hypos writes:
"According to this ZDNet article, IBM is going to add an insulating layer of oxide between the transistor and its silicon bed, which IBM claims can increase a processor's performance by 20 to 30%. Best of all, it's supposed to come to new Macs soon. "
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
Re:Competing with Intel? (Score:1)
IBM are among the top two or three vendors in every market they compete in -- except for PCs.
They put a lot of effort/money into claing back some market share (they did after all invent the PC and were rather peeved about the Wintel alliance high jacking the whole thing).
However recently they seem to have realised two things.
1. There is not much money in commodity products.
2. Thier core business is high value, high end servers, is completely at odds with providing cheap commodity hardware.
They are very happy to leave this to people like AMD (to whom they readily license technoligy) and to the Apple/Motorola alliance.
When IBM talks about competing with Intel. They are talking about what IBM calls the "mid range server" market and Intel calls the "high end" server market.
If Intel had actually produced the IA64 on time then they would have made a serious dent in that market. Instead Itel have had to squeeze yet more performance out of the ageing x86 architecture, where (until recently!) there was no viable server Operating System to effectively utilise all that CPU power.
The intersting competion in this field is from Sun, who for the first time in several years do not have the fastest chip/biggest server to offer thier customers, as both IBM and HP have leapfrogged them.
It will be very intersting to see if they can regain there lead with thier next generation Sparc - do out sometime soon.
Isn't competition wonderful!
Re:Faster chips are always good. (Score:1)
I distinctly remember the iMac/G3 starting at ~300Mhz 2 years ago.
The first iMac was 233Mhz.
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
I think I miss the logic in that.
Actually, the C64 was a pretty awesome computer. I'm not the biggest fan of the x86 architecture, but at least you can upgrade it, buy stuff from more than one vendor, and assemble it yourself.
I don't want to buy an overpriced, pre-built system. I just want a motherboard and CPU.
Slashdot really sucks sometimes. I don't know why I bother posting. If you say anything controversial, it's obviously flamebait.
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
Re:ROTFLMAO (Score:1)
Oops, I meant "Mac", not "MAC". Am I insightful again?
Re:What about older procs? (Score:1)
the 20 was the problem, model numbers just don't match that exactly, so I couldn't figure out exactly what you have. I'm sure that a linux is available that'll run on it, just not sure what since I can't find out about your box.
yeah, but (Score:1)
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
I don't know why I'm still posting about this. I'm obviously dealing with morons.
Go ahead, mark this as flamebait, too. I don't give a shit.
Re:ROTFLMAO (Score:1)
Sarcasm aside, I'd like to know what MAC-only applications you are referring to in this statement.
On the color handling front, I imagine he's talking about ColorSync [apple.com]. This sort of color management is the flaw in the "GIMP is just as good as Photoshop" argument you hear around here. It's true -- for what people use the GIMP for: making graphics for on-screen display. Print graphics is a whole other issue and ColorSync provides a tremendous capability that other platforms lack.
I know nothing about Windows font handling, but if you're comparing MacOS to Linux, it's less an issue of anything on the Mac being great as it is of font handling in X being nightmarish.
OT: There's certainly a lot of discussion being generated in response to a particularly dimwitted troll. I don't just get those people. I mean, I don't like using a Palm Pilot and would never buy one. So I turn off Palm stories in my prefs! And I certainly don't go wading into every Palm article shouting, "Palms suck! I don't need one so why would anyone ever buy one?"
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:1)
i mean, c'mon x86 is about as outdated as a you can get but that certainly hasn't stopped Intel from taking over the world, has it?
chip architecture has very very little to do with sales in the real world, except as a tool for marketing people.
10 hour battery life for PowerBooks? (Score:2)
From the ZDNet article:
SOI can be used in one of two ways. It can be used to create low-power chips. In this case, by keeping clock speed the same, SOI would reduce the power consumption of a chip by two to three times.
Apple already claims >5 hour battery life for Powerbooks. With a 2 to 3 times power consumption decrease for the processor, how much more battery life can they get?
2 years ahead? Prove it IBM! (Score:1)
I can't figure out why a Copper PowerPC has not been released yet. It has always been in the wings for 2 years.
Also, I remember way back when in the days of the optimism over the open PowerPC Platform, there was some information about a PowerPC 615 processor with built-in x86 emulation. I don't remember if the chip was designed by Motorola or IBM, but that should have been great technology released to the public.
