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Comment Re:Hipsterism at its finest (worst?) (Score 1) 288

but we were not speaking of collectives, we were talking about individuals. I may agree with you on the collectives, but on an individual basis, plain and simple it makes more sense for me to use an SD card (not even bringing into play the fact that if i store it on SD, its only mine where if i share it to a file server anyone could theoretically get it)

Comment Re:whoosh (Score 2) 288

as the democrats love to tell me when reminding them that the KKK was founded by democrats, and or that the democrats blocked civil rights, it happened along time ago, thats not who they are now

Or ill go with the hillary soundbyte of "what difference does it make!~"

greenpeace IS a terrorist org, they may not have always been that way, its possible, hell probable that our government pushed them to become so, but the fact is that they are, regardless of what atrocities have happened.

Comment Re:Hipsterism at its finest (worst?) (Score 3, Insightful) 288

learn to pay attention, we are talking about the individual when talking about SD cards, therefore we need to do a 1 on 1 comparo. Is it cheaper and or greener for me, a single person to store my single photo on a SD card or on a file server. No one in their right mind would say the fileserver.*

* I hate the term cloud, I will continue to call it what it is, a file server.

Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 165

you gotta go even further than that. the progressive platform fell flat on its face 100 years ago, rebranded as liberal, and has once again rebranded.

Is it the evil conservitives who did this? or is it that the american public sees through it after being hoodwinked for so long that it requires a reboot?? I dont know the answer to that one

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
