Amiga Allies With Red Hat 69
Mike Bouma writes "Amiga and Red Hat are working together to provide the foundation for exciting games and consumer content for the desktop, set-top-box, game console, and handheld market.
This announcement follows monts after the disclosure of Amiga`s relationship with the Corel Corporation.
The Amiga SDK can now also be bought at
Also take a look at this review which includes benchmark comparisons of the Java performance of the Amiga SDK running hosted on Redhat 6.1 and native Linux Java implementations."
Hehe... right on... :) (Score:1)
Wait.. I'm talking back nicely to an AC-flame... Karma whoring again.
I'll just quit now, I think.
"I'm surfin the dead zone
Finally, some real numbers (Score:2)
I guess this puts to rest these rumors of the "magic" Java implementation that was supposed to be multiple factors faster than anything around. It's faster than IE in some cases, but on balance, IE kicks its butt.
Now could someone explain to me why anyone would use Java as a primary development language rather than where it's useful -- an embedded controller language?
Caveat: If we had native-language compilers (NOT compilers that operate on the byte codes), we might have some reasonable Java speed. Unfortunately, no one seems to want to remove the JVM millstone around the neck of Java-the-language -- and at the same time remove the brain damage from the language (such as the lack of an unsigned type, my personal pet peeve).
Okay, it's not amiga classic, but it's good! (Score:1)
For the people bitching that it's not fully backward compatible with the 1985 amiga models, just run UAE, with all the current high-speed CPU grade to chose from, processing power shouldn't be a problem.
I like the concept of VP, I like the fact that this company ACTUALLY shipped something, not only vaporware.
As for people biching about the Java engine's speed, you should have read the article entirely before jumping to the benchmarks and whinning about the results, this is a DEVELOPPERs version, and they've got some improved stuff already, not bad for a 1.0 version.
And finally, for those who claim that there's "no old people from commodore" in this project, well there's at least 2 good things: They won't fuckup (marketting-wise) and look at what Dave Haynie has to say about the VP (of course, you know who Dave Haynie is, right?)
If you want more information I also suggest reading
I wish them luck, and success. For those who don't like it, just don't read about it or use it! put your negative energies on something more worthwhile like human causes or do something better, this one deserves more than a chance.
Re:This story renders slashdot obsolete (Score:1)
But you have to admit they tried!
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
Re:Replace Xfree86 with Workbench (Score:1)
See You,
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
Re:Amiga & Redhat (Score:1)
Tomorrow's slashdot: (Score:1)
Re:Disappointing from afar... (Score:1)
Re:Some corrections and addings. (Score:1)
But let`s wait and see. According to Amiga they will have user-products available within months.
Tout-Ankh-Amiga (Score:2)
Will RedHat confirm this obervation ?
For what I see there is nothing that spectacular in their SDK, except Amiga's name.
I hope RedHat investors will trust them, though it's only sounding like a superstition.
Re:quick test: 'wc -buzzwords' (Score:1)
Or, in the case of Amiga, "CasperWare"...
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
The current "Amiga Administration" admit the fact. That was then, this is now. They're clinging to the past no longer.
Yes, Intel, AMD and Transmeta appear to be the CPU big boys, but Amiga is promising an operating system that is processor independent. Wham. Level the playing field, and maybe even invite other big boys like DEC and Motorola into the game. I think the entire concept of a truly processor-independent OS has some startling potential to shake up the hardware market.
What about the OS factor? Well, with AmigaOS being hostable on multiple OSes (yes, even Windoze eventually), in addition to being as standalone OS when it's ready for release. The consumer is thus free to run in the environment of their choice and still run Amiga style applications Software that isn't OS restricted. Wowie. Once again, breaks down the traditional OS barriers. THIS I really would like to see them pull off!
My only skepticism comes from their ability to deliver on this exciting and rather ambitious set of promises. The Amiga market has been burned so many times that it's difficult to look at new promises without spewing your glass of milk out your nose because you're laughing so hard. I think that the current Amiga Inc. has managed to do a lot in a very small amount of time, and as a big fan of the original Amiga plaform I'm willing in typical fashion to give them time to stand and deliver. I look forward to what else they have to offer.