So, I am skeptical about IBM immediately acting upon their advantages. If they wait 2 years to do it, there is no point.
It is really a shame that the PowerPC G4 is currently only at 500 MHz. RISC processors should easily have a MHz advantage because they are simpler in design. Man, imagine a 1 GHz PowerPC G4 available today. People would definitely notice.
So, IBM, prove your new advantage.
P.S. AMD has access to Motorola's Copper CPU patents. I bet they will use them here soon.
"...we are moving toward a Web-centric stage and our dear PC will be one of
You can fool some of the people some of the time. (Score:1)
But I guess it had the intended effect. Two years later and some people think IBM has a 1 GHz chip.
Re:Pity the ignorant, don't despise them (Score:1)
I don't mean this to sound like flamebait,
Well it is.
but it always seems that the PowerPC is playing second or third fiddle.
Everyone can't have a monopoly. Unless you run Windows 98, you're second fiddle or less. But you know what? An orchestra composed of only one fiddle sounds pretty dull.
It gets knocked aside by x86 users on the desktop due to lack of applications.
Which of your needs is so esoteric that it can't be addressed by the 25,000 available Macintosh applications? Most of the best-selling PC applications have Mac versions, and vice-versa.
Yeah, sure, it's nifty to do graphics/desktop publishing, but if you're serious about that, you're running an Amiga or BeOS anyway.
This statement is superficially true, but you're way off in degree. Macs RULE graphics and desktop publishing. Their share of those markets isn't what it once was, but I believe it's still over 65 percent.
I recall reading once that a Mac makes a nice webserver because it's too dumb to really break into or do any damage.
You are mistaken. Dumbness has nothing to do with it. Macs make secure web servers because they don't provide unnecessary, insecure services on commonly attacked ports by default like Unix and NT servers do. Macs make nice web servers because you can pack a lot of power into a small, stable, efficient little box.
So why do people insist on using the Power PC?
Most of the time, they don't. They insist on using a Macintosh, or an IBM RS/6000, or an AS/400, or something like that. They don't care what the chip is, they like the platform.
In the cases where people do insist on PowerPC (typically in embedded controllers), it's because it packs a lot of punch in an energy-efficient package, and it's cheap.
Why do companies like IBM spend development dollars trying to push an outdated chip architecture, when they could be pushing next generation technologies.
Quite simply, they don't. You must have been asleep at the wheel if you didn't notice that PowerPC is one of the newest architectures on the market. The only outdated architecture people are spending lots of money and effort keeping alive is IA32 (X86), and that's just because it's entrenched.
Look at how hard Intel has tried over the years to get people off of X86 and onto modern architectures like i860 or IA64. They're victims of their own success, and while it's making them rich, Intel is keenly aware of how IA32 is holding them back technologically.
The PowerPC will still make a good "beginner's" pc, but I honestly can't imagine anyone who has been computing for more than three years using one.
Expert answer: Not quite. The Mac is a good beginner's platform, no doubt. The PowerPC itself is an excellent choice for the true hardware snob: It has kick-ass CPI (Clocks Per Instruction), low power consumption, and (in the G4) good support for multiprocessing and an awesome built-in vector floating point unit. An IA32 chip has to have 33% higher MHz to equal a PPC, and dissipate something like 3x to 10x the power.
Novice answer: Your brain appears to be disengaged. Can you imagine anyone who has used a computer for more than three years switching platforms? They'd have to throw away $hundreds or $thousands in software and start over, unless they started out with a freeware platform like Linux. And we all know once you get hooked on Linux, you never go back. :-)
Re:No m68k emulation there (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
Re:The article is pretty useless.... (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
I just remembered this old Metallica song. . .
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Your statement that IBM has PPCs running at faster clock speeds than MOT was a *rumor*. I'm not saying it's true. It's been officially denied, which probably lends it more credibility, but if it's true, the situation is totally wack, and is probably Bill Walker's fault.
I just remembered this old Metallica song. . .
IBM published the finalised the POP design *TODAY* (Score:1)
Anyway, PPC in digital cameras, internet appliances etc etc etc
The finalised design hit the webservers - today so expect a couple of months for the independants to get production running. BTW - anyone can build boards using this design.
