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Comment Re:Eric Schultz (Score 1) 356

In Europe we do have other provisions though. In Europe most jurisdictions have a closed system where exceptions to copyright are codified as law. Exceptions have to conform to the Berne three-step test. By codifying conformity is checked by the legislative power. In the US fair use is an open system and conformity with the Berne three-step test is checked on a case by case basis by the judiciary.

It is a basic illustration how Common Law and Continental Law use different mechanisms to implement largely the same end results/

Comment Re:Sounds cool, but... (Score 4, Informative) 316

The location of the plant in Priolo Gargallo is not that far from the Sahara. It's actually a little more south than the northernmost part of the Sahara in Tunesia, which is roughly 250 miles west of the plant. The solar radiation will be roughly equivalent, no need for undersea cables. Most importantly Sicily is a (slightly) more stable region that does not rely on income from oil like many of the North Sahara states.

Comment Re:Gravis? (Score 1) 262

I second this. Or get the i-pac, some joysticks and buttons from the ultimarc site and put it in an mdf board. 2 hours work to create the joypad, many hours of bubble bobble fun to follow.

I still intend to make a full mame cabinet, but for now just the joypad is finished.


Zen Coding 175

Download Squad has a quick review, with video, of Zen Coding (Google Code project page here), an extremely well-thought-out accelerator for anyone who codes HTML. Its syntax is CSS-like. Zen Coding has been around for a while — here's its author Sergey Chikuyonok's introduction in Smashing Magazine from last November — and it has now picked up support for more than a dozen editing environments, including Notepad++ and TextMate.

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