Amiga once again has an opportunity to break new ground (though some may argue that the only Amiga in this new machine is in the name and the logo). I wish them the best of luck.
--- [DrPsycho] Coping with reality since 1975.
Re:quick test: 'wc -buzzwords' (Score:1)
--- [DrPsycho] Coping with reality since 1975.
The wierd world of Amiga! (Score:1)
I miss my Amiga. It still comes out of the cupboard for a good old thrashing every now and again, and I run UAE, and play a few games on that too.
Everybody (except you Trolls) seems to be very positive about the return of the Amiga name if nothing else recognisable.
This maybe partly linked to the current trend of retro gaming, but it may be something else too.
I can see a definite need in the IT community to break away from the corporatisation of computers in general. Linux is part of that, because of it's non-commercial angle. I think the Amiga is another example of that need. The Amiga was a 'fun' computer. It wasn't just the fact that it was pushing back the barriers of 'Multimedia' (ironically, a word that was used only in later years referring to PCs), it was the whole vibe of the Amiga people.
I think that now in the days of the dotcom, and the techno-yuppie, real old nerds long for the days when we and our mates could sit down with a few beers and play Kick Off, or Lotus, or F1GP until our eyes bled, and love every minute of it!
I think now, we need more than ever for Amiga to survive, and to produce something solid, while at the same time preserve the Amiga spirit.
I just hope it's for real, and not another Walker [].
Anyways... enough of this before I start to cry!
"How much truth can advertising buy?" - iNsuRge [] - AK47
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
So far as processor independant apps. We already have that with Java. And again, it's not doing much for joe consumer. Great for enterprise computing, but not much use for anyone else...
The point being, if people wanted and cared about those things, then we'd have them already. The motivations already there, it's just a matter of customer demand. And I don't think that's going to happen any day soon...
who cares...lets get linux working first (Score:1)
Disappointing from afar... (Score:1)
They seem to have a viable cross platform development system right now, at least running on top of linux, but I have been very dissatisfied with the information available at the web site. Almost all the useful information I've obtained so far has come from elsewhere - personal web sites, etc., and review sites. Nothing but good things.
Why is so little content provided by I would expect to see more specifics about projects underway by Amiga itself and by third parties with screenshots and links to these projects. For example, the RedHat blurb had almost no useful content. Exactly what do they have in the works and why are they so reluctant to let people know?
$100 for the SDK is not really an issue, although more developers might give it a try if it were free. I think developers are reluctant to jump in if they feel that others aren't doing the same, and nothing provided by Amiga gives me much a sense of being part of a "community" if I do jump in. I was very much a part of the old Amiga community 10 years ago, but most of those connections are now gone - people have moved on, etc.
Again, the technology is quite good and it's not vaporware. It's here and it works. I consider the new Amiga to basically be a cross-platform system for home users and creative people - Java done right. I don't regard it as a corporate thing and the emphasis seems entirely different from what Sun and IBM offer. Also, the abiity to work in platform-specific code where needed seems alredy to be in place, and has been demonstrated satisfactorily to me at least with linux.
What's the bottleneck? I do not care about announcements of corporate endorsements and partnerships. Haven't we had enough of that all last week with the Gnome hype? Of more interest is how the new Amiga is faring in the developer/user community, among those who will do the real work if the new Amiga is to be a player, Those are the people to be courted and supported.
Any comments froms someone closer to the scene would be appreciated.
Re:What about big-endian systems? (Score:1)
Re:Amiga & Redhat (Score:1)
I love a company of AC/10 and LRM15 eq'd mechs. I had something wild, very slow, but hauling 6 LRM 10's It was evil.
Yeah, I think HackLite might have been the first place I saw Keystone Kops. Fun!
Didn't get PB, but had FTA, I upgraded the O/S and my Archon doesn't work anymore, neither does Breach. Well, it works, it just scrolls ugly.
