:15.000 developers?!? (Score:1)
This is something NEW, folks (Score:5)
This SDK has nothing to do with the old Amiga machines. They kept the name, but that and maybe a certain degree of technical unconventionality are about all this has in common with what Amiga used to be.
This is a cross-platform, hosted application environment. It has a virtual-processor architecture, such that the same binary will work for all platforms (through dynamic recompilation). Everything is based around the Taos kernel, which is (supposedly) the only thing that actually has to be ported to a new architecture for the entire system to support it.
So what this really is is something like Java on steroids, or GNUstep [gnustep.org] sans native binaries. I love that the core system is quite compact (apparently the Taos kernel is 12kB!), and that it is highly geared toward efficient parallel processing. That the whole thing is called Amiga is a bit odd, but looking into this, one explanation becomes clear: What Amiga boxen were to the hardware peers of its day, this seems to be to the software of today. This really does look like advanced stuff. Read more about it. [amigasdk.com]
I am disappointed, however, that the system is proprietary. Don't wanna go there. But then, hey, these guys are way ahead of the curve. And who knows, maybe the AROS [aros.org] folks will begin their own implemetation of the new API once they finish with the old one
Sill Fascinating (Score:1)
Re:Is it really an OS? (Score:4)
Re:amiga? ick. (Score:2)
"Braindamaged CLI syntax"
Oh, you didn't like it because it wasn't Un*x. You could have just got a port of a Un*x shell you know...
"atari 800 class video"
What!? You mean to tell me the Atari 800 also was able to display up to 4096 colours on screen at once!? And it could pull off reslutions at high as 1280 x 512? (And that's *without* overscan)?? TO think, I was under the impression the Atari 800's maximum resolution was a monochrome 320 x 192.
Do the K6 machines have emulation for 68xxx? (Score:1)
is the old OS roms, and the ability to make
a legal emulator that can still run all the old
software. I don't see the point without 68xxx
emulation, though when I browsed the site,
I didn't see anything about this.
Someone apparently paid for the SDK... (Score:1)
Maybe charging $100 for it wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Re:I remember the day... (Score:1)
The Amiga 1000 literally, blew me away. The macs I saw in the seven years of being a heavy Amiga user never impressed me. I saw, probably, a higher lever of elegance, but it wasn't as fast. (A Quadra700 running Photoshop was not nearly as fast as TV-Paint with the same processor on a Retina card in an Amiga 3000). I always saw the design magazines with pages and pages of Mac produced design. Every once in awhile you would see something made on an Amiga. I later learned about the difference that a consistent interface to applications would make. Photoshop is probably the best paint program (software) I've ever used.
I have such a soft spot for the Amiga though... I still have a ton of Amiga hardware. Most of it is in 24 bit video hardware. But I also have learned to harness the power of the Mac's PowerPC chip. Probably not a day goes by that I wonder what Commmodore could have done had it been a "real" computer company, and not a "company that made widgets". (I believe that's a quote from a former Commodore employee like Dale Luck so someone)
Sigh... I'm pretty close to buying an Amiga developer kit. Perhaps I'll get past "hello world" in my "C" book.
Scott Thomas
a broadcast designer in Southwest Florida
Is Amiga another Java? (Score:2)
License / Royalty Agreement (Score:5)
Talk about throwing a bucket of ice water on people hot to do something really interesting with the SDK! That and the fact that the Elate OS stuff is heavily patent-encumbered (I wonder if the guy who developed/patented the VM ever heard of UCSD p-code) leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Oh well, it is interesting to look at until the next SDK from someone completely different is released with a more developer-friendly attitude (and license!). Fortunately, it didn't cost too much, so I don't feel cheated. I'll get my $80 out of it at some point.
Note- yes, I realize that there is a license on their web site that does not contain the royalty requirements. However, that license is not properly written to supercede the one on the disk. First, it does not reference any particular product (the "product listed above" is not listed at all). Second, the original license says that the royalty requirements may change and those changes are to be found at http://www.amigadev.net/royalties [amigadev.net], which does not exist. Thus, I don't see, legally, how the royalty requirement has been dispensed with (properly). It doesn't matter if they claim that they won't sue for royalties; as long as the legal loophole exists, developers are at risk.
I wonder how many of the other 14,999 developers are feeling the same way. Further, I also am curious how many of them don't realize that they are at risk of being sued for said royalties, if "Amiga" decides to be nasty about it.
Re:Competition of ideas is good but... (Score:2)
Newtek no longer actively supports their new products on AMiga. Is that clear ENOUGH for you? Deal with it.