IBM site:
POP PPC motherboard vendors?:
Prophecy systems:
Silicon Fruit:
POP computers:
IBM just published the POP board designs today. (Score:1)
Looks like there are a few vendors planning POP based motherboards. I'd expect it to take a couple of months to get the boards into production.
be wary of the reality distortion field (Score:1)
Now I know it's as popular amoung apple partisans to bash Motorola as it is for Slashdot people in general to bash apple, but don't believe everything you hear. The bit about how G4's would be at 800 Mhz by now except for that Nasty Motorola Keeping IBM From Supplying Them is probably nothing more than a typical Apple-management started rumor, or so I've heard from former Motorola employees with no real love of Motorola. Yah, I know I have no real proof, but noone else here does, and at least I bothered to check.
I think this is part of the whole overarching problem in that Apple takes a lot of heat for things they don't really do, but they've done enough stupid or venal things that an aura of doubt has attached to them.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
so a 2 Ghz G4... yummy
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:5)
I think this is flamebait...
It gets knocked aside by x86 users on the desktop due to lack of applications.
Same thing always happens to Linux around here, but everyone seems to defend that OS.
Yeah, sure, it's nifty to do graphics/desktop publishing, but if you're serious about that, you're running an Amiga or BeOS anyway.
The Mac decimates both the Amiga and BeOS in the graphics and desktop publishing arena's. The Amiga used to be (and still is somewhat) a wonderous machine to work with video with, but it's been floundering the past several years due to not really having an owner that's been willing to pour money into it. The BeOS, yes, has a more elegant architecture, but alas, it lacks color management, postscript font support, and applications from Quark, Adobe, and Macromedia. Until it gets more apps, the BeOS will remain an oddity to everyone except it's core users.
I recall reading once that a Mac makes a nice webserver because it's too dumb to really break into or do any damage.
Well, that's true, but if you're buying a mac specifically to serve web pages, in most cases I'd say that you just wasted a pile of money... Or else you're limiting your sites functionality serverly. The mac is missing a lot of support i the server arena. Doubtless, that will change when OS X arrives, but until then.
So why do people insist on using the Power PC?
Because 99% of the computers that use PowerPC's run the Mac OS. And some people prefer that OS to those available from Microsoft, IBM, Redhat, Be, or any other. They even like it enough to spend a few more dollars on the hardware i nwhich to run it.
Why do companies like IBM spend development dollars trying to push an outdated chip architecture, when they could be pushing next generation technologies.
With Apple shipping nearly a million iMacs and G3/G4's per quarter and with Power PC chips selling for (a complete stab in the dark) $250 a piece, that translates to a BILLION dollars a year of business for IBM and Motorolla. If you ran a company, would you turn down that much money?
The PowerPC chip isn't geared towards "PC's" as it's name implies... At least in my world, i equate PC with "x86 compatible". People shouldn't be buying Power PC based computers unless (for now) they want to run the Mac OS, or for the small percentage of folks (Linux PPC users) they value to superior hardware designs enough that a few more dollars doesn't hurt. Asd for your 3 year time limit, I don't quite get it. Are you suggesting that Mac users should abandon the platform they chose and switch to Windows or Linux after 3 years for no reason? I've been computing for 15 or so years and the Mac is still my favorite platform for getting work done on and I'm sure plenty of other
there they go again... (Score:1)
This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Apple has excellent cases on the G4's, that open very easily. There's a lot wrong with Apple; there's no need to make up outlandish lies if you want to say something bad about them. But the Apple people do the same about Motorola, so it balances out.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
I'm not sure why it's not on the market, since the live chip test was well over a year ago. Maybe they're soaking as much cash as they can out of the lower-speed chips.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Motorola had something like $100M worth of "StarMax PowerPC Computers" built and ready to go when Apple did that. I don't think Motorola is too happy about them using PowerPC. I don't think anyone would want to supply anything to Apple after getting backstabbed like that.
computers://use.urls. People use Networds.
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
No, sir! We're not allowed to open the cases. That would let the radioactive steam out.
I wish I owned a Wintel PC. They don't even let us have screwdrivers.
Re:License the technology ? (Score:3)
Motorola/IBM own the copper technology, and Intel is severly lagging in developing it.
Not really. No one owns copper technology. IBM and Motorola both have patents on manufacturing processors with copper but any company that wants to can develop their own process of making chips with copper interconnects.