The old Quantum 80 meg HD is now spun up, time to go play that old VT Conquest game (with ascii characters
Vote [] Naked 2000
Re:What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:1)
The scoop (Score:3)
In an nutshell, the new Amiga OS based on the Taos java vm does work, but Amiga could care less about its users and their target is embedded devices and set-top boxes, not desktop apps and games that might run on a home computer. As most of you know, the initial SDK selling for $100 runs on top of RedHat linux, and you can develop many types of apps with it, but, the licensing for such applications includes this:
AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 3 OF YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT, IF YOU DISTRIBUTE ANY SOFTWARE CREATED USING THE AMIGA SOFTWARE, YOU MUST PAY AMIGA A QUARTERLY ROYALTY. YOU ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO PROVIDE AMIGA A REPORT OF YOUR DISTRIBUTION AND THE RIGHT TO AUDIT YOUR RECORDS. To review details relating to these obligations, including the royalty rate you are obligated to pay, you may click the "Previous" button below to review the License Agreement again.
No point in reading much further into the license or taking the time to try out the SDK. If you ordered one, ask for your money back. It is a complete waste of your time.
Further, the Taos vm does not include memory protection, which makes it no better than the old Amiga for desktop apps but might be acceptable for appliances which consist of an os and just one app where if the app crashes the system is unusable anyway.
Squid is quite pessimistic though he has posted here tonight in to put a more positive spin on things.
I say fuck 'em. If you are an old Amigoid as I am then transfer those creative energies to Linux. There are plenty of good, free SDK's for developing games and more are in the works. Of course Amiga is allying with RedHat because RedHat is very interested in the internet appliance market. But this does not mean that RedHat has any plans whatsoever to incude an Amiga OS or addon with its Linux disto. Redhat has no sch plans.
The spirit of the old Amiga lives on in Linux even though the name is not the same. You might also be interested to know that Amiga Inc. is vigorously prosecuting anyone who uses the Amiga logo (in its various forms) on a website but I feel they have no right to the trademark. A trademark is more than a name, and they cannot claim to own what a user community has a much more valid claim to by imparting value to the mark. Amiga Inc. has done nothing to honor and respect their trademark, but has instead insisted on once again screwing the community with hype, false promises and licensing that makes development of software by small operators and enthusiasts next to impossible.
Tuckers are coming back (Score:1)
Native Java compilers (Score:1)
Re:Heres the Lowdown - I bought it too, but.. (Score:1)
I've written a few command line applications.
The Java claim is for personal Java, not Java 1.2 as many may think. The current Amiga SDK is not Java 1.2 compliant, no AWT for one!
The binaries have there locations hard-coded into the binary. If you try and rename/move/copy the file, it will not work, period. It must me put in a specific spot.
The SDK is good at producing much smaller executables than Linux and you can run these apps anywhere there is a run-time environment for these binaries.
Re:who cares...lets get linux working first (Score:1)
Linux will never be perfected. No OS will. And frankly the concept of 3 major OSs out there on the desktop doesnt make me very happy. (MS, Linux, Apple) I say bring on the new architecture - wow us to death, bring in a new OS, and lets keep up the competition.
Re:What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:1)
I ran no pirated software and was otherwise very gentle.
I do know what a TSR is.
And I still think Amigas are crappy.
Max V.
Re:Amiga & Redhat (Score:2)
"The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:3)
Dear my! What are those things coming out of her nose?
Replace Xfree86 with Workbench (Score:1)
No more cunting around with XF86Config
the AC
Amiga & Redhat (Score:1)
Although many Linux users don't play that much games (not interrested?), it could be a mayor problem when trying to convince casual computer users to convert to Linux. I have friends that would never use Linux, just because it can't run Starcraft.
On the other hand (as an old amiga user), I think this is good for Amiga, because Redhat is a respected (as in business) company. Respect and trust is something this company needs badly.
Well, Redhat is maybe not that much respected among Linux geeks though...
"I'm surfin the dead zone
quick test: 'wc -buzzwords' (Score:4)
In case anyone's wondering, this sentence is 35% buzzwords (9 buzzwords, 26 words total).
- Scott
Scott Stevenson
Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
Could be I just got very cynical from all the commitements from vendors who never held up their end. Granted, some of that was probably due in large to Commodore's old marketing strategy: "Ready, Fire, Aim!"
