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Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 381

You can do almost all of that (except children wandering off, for which you'll need several watches, and several phones on those children, since currently watches are useless without a phone) with a cell phone. Likely even with the one you already have.

Comment Re:Need fast-acting yeast (Score 1) 159

Drug dealers still have lots of cash to pay off politicians to keep drugs illegal and their profits flowing. Expect it to take a while longer than that. The Pharmaceuticals will also want it banned until they can patent it. That THC CBD (plus other elements) combination has such wide ranging health impact because it likely triggers the placebo affect, not in the way people expect but via a direct chemical triggering of that affect, forcing the body to switch from stressed starvation mode to high metabolic feast mode (making double blind testing interesting).

Comment jargon (Score 1) 93

What the hell is a "threat actor"?

Why use jargon when "criminal" is a perfectly good word? And if this is a specific type of criminal, say a terrorist or a thief or the intelligence apparatus of a foreign country, then there are very descriptive and precise words for those as well. If it's corporate espionage, then "crook" works well, too.

Why do people who use technology feel the need to create neologisms for the most mundane things? Just the other day, I saw someone from a news web site refer to an "article" as an "explainer cardstack". I'm not shitting you. I immediately took that news source out of my RSS feed because if they're that dedicated to lexical obfuscation, I don't trust anything they write.

English motherfucker. Do you speak it?

Comment Re:Moby Dick ain't got no Porta Potty (Score 3, Informative) 242

There is a difference between human pathogens and other pathogens, we don't get dolphin flu and they don't get hepatitis. Taking one quick look at Wichita Falls and it seems those idiots should take the simple step of banning lawns but I suppose freedom to waste water on something your will burn fuel cutting comes first. Also make the installation of rainwater tanks compulsory at all locations. Make dirty vehicles a matter of civic pride.

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score 3, Insightful) 242

The only brain membrane that is of concern is the one that let's out greed driven bad ideas. The biggest risk with attempting to recycle storm water and sewerage as drinking water are right wing thinkers and cost saving or profit gaining short cuts. By far the majority of places when they attempt this do not do it as drinking water only as irrigation water, reason why, risk. The risk is enormous, you just have to keep in mind some extremely dangerous water borne diseases and just one system failure and now that whole town ends up with that disease, town goes bankrupt as a result of civil suit. I will be interested to see if they can get insurance coverage for this idea and how much it will cost. Personally based upon Texan ideal for taking money saving or profit gaining ring wing short cuts I'd be moving out rather than taking that chance.

Comment Re:Why are the number of cabs [artificially] limit (Score 1) 92

Strictly speaking, I don't need a PC to stay alive and capable of working. That means the PC is a luxury; I have one because at some point of my life, I had spare income. That, in turn, is an inefficiency - I could had undercut other workers by asking for less.

Sure, if your only goal is efficiency. But if it is, you're boring.

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