AMD Licenses it from IBM, rather that re-invent the wheel.
Actually, AMD licenses it from Motorola.
check it out (Score:1)
Re:ROTFLMAO (Score:1)
Actually, one could argue quite reasonably that the instruction set is outdated (It's CISC, for crying out loud. It's the design for a calculator that they've bolted things onto!) and that only the poorly informed would seperate the instruction set from the architecture, since, in the design field, the two are almost synonymous. The acronym is ISA, if you don't believe me.
Sure they use the x86 instruction set, but they are deftly ahead of any PowerPC architecture.
Sure. Links to numbers would be appreciated. Back your statements, rather than spouting opinion, please. N.b. Quake is not a benchmark.
Sarcasm aside, I'd like to know what MAC-only applications you are referring to in this statement.
First, if I could reiterate an AC with a good point: either use bold if you want emphasis, or tell me why you're using MAC as an acronym rather than a diminutive of Macintosh?
Second, the MacOS would be a good example. From font installation and matching, to integrated color picking and handling, developer color matching pachages, and gamma based on print rather than TV, the MacOS is built around publishing and blows Windows right out of the water.
Ushers will eat latecomers.
Athlon (+ maybe Willamette) are *not* pure x86 (Score:3)
Where the PPC scores here is that it is fundametally RISC by nature, although IIRC the PPC has a basic 68k emulation frontend for legacy purposes. However most modern apps on the Mac are tailored for the PPC, and as such, can use some of the funky RISC features to gain a speed advantage. For example, some Photoshop filters will render quicker on a G4@400MHz than on an equivalent, or higher spec x86 box, simply because the architecture is less cluttered, and the compilers don't have to take the legacy baggage into consideration. The same applies to the Alpha, in that by using MHz as a speed comparison between architectures, you are doing the more modern chips a major disservice, because they don't need to be clocked as high to gain comparable application performance.
As for the colour and font handling, he's right. The Macintosh's ease of use made it a very strong contender in the DTP arena early on, and as a result, programs like ATM and ColorSync allow a far greater degree of output control than the Windows (or Linux, sorry guys) equivalent. This is just by the nature of having existed on the platform longer, however.
Re:2 years ahead? Prove it IBM! (Score:2)
I can't figure out why a Copper PowerPC has not been released yet. It has always been in the wings for 2 years.
The copper PPC has been out for a long time. I believe G3s faster than 400 MHz and all G4s are on copper. Where's the copper X86?
Also, I remember way back when in the days of the optimism over the open PowerPC Platform, there was some information about a PowerPC 615 processor with built-in x86 emulation. I don't remember if the chip was designed by Motorola or IBM, but that should have been great technology released to the public.
IBM. Lots of potentially great technology gets scuttled for technical or business reasons. Since IBM never officially admitted the chip existed, we'll never know why it was pulled. Maybe Intel threatened IBM's supply of Pentiums and the emulation wasn't good enough for IBM to tell Intel to take a hike. Or maybe they didn't think it would sell well. Or it didn't work at all. Or maybe it was only a rumor.
It is really a shame that the PowerPC G4 is currently only at 500 MHz. RISC processors should easily have a MHz advantage because they are simpler in design. Man, imagine a 1 GHz PowerPC G4 available today. People would definitely notice.
IBM demonstrated a 1.1 GHz PowerPC a year ago at (IIRC) HotChips '99. Current rumor is that IBM is ready, able and willing to ship G4s at 780 MHz but has business reasons for not doing so.
Don't believe for a second that the super-duper high clock speeds you see in the PC world is more than an Intel/AMD pissing contest. Neither company is capable of shipping large quantities of their highest-rated chips. In the absence of the PIII/Athlon rivalry, PCs today would be topping out at about 700 MHz, and they'd be comparable to today's top PowerPCs.
So, IBM, prove your new advantage.
IBM clearly likes to hold its cards close to the vest. They don't hype, they just quietly deliver.
Does this mean I'm happy with the current state of affairs? Of course not! I want a quad-1GHz-G4 PowerBook NOW, dang it! :-)
Re:there they go again... (Score:1)
The Commie-64 is a different story. The voltage regulators used to go on those things at regular intervals, and normally took the fuse in the external 'brick' power supply with it. This could be cut open and the fuse could be replaced, until the second case style came out. After that, they started filling the 'brick' with epoxy resin to prevent any repairs.