I was at NAB the last few years. Newtek has the best booth doughnuts.
Re:License / Royalty Agreement (Score:3)
Re:amiga? ick. (Score:2)
I actually quite liked the way you didn't have to type "cd <directory>" you could just go with "<directory>", the CLI noticed you were trying to "execute" a directory and interpreted it as a change directory command. It saved 3 charcters, but think, How many times a day do you type cd ?
Is it really an OS? (Score:2)
The last time I checked the definition of an operating system, it interfaced between the hardware and the software on the machine. Unless AmigaOS somehow usurps the underlying OS (by needing to be run as root, or whatever, in which case why not make it an independant OS?), can we really call it an operating system?
And yes, I am one of those guys that's pedantic about terms :) Hacker = cracker, web = internet, Red Hat version = Linux version etc are all mistakes that came into being because people weren't quite strict enough...
Hardware Prostitute (Score:2)
I used to be an Amiga Games Developer until the $$$ on the Sega Megadrive lured me away.
So now I'm just a "Hardware Prostitute" (whatever platform runs the fastest and pays the most money/egoboo to it's developers is where you'll see me.)
That is to say, I'm currently writing graphics apps on BeOS with a 14-month old 600 MHz Intel PIII -- I won't jump in with yet another OS company just because they use the name "Amiga" - But I'll come running back if they have a hardware/software combo thats nicer than what I've got now.
(ring 0900-SYKIC-4-YOU for my EMail address.)
Anyone remember Blitz Basic? (Score:2)
15,000 developers (Score:2)
I remember the day... (Score:3)
My friend's amiga 1000 had games that made my moth drop open. With most people stuck in CGA and EGA world, the graphics on the machine would blow ones mind. Add to that a windowing environment that beat everything up to about Win95 and OS7. Multitasking! On a PC! An OS for which the GUI and CLI made sense together.
Back then, PC operating systems were a joke compared to the amiga. If amiga had business apps back then, the choice would have been clear.
A comeback seems absurd today, but I remember that in grade school the amiga was a miracle. Who knows?
Re: (Score:2)
Filtering "serious developers" they say.. (Score:2)
Well sorry if I'm not a developer serious enough to give 100 bucks away just to play around with something and find out if it's useful or not.
Amiga doesn't exist anymore.. it's a name of an hardware and software that used revolutionary.. if another revolution has to happen it wont be because of a name.
The Continuing Rise of Nostalgia (Score:2)
Re:I remember the day... (Score:2)
Alas, the glory days of the Amiga are gone forever. While I would love to see the new Amiga Inc. succede, I just don't think it's possible to rekindle the old magic. It will only live on in the hearts of those of us who were part of it.
Competition of ideas is good but... (Score:3)
Well, OK, I'm overstating things a bit -- it's a viable platform for people who won't budge off it. However I don't see any NEW people moving onto it, Lightwave is gone, and most of the specialized, creative applications have since moved onto NT.
What I *really* wish Amiga had done was manufacture PowerPC-based boxes that could easily be refitted with Linux. Nothing against Apple, but I just want CHEAP POWERPC motherboards. My x86 boxes are so hot, and noisy, that I'm tempted to wear headphones in this room, and I hate headphones. I think Amiga could have made a much better run in the Linux workstation market than say SGI...
On the offchance that this gets moderated up, I'd like to THANK MOTOROLA for the lack of off the shelf PowerPC motherboards. Motorola pushes embedded Linux on [gasp!] Intel processors, their server line is Intel-based, and and you can't buy off the shelf PowerPC motherboards.
What corporate vision. They seem about as efficent as General Motors.
*sigh* Maybe my raise will allow me to get one of those G4 Cubes without wincing. They would make sweet Linux boxes.
Re:Go Apple ][ ! (Score:5)
Just a bit of history, for all the people that didn't grow up on the apple (computer):
The Apple ][, ][+,
The Apple ][ (orginal),
Woz says:
The only way to get the mini-assembler on the Apple ][+,
The enhanced
You can see the source for the mini-assembler here [delphi.com].
An interesting read of the Apple (computer) history can be read here [hypermall.com].
Mario 64.. very unusual (Score:2)
I can't help but notice that Mario 64 is on the list of games being ported... seems very unusual to me since Miyamoto has gone on record saying he doesn't want to port to other platforms. Yet the very promise of being able to play these games on any platform would seem to totally contradict that.
Also, would this mean that Nintendo is going to be using the Amiga platform? a common complain by developers of the n64 was that is was very hard to develop for... is this the answer?