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User Journal

Journal Journal: pretty riot grrrrl

I was listening to 'Boombox' on Sirius, when some dopey synthpop thing came on. Catchy, I guess, pretty bubblegum sounding. Hey wait a minute. Is that Kathleen Hanna?

Got home, quick search. Yeah, 'Le Tigre' is her new band. It's mostly lo-fi synthpop, reasonably catchy, and of course it's all political and stuff ("womynism" and all that).

User Journal

Journal Journal: meh. 6

I'm feeling extremely "emo" (for lack of a better term) so it's critical I shut the fuck up, post-haste, else this become Livejournal.


Zune Sales Continue to Weaken 566

Dak RIT writes "Market share data for the first month of Microsoft's Zune sales is now available, and appears to confirm that after the initial hype, sales have fallen off dramatically. Microsoft came in fourth for sales during the month of November with only 1.9% of the market. Apple remained unchanged at 62.2%, and SanDisk even managed to increase to 18.4% (looks like the Zune might not even be able to compete with the rest of the market, let alone the iPod). The one surprise though is that the brown Zune is apparently not only being bought, but more popular than the white model."

Submission + - Getting a grip on Google code

netbuzz writes: "Niall Kennedy reports on his blog that Guido van Rossum, author of the Python programming language, has begun showing off his first project since joining Google last year.

"Mondrian is a Web-based code-review system built on top of a Perforce and BigTable backend with a Python-powered front-end," Kennedy writes. "Mondrian is a pretty impressive system and is currently in use across Google."

Kennedy's description of Google's current code-review system sure makes it sound like it was in need of an upgrade.

"The Mondrian tool creates a much better workflow by creating task-specific dashboards, in-line commenting, well-tracked statistics, and more," he writes. "The application is built on top of Python open source libraries such as the Django framework, smtpd.py mail service, and the wsgiref Web server software."

http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/archives/2006/11/ google-mondrian.html"

Submission + - Fiorina Gets the Last Laugh

4foot10 writes: "For all the turmoil roiling Hewlett-Packard's Palo Alto campus of late, the third quarter has become a cause for celebration as the PC maker edged out rival Dell for the top spot in worldwide PC shipments, according to market-share analyst firm iSuppli and reported by VARBusiness.com. And the feat was likely more satisfying to someone who no longer works there."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Thanksgiving 4

I got nothing, I just saw the word in my message list a lot and wondered if it was some sorta of meme or something.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blue VA 7

So Webb "won". How ... interesting. OH NOES TEH DIEBOLD HAx04z br0ke! etc etc blah blah blah

Anyway right now, in between paroxysms of orgasmic glee, the america-hating liberal blogs are reporting that on CSPAN, a bunch of conservatives are talking about abandoning the Republican party. Ostensibly they're going to form a neocon/evangelical (dominionist?) party? I dunno. But between the greens and these guys, American politics could get truly interesting again.

User Journal

Journal Journal: procon 9

Ah, voting. Such a lovely little pastime.

I love elections. I lived and breathed elections for quite some time; I was involved in the first-principles design, construction, development, and deployment of the first Votronic, one of the first (if not the first?) touch-screen digital voting machine. (Our model is, as far as I know, no longer in use in any precinct).

User Journal

Journal Journal: I don't know what's worse 4

Explaining to customers "no you CANNOT have a fully ADA-accessible site, that's entirely spinny-flash things", or explaining to blind people "sorry but they specifically want the site to LOOK a certain way and, well, you know".

We've been through this TWICE already. It's painful.

And of course, for both sites, there was absolutely no evidence anyone with a screenreader had ever hit the site ONCE, but they're gov't, so, gotta do it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: SMM: What kind of hand-held video game system? 8

(SMM == "Spend My Money")

Ok so I'm still stuck on which console to buy... but in the mean time, tell me what kind of hand-held system I want to buy to play dopey video games. PSP? DS?

Parameters: Recommendation must include at least 1 game. Do not say, "XYZ cuz it gots better gamez yo". Gimme some hits.

U.S. Publishes Guide To Building Atom Bombs To Web 310

Jeff writes "The New York Times is reporting that the feds have shut down the 'Operation Iraqi Freedom Document Portal' due to concerns from weapons experts that the 'papers give detailed information on how to build nuclear firing circuits and triggering explosives, as well as the radioactive cores of atom bombs.' One diplomat is quoted as saying, 'If you had this, it would short-circuit a lot of things.' Indexes to older (less sensitive) documents (and some html from pdfs) are still cached at Google today. Rep. Pete Hoekstra pushed for the public release of the archive to help determine 'whether Saddam Hussein destroyed Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or hid or transferred them'. Critics have said the archive was created to perpetuate misinformation about WMDs."
User Journal

Journal Journal: HOWTO: Get out of work for the day 1

Boss: BLAH BLAH BLAH why aren't you done yet what are you doing all day, arguing with people on slashdot BLAH BLAH BLAH
Me: Scarlett Johanssen sex tape rumor on wwtdd.com
Boss: I'll be in my office (door closes)

User Journal

Journal Journal: vote zombie goldwater '08 6

Seriously. I think we ought to see about making this happen. I can't seem to find anyone else worth voting for in '08. So, fuck it, let's reanimate Goldwater.

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