Vote [] Naked 2000
Re:What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:1)
Re:Disappointing from afar... (Score:1)
3 mispellings in headlines in one day (Score:1)
This announcement follows monts after the disclosure
Hemos, we love you, but learn to spell! I'll buy you a dictionary if you like.
What about big-endian systems? (Score:2)
Because of this, the result is a larger executable and slower execution times for big endian system (i.e. pretty much any non-intel system). I talked to Chris at Tao about this and he says most of the time is hidden in the pipeline. But I say you are always going to have negative effects. Your instruction cache will get filled faster because of more instructions and in the case where the pipeline doesn't stall on a load you can use that extra slot to do something else. My question is, how much effect does this have? I have yet to see anyone release perfomance numbers Java or otherwise for Amiga on a big endian system. Or maybe no one cares about non-intel anymore??
A have a little more info on this at my homepage. []
Re:Running StarCraft on Linux (Score:1)
Also, the chat client built-into StarCraft is really hosed in WINE.
Um.."Amiga" means "girlfriend," right? (Score:1)
Honorary, unofficial, citizen's mod "+3 funny" (Score:1)
The rise and fall of the Amiga (Score:1)
AmigaDOS however, is primitive in comparison with what Linux offers. The best part of the Amiga was in the hardware, not software. I don't think anyone would want to trade HAM for true color nowadays :-)
Sounds like the new Amiga has kept the worst parts while migrating away from what made the Amiga special in the first place *the specialized hardware*.
From my limited understanding, it appears to me that the new Amiga's mirroring the Apple strategy of embracing and extending Linux/BSD to me - piggybacking on their success to ensure their own. All in all, I love it (Linux should benefit) and they may have a shot.
Where's Cowpland? (Score:2)
And the Logo and trademark stuff isn`t true either. But their lawyers did advise them to publicly state that anyone using the AMiga logo or trademarks needs premision for it from Amiga. But don`t worry they won`t bite you, and if you have a really inportant website a little notice below your website would be enough.
Too bad... (Score:2)
Do you know anything about the Tucker? If you did, you would know that 49 of the 50 originals are still in drivable condition! In other words, these are cars that are built to last. In addition the prototype still exists.
BTW, you do know that those nifty disk brakes on your car/truck were invented by Tucker? You also know that Tucker's head designer went on to design the Dynasoar for NASA - a forerunner to the Space Shuttle? Padded dashes?
The list of innovations Tucker developed could go on and on - most of them were "appropriated" after Tucker's company went under (due to the big three, like Ford)...
The world lost a little freedom the day Tucker's company was forced under...
I support the EFF [] - do you?
Re:Some corrections and addings. (Score:2)
Tao`s Java engine is reported as being on THE fastest Java engine available on the market today (on native hardware with its own drivers etc)!
I was analysing the only set of statistics available - talk is cheap, and I don't see any hard facts here.
I've heard the claims about Tao's speed on native hardware. I believe that Java should be running on naked hardware, and I do believe that it could run that damn fast.
But I'd like to see it for myself.
Let's go to Tao's Website [] & look for benchmarks []:
Okay - so does the native Tao VM come with the SDK, or only the Linux version? Does anyone actually have the native Tao VM, so we can see some benchmarks?
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade.
I do hope this is true.
I'd just like to see a grain of evidence.
Thanks, but I knew that. (Score:1)
Re:The scoop (Score:1)
Bill McEwen's Banquet Speach []
It's 13MB but worth the listen.
Now where'd I put that "light of day" at?
Re:What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:1)
Vote [] Naked 2000
Amiga Kicked Ass! (Score:1)
Re:Amiga & Redhat (Score:1)
Vote [] Naked 2000
IBM 1.1.8 24 bit: n/a (Score:3)
The logic test is designed to test the VM's ability to spot redundant loops of code & optomize them away. The 1.2.2 VM has an okay score but by the sound of this, it is a lot worse at this kind of optomization than the JIT in 1.1.8. That sucks.
A look at the breakdown of the test results shows the Amiga kicking ass at the image test, and especially the string test, but not showing too well elsewhere. That's a shame.