I used to hate Commodore for that reason alone.
Silicon Germanium is in use now. (Score:1)
So how does it work? (Score:5)
A normal NMOSFET transistor would to something like this (side view)
Drain Source
(M Metal track) (# Doped silicon)
(O Silica) (S Intrinsic silicon)
When the transistor is in operation it has a charged region (depletion zone) around it as such...
Drain Source
This charged region (boundary shown with @ signs) acts as capacitor which is bad (slows down the operation of the transistor). What the process does is to place a layer of oxide below the chip as shown
This stops some of the charged layer from forming as the charge cannot move (easily) in the oxide. Which speeds up the transistor.
'Tis a nice idea doing it with silica though which should make the chips very affordable (ie. only 2 or 3 extra process stages)
(btw. this is my on words no trade secrets - not that
Re:2 years ahead? Prove it IBM! (Score:1)
I'm not sure if IBM has released any G4s to Apple yet (there was some hassle over getting any IBM G4s, but I think that was worked out a couple of months back, so Copper G4s should be forthcoming soon.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
Overclocker Creates Rift in Space-Time (Score:1)
Overclocking has long been blamed for causing global warming, but this is the first occasion that the fabric of space-time has been damaged.
MIT Professor George Greznowski said, "It appears that the CPU was operating so fast that it began to execute instructions before they arrived. This execution of future instructions created a small tear in the fabric of space-time itself through which part of the motherboard passed into a parallel universe."
No one was injured in the accident, but a computer motherboard was partially damaged. Mr. Aperman better known as SpeedPhreeek said, "I'm pissed. I lost a brand new Alpha Cooler and Coppermine to a parallel universe. I called my insurance company and they don't cover losses to rifts in the space-time continuum."
Intel researchers have long warned of such damage to the space-time continuum, and added clock multiplier locks to their CPUs before they were required by Congress. A bill is now in the US Senate which would require a three day waiting period for purchasers of Alpha Cooling Fans and Peltier cooling devices. The bill would also require clock multiplier locks on all new processors.
Overclocking advocate Horace Spencer said, "This bill before Congress won't prevent overclocking. They'll just create a black market for non-locked processors. Most of the top overclockers already get their goods from Taiwan."
Article stolen from here [bbspot.com].
Re:So how does it work? (Score:2)
The wafers I am working with have a nice uniform SiO2 layer, but the SOI layer varies in thickness from 2-3 um across the 5" wafer! That variation would kill any big chip you tried to produce in mass quantities. Since IBM is using SIMOX wafers, this means that they have one heck of a good ion-implanter with amazing straggle control.
Judging from the cross-section SEM images [ibm.com] at IBM's website, their SOI layer is of similar thickness, so there is still a bit of silicon between the source/drain regions and the oxide. This distance is what allows them to use the SIMOX wafers, handling the straggle from the ion implantation.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
On a different note, since the upturn of Apple Motorola has made a ton of money off just the sales of the chips, it would definately be in their best business plan to fab the chip correctly.
Rubbers (Score:2)
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:1)
That's easy. Becuase there is so much more to computing than the desktop. The first implementation of the SOI chips will be in the new 8xx models of AS/400's. RS/6000 soon to follow. The AS/400 announcement includes a kick-ass 24-way processor with memory and storage capacity that surpasses IBM's mainframes.
All of this on the _Sixth_ generation of RISC based 64 bit PowerPC chip (Remind me, how much longer until Intel releases a 64 bit chip?).
Outdated? Beginners? Not in the least.
more competition (Score:2)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Re:x86 (Score:1)
My Webcam [michaelcreasy.com]
Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:3)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Well, the POP board have just yet been completed, and there will still be time before they go into production. so we will still have to wait some time before you can really buy some not to say at an affordable price (well they cost around $1000 for 1000 pieces, if you decide to make them yourself)
Faster chips are always good. (Score:2)
Why is it that the PowerPC chips have slowed down the rate at which new, faster chips have been released? I distinctly remember the iMac/G3 starting at ~300Mhz 2 years ago. Why is it that they have only climbed 200Mhz or so?
Perhaps AMD and intel have me brainwashed into thinking that every month new speeds should be coming out..
Rami James
Pixel Pusher
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
License the technology ? (Score:2)
AMD used copper before Intel, could they now use SOI before Intel to gain an even bigger advantage ?
My Webcam [michaelcreasy.com]
Re:2 years ahead? Prove it IBM! (Score:1)
By the way, Motorola is the cause of IBM not beeing able to release 500MHz+ G4's atm as Motorola cannot do it themselves, they do not let IBM do it either, as Motorola owns the AltiVec rights, they can (and have) done that.
Re:ROTFLMAO (Score:1)
Properly, that's "same ISA, different design." Picky, I suppose, but the design should be immaterial except for how it performs. There could be little smilie faces in the silicon for all you care. It just wants to be fast.
There's an AC who's dubious of www.spec.org, and I thought I'd reiterate that and amplify it by saying that the most recent Motorola chip bench is the 604, which is like bringing a PII into the discussion. Hardly fair.
Ushers will eat latecomers.
Any XML compliance benchmaks? (Score:1)
Don't be fooled by non-XML compliant processors!
x86 (Score:2)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Of course this is probably all part of IBMs plan to make a killing by thinking clever stuff up and then licensing it to anyone who can afford it.
My Webcam [michaelcreasy.com]
Is It Just Me? (Score:2)
Competing with Intel? (Score:1)
IBM officials said they believe that its copper interconnect technology, combined with SOI, give it a two-year lead over competitors, such as Intel Corp.
If they want to compete with Intel, why don't they announce plans to bring this to x86 anytime soon? What they're doing currently is not competing with Intel. They're just supporting Apple in its competition with any servers that run on x86, such as NT, Linux, and OS/2. Oops...scratch the last one
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
500Mhz is the current speed of the G4. Add 20-30% = 600-650Mhz.
Where the bloody hell do you get 1-1.2GHz?
Check your math before you post.
One other thing before I go, if IBM was the only supplier of chips, you would see a HUGE increase in the price of a G4. Competition is a good thing for prices. Don't knock it.
Rami James
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
The 20-30% improvement is an improvement in performance, not necessarily clock speed as you assume.
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:1)
I manage an small NT network(dozen workstations & 3 printers) at a medium-sized company.
At home, I have an iMac and powerbook sharing a cable modem with a cute 5 port hub. I just put LinuxPPC on the iMac. Joy!
I do so because over the years I have learned to really hate NT and most Microsoft products. And I now resent having to work with it.
Having all Mac at home reminds me how fun it is to use computers and deters me from ever having to take work home.
Speed Good. (Score:1)
Many fast processors on the market = incentive for processor designers to push the envelope to be competitive.
Everyone, not just Mac and PPC users, should be happy at this announcement. Even if it makes Macs so crazy-fast they go back in time, can you imagine how good the eventual competitor from the x86 community is going to be?
Speed good. Choice good.
Re:ROTFLMAO (Score:1)
Please define "next gen" and why "x86" is yesterday's chip. Is the statement based on instruction set? No? Perhaps you meant archiecture? Hmm. That couldn't be your intent because of both AMD's Athlon and Intel's Wilamette are excellent x86 designs, which are severely cutting-edge. Sure they use the x86 instruction set, but they are deftly ahead of any PowerPC architecture. Of course you could point to the Altivac vector processor as an improvement, but it's not: it's a retrofit -- a coprocessor on die.
get SUPERIOR font and color handling...stuff Windows/Linux can not touch
Sarcasm aside, I'd like to know what MAC-only applications you are referring to in this statement.
/. editors add insulation layers to brain cells ;) (Score:1)
This is supposed to increase memory efficiency by 20 to 30%, making it possible to remember stories that have been posted one page further down.
This should eliminate having the same story, or nearly the same one, posted twice in the future
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:3)
A lot of us are more interested in _doing things_ with the computer, even if it's 3 years old or more.
IBM has BIIIIIG Fabrication plants (Score:1)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
The funny thing is that all of the StarMaxes around Motorola are leased. Why would any company lease a product that they built themselves. That's like installing a soda machine in your house and thinking "Man, the more soda I drink, the more money I make."
I don't think Motorola is too happy about them using PowerPC.
They're not, that's most of the reason they are switching to NT machines and getting rid of all the Macs.
I don't think anyone would want to supply anything to Apple after getting backstabbed like that.