In the second set of tests, IBM gives it a thorough beating, everywhere except for the image test: 7000 to 3300 overall
I wish them all the best, but methinks the 'blazing fast Java' claim is really a little premature.
Re:Replace Xfree86 with Workbench (Score:1)
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:2)
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:2)
Yep, I'm just feelin' the 1980s here...
Heres the Lowdown (Score:1)
The New Technology:
* Binarys are platform independent, infact the entire OS is. Whats amazing about this tho is there is NO speed drop. I can testify to this as I have used the SDK.
* File size is upto 50% or smaller than say a Linux equivalent.
* Takes as little as 2months to port the OS to a new CPU which means you can have the OS ready to go with a platform filled with apps before your chip is even ready for the production line (14+ CPUs are supported at the moment).
* The OS can run ontop of other Operating Systems in a window for easy moving or interworking. Some of the OS's include Windows, Linux, BSD, EPOC, PalmOS, WinCE and ALOT more.
* The OS is also a Realtime OS.
* Each binary can use far less memory, upto 40% on average less as not all of an exe has to be loaded into ram, just what you need.
* Java is near native, if not native speed. On a nonhosted system Amigas Java system is over 6x faster than the 2nd best JVM.
* Java can be changed into native code.
* The OS can work in a machine with Multiple processors, even of different KIND! (So a Pentium3+StrongARM would work fine)
* It can also use MISC (Multiple Instruction Set Chip) chips, and infact is the only OS able to at this point in time.
* It takes a very small amount of time to port Linux code to the OS, POV ray for example was ported in 4hours, Quake in 1 hour and Doom in 15minutes.
* You can code in C/C++ or any normal language (including assembler) and it will still be platform independent.
* The OS already runs on everything froma 3MIPS cellphone to a Multiple CPU Server.
* Most old Amiga apps will run on the new OS, meaning 10s of thousands of apps are ready to go including Lightwave, Octamed, ImageFX, Photogenics, classic games, Possibly even MacOS translators.
* Did I mention it already works on the DreamCast and other Consoles will be coming?
Impressive stuff, still....its upto everyone to decide what they like and what they dont.
Oh dear... (Score:1)
Re:What happens when you kernel oops/panic? (Score:1)
Max V.
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
Look at how well it did.
(Yep, there's GNUStep. GNUStep is cool. Why do we need another GNUStep, then?)
Max V.
This story renders slashdot obsolete (Score:3)
The only way to make it more ridiculous would be to somehow connect it to Pete Townshend and the next Star Wars movie.
We need specifics (Score:1)
Specifically, what new apps are under development either by Amiga itself as proof of concept or as a showpiece or by third parties to exploit this wonderful new technology? How will they be marketed? Any progress of vm's for something other than RedHat Linux? (Oh, I can probably check your web site and get the info there, but still it would be a nice guesture to provide something for Slashdot readers who are not aware of your special interest in Amiga).
Until these kinds of specifics are provided, Amiga will never recapture its old following much less attract new users and developers. Remember, the original Amiga got off to a good start with a whole slew of applications written by the developers of the system themselves and that is also needed this time to break the ice.
Hmmm (Score:1)
Re:Heres the Lowdown (Score:1)
Re:cool (Score:1)
Anyone remember the "Dangerous Streets" pack for the A1200? Did they even play that lead title for their new platform?
Re:why redhat... (Score:1)
SDK FAQ-o-matic []
Re:whoa .... (Score:1)
Re:Ummm..... (Score:1)
Amiga will not open old AmigaOS code. For a free AmigaOS (3.x-like) implementation, see . It rocks and is MPL.
It's... It's...
Re:why redhat?? (Score:3)
In short, if you're going to host with Linux, and want some serious impact on the general public, there are plenty of distributions to choose from. Some are better choices than others, and the ubiquitous distro-flame-wars are proof of that. Why not go corporate... go well established... go RedHat. I'm sure RedHat has plenty more going for it than just slick PR, while your opinions of the actual distribution may vary.
--- [DrPsycho] Coping with reality since 1975.
Re:Amiga Skeptic (Score:1)
Vote [] Naked 2000