Well, just because you don't like what somebody does doesn't mean you stop making a bunch of money off of them.
MacSlash: News for Mac Geeks [macslash.com]
More info (probably won't be in Macs 'soon') (Score:4)
It's a shame that /. relies so heavily on zdnet for stories. They're always technically weak. The Register isn't always accurate, but at least they're not writing for PHBs.
Re:The article is pretty useless.... (Score:1)
This misses the point. The field oxide only provides lateral isolation between tubs.
In a typical CMOS process, the devices are constructed in n-type and p-type tubs which are implanted into the substrate. The field oxide helps with the sidewall, but you still have parasitic capacitance and leakage currents at the bottom of the tub.
Silicon on Insulator tries to reduce the parasitic capacitance and eliminate some nasty problems with parasitic bipolar transistors formed by the implant regions. Originally it was done by growing a thin layer of crystalline (epitaxial) silicon on a sapphire wafer, but this is expensive and has problems caused by mismatch between the lattice spacings and by unequal thermal expansion.
The problem with an all-silicon SOI process is that the silicon dioxide that is used as an insulator is amorphous, so it is easy to grow polycrystalline silicon (poly) on it, but difficult to grow an epitaxial layer. The approach that IBM is using is called SIMOX, for Separation by IMplantation of OXygen. This works by implanting a high dose of oxygen ions into a silicon wafer and then annealing it, forming a well-defined buried oxide layer beneath the existing single-crystal silicon.
Re:License the technology ? (Score:2)
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:1)
Minor quibble: BeOS supports Type 1 fonts.
IBM makes PPC servers too (Score:2)
The first variety, the IBM Power4, is for servers. This is the area of that should be of most interest to the Linux market at the moment. With two of these 64 bit processors on one chip and a 500 MHz bus between them (See this ZDnet article [zdnet.com].) they will make killer e-commerce servers that will beat any x86 chip this year.
The second variety, the G4 from Motorola sports the 128 bit AltiVec vector processor. This caters to the graphics market that is Apple's bread & butter. It wipes out the P3 in applications that are optimized for AltiVec - even at a lowly 500 MHz clockspeed.
This processor is also of interest to the academic research/defense industry. Look at what makes a Cray, a Cray - you guessed it, vector processing. While I'm not comparing the G4 to a Cray, it's 128 bit vector processor does make a cluster of them a much cheaper alternative for algorithms/code designed for a vector processor.
The Linux Angle
I've asked myslef over the past couple months why all the common x86 distros were introducing PPC versions? Surely the Linux on Mac market isn't large enough to make it worth trying to compete with the established players like LinuxPPC and Yellow Dog.
It is now that I realize what may be their underlying motive. -- I think we're going to see IBM pouring money into efforts to see to it that Linux/Apache/etc are optimized for their processor. Everyone wants to be a contender for potential IBM funding to sharpen Linux and other OSS for their fast hardware that isn't hamstrung by backwards compatability... This can give one of the lesser known distros an opportunity to steal some of RedHat's mindshare. -- Just a thought, but who knows?
Re:Silicon Germanium is in use now. (Score:1)
See my post [slashdot.org] from the other SOI article.
Even more info (Score:2)
Since this isn't breaking news (other sources had articles about it on Monday), it would be nice if /. invested a bit of time investigating these stories first. Sorry if I sound a bit bitter, but it's been a long time since /. was the first place I saw something really cool. Other sites tend to beat them to the punch, and provide better coverage to boot. That's unfortunate, because I really like the /. format.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Search for "G4+" on theregister.com [theregister.co.uk]
Re:What the *hell* are you talking about? (Score:1)
The only thing I don't like about my 6100's case is that the Sonnet Crescendo upgrade card works fine, but I got suckered into buying an SCA hard drive, and it's slightly too long for the bay. The sled fits okay, but it won't lock into place, and the front bezel won't fit back on, making for a loose case fit.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Maybe we'll see a superfast Powerbook or iMac 6 months to a year from now but don't hold your breath for an SOI G4.
The whole AIM alliance is just way too crazy.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:1)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Re:Competing with Intel? (Score:2)
2) IBM also directly competes with Intel on several other fronts, namely communications chips. Intel makes more than x86 chips, even though those are Intel's cash cow. IBM is more than willing to license these technologies to Intel's competitors in the semi market on the theory that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Re:2 years ahead? Prove it IBM! (Score:1)
Re:PowerPC users have always been SOL. (Score:1)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:1)
Secondly, for the last 8 or so years since Lou Gerstner got in, things seem to have turned around. Look at the success of Lotus Notes since they bought Lotus. Look at Copper Chips, speech reco, RS/6000 posing a real threat to E10k's, S/390's are still used by all the banks, as is CICS. They have been very active in providing Linux solutions, they are onboard Monterey, AIX is still going strong. HDDs are amongst the best out there, they are making innovative PCs (see the NetVista) and very good flat screens. CATIA is widely used, their business PC's are rock solid (but pricey) and Thinkpads are the best laptops I've used.
Doesn't sound like making a mess of it to me.
Re:I don't want a Macintosh. (Score:1)
Re:Faster chips are always good. (Score:4)
I'd much rather have a 400 Mhz cpu with a 400 Mhz bus then a 1.5 Ghz box sitting over a 133 Mhz bus.
A starved CPU does no math.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:3)
The G3 and G4 are the consumer PowerPC chips. IBM are pushing it - they have the POP motherboards, which are slowly starting to appear now, and with a SOI G4+ processor and AGP4x, and ATA-100 (or Serial ATA) support you would have a really good motherboard that really kicked ass. Shame the motherboards that will appear will be half-functional, but hopefully some server-level motherboards will appear for multi-G4 setups. That would be sweet, much better than a dual PIII Xeon or whatever. A G4 is around as powerful as an equivalent speed Xeon (give or take a little), and they cost a lot less than a Xeon, so people shouldn't give the processor so much stick. A PIII 700MHz Xeon with 1Mb cache can set you back $1000.
Posted with Mozilla 2000052120. Damned great now, faster than ever, looking good (the buttons are in the correct place!).
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:4)
The g4 has too few stages in its pipeline, leading to it being Very hard to scale to high Mhz... copper/soi g4s _might_ get to 600Mhz - but the yeilds would be just as low as the current 500Mhz ones. Remember, the g4 is Tiny it was designed to be used in embeded apps as well as desktops - and thus was designed with as few transistors as possible. AMD and motorola have been working on a 'new' g4 that is basicly a redesign with a few more stages in the pipelines, allowing for much higher speeds.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
1. IBM already has PPCs running at faster clock speeds than the MOT chips that are being used in Macs. It's a contractual/political problem that keeps these from being used by Apple.
2. The 20-30% improvement is an improvement in performance, not lock speed as you assume. So the math is irrelevant.
3. The advantages of "competition" within the AIM alliance are often cancelled out by the alliance itself. In PPC development, no partner wants to release a technology to the others when it could use it for a non-PPC-related benefit to itself. Also, if MOT can keep faster IBM PPCs from being used by Apple, how can competition be functioning correctly?
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:2)
Their SCSI LVD prives seemed quite competitave last time I bought a drive, it was only $10 more then the lowest price when I bought it (according to pricewatch). I gladly payed the extra $10 because of all the drive failures we have at work, IBMs are the most rare (HP was the most common, untill they left the biz), and they also start giving R/W soft failure errors hours or days before they actually go. I have never seen a hard failure on an IBM SCSI drive without soft failures before it. I want the chance to say "where is my DAT drive?" before the disk goes Tango Uniform.
Their IDE drives arn't as competitave, that might say more about the quality of their competiters drives then any lack of desire of IBMs to "own" the market. Maybe. It's not like I understand the PC hard disk market.
As far as CPUs go, I think your thery pays out better. RS/6000s have a mammoth profit margin. Far more then the PowerPC. Then again, maybe the same is true in the SCSI vs. IDE thing too.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:4)
Honestly we need to give MacOS more credit, and Apple for that matter. How many people have ever been able to make a user friendly unix? or frighteningly enough a cooperative multitasking operating system work so well?
I am a Linux bigot and as much as the next - but we should give credit where due. Most of us come from the PC background where hardware needs to be kicked to work. From Apples camp the hardware is usually good enough to make do, so this concept is nearly oblivious to us.
Re:Wonder what Motorola has to say about this? (Score:2)
- Jeff A. Campbell
- VelociNews (http://www.velocinews.com [velocinews.com])
Darwin on RS/ AS/ etc? (Score:2)
Re:Is It Just Me? (Score:2)