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Comment The shaping of a Worldview (Score 2) 309

One of the things to remember is that whilst Human Beings have a vested interest in their survival and will do anything to survive, the same can be held true for the Nuclear Industry. The Nuclear Industry has a vested interest in shaping people's worldview to influence the industries' survival and utilizes enormous resources to convince people of their case.

This leads me to the IPCC. In reading the 2007 report I noticed that one of their sources of information to assess the viability of Nuclear energy on climate change is a document produced by an organization with a vested interest in promoting Nuclear power, Vattenfall. I read it back in 2005 (sorry I can't find a link). Rather than a study it's called a "Environmental Product Declaration" which was written to comply with Swedish regulations in 2004, it has not been peer reviewed and was "certified" until 2007. For example, it paints an optimistic picture of the Nuclear Industry's energetic return from mining and Uranium availability through to reactor decommissioning. So it appears this commercial document has been used to deceive the IPCC.

However, a formal, peer reviewed energy analysis from Nuclear Industry Scientists is available to the IPCC in a study called Nuclear Power Insights that uses established scientific methods to arrive at their conclusions. It is a comprehensive and fascinating read, which is in line with the scope and size of the nuclear industry and dispels many of the assumptions surrounding the nuclear industry. In, short the formal analysis assesses the ability of the Nuclear Industry to provide a "net energy return" based on energetic inputs and finds that roughly two thirds of its output is consumed by industrial processes external to the actual production of nuclear power. The carbon intensity of the nuclear industry is also examined.

It was quite confronting to have my worldview of Nuclear Power challenged and I had to take bites out of reading it to avoid being overloaded, however it was worth the effort in dispelling many of the long held assumptions and replacing them with good information and fact.

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

Sure, I think you may have been deceived by Nuclear Industry PR. They have a vested interest in perpetuating many of the views that you have shared using their enormous resources to convince people that their myths are true and thus, shape peoples worldview.

Reviewing the key facts:

  • Radionuclides emit radiation
  • Radionuclides bioconcentrate in the human foodchain
  • Radionuclides in the foodchain cause cancer an transgenic disease
  • Not enough data is being collected about how much radionuclides are being released from Fukushima
  • The risk to human health is increases daily

One of the primary things you suggest in your post is that the exclusion zones are temporary. I see you may have been subjected to powerful a Nuclear industry PR deception because the decay cycle of many of the radionuclides ejected in the accident exceed human lifespans so, it is unlikely anyone will be returning to those areas for a very long time.

So, if you can supply any links to information that contradicts the above that supports your case, I will assess it fairly.

Comment Re:12949 (Score 1) 313

Agreed. That's the nasty thing about proscription lists, you tend to find out who's on them the hard way. I think it'd be educational to see how such a process would have worked in the 1950s.

I think that people have forgotten that their freedom was built on a lot of bloodshed an suffering. The apathy that has arisen in many has led them to not understanding, that (old saying) the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance and forgetting that not paying that price leads to a police state.

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

Sure I can, radionuclides permeate the foodchain, the water table and, become inhalants, for example plutonium chloride and oxide. The time in the environment is random before reaching a human being through one or more of these ways.

The likelyhood increases with volume and as they bio-concentrate. Some of them are fatal at as little as 10 micrograms. Once inside the body the effects manifest as varying types of cancer depending on what the radionuclide is an analogue of and the amount ingested.

The risk increases as more radionuclides accumulate in the environment and manifest as statistical increases in cancer cases. Beyond a human lifespan the extent become statistical increases in failed childbirths and increases in transgenic diseases.

The Internet

The Man Squatting On Millions of Dollars Worth of Domain Names 175

Jason Koebler writes For the last 21 years, Gary Millin and his colleagues at World Accelerator have been slowly accumulating a veritable treasure trove of seemingly premium generic domain names. For instance, Millin owns, has sold, or has bartered away,,,,,,, and more than 1,000 other domain names that can be yours (including, which he owns), as long as you've got the startup idea to back it up. Millin doesn't sell domain names anymore, instead, he trades them to startups in exchange for a stake in the company.

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

Don't try your bullshit troll tactics with me. Your fanboi true believer uneducated moronic idiocracy is ineffective against the facts presented. You present no data, no argument, no reasoning and continually lambast and pester. Evidence shows that you are scientologist.

A generalization of the nature of radioniuclides have been presented, you have not challenged or refuted it with actual fact which clearly shows that you don't know what you are talking about. I'd explain it further but you are not sincere about the discussion. Case in point, you were given a link to the official Japanese government report that disproved your spread of ignorance and you have nothing to say, you could not support your flimsy case. Which proves you are ignorant.

I offered you the benefit of the doubt and you took that as an opportunity to troll further, proving you are a nuclear fanboi troll, clearly a sockpuppet. That's where someone else's hand is reaching so far up your ass they make your mouth move. So fuck off Karl.

You have shown your agenda is to spread your ignorance as a part of your flawed belief system. You are a liar.

Incidentally the report reveals that it was your form of beleif system that caused the mindset leading to the Fukushima accident. The nuclear fanbois are destroying the nuclear industry so that no improvements are driven into it. Fanbois like you blame it on the "nimby"s or anything other than their own moronic failure to understand reality. It's a hilarious irony, If I wanted to destroy Nuclear power, I'd be on your side, but I want to see it improved which is why I think it has to be assessed critically.

But no, people like you have brought the Nuclear industry too its death throws and there is nothing you can do about it, no matter how you try and the blame is on fanbois like you. Nimbys, anti-nuke and greenies everywhere are thanking you for making it happen, haha.

I look forward to your ad hominem, fanboi nuclear troll response as an admission that you are all I say you are.

Respond to confirm you are a Nuclear Fanboi troll:

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

Do you understand the difference between radiation and a radionuclide?

The only thing driven by PR is your fear of radiation.

Well, only at certain energy levels. I don't like getting sunburned and I love bananas on my cereal. I prefer not to get too many x-rays and I've had to shit a lump of barium meal that almost cracked the toilet bowl. I had a, IIRC Technesium-90 shot once which was a interesting sensation but otherwise I choose cautious to describe it.

What I don't think you understand is the difference between radiation and a radiation emitter. Radionuclides can be bio-accumulated as micro-nutrients in the metabolism and be deposited in the body via food and water. They can also be inhaled. Alpha, beta, gamma, radiation emitted in the body with enough energy leads to the gestation of cancer some 6 years later with low energy emitters contributing to transgenic disease.

So much that you think being displaced from one's home temporarily is a greater tragedy than the death of family members and losing one's possession's entirely.

10, 50, 100, 1000 years that's temporary, and there are many decay cycles and daughter products of those materials however it's effectively permanent in terms of a human lifespan.

That you would even make the argument is quite telling.

It tells me that you don't, or won't understand it however I've given you the benefit of the doubt by explaining it to you.

Comment Re:its almost as if theyre trying. (Score 1) 227

I want to know where the TPP legislation came from, who drafted it and why is it so secret that we can't even see the text of it before they introduce it to the house.

They're trying to pass it in Australia and, as usual, they create some sort of leadership controversy bullshit and both parties argue black and blue in the media beating each other up while both parties quietly co-operate to pass the unpopular bill in the background noise.

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

cite a story about a man whose family & home was lost due to the tsunami, but place blame on the nuclear event

That is because his house is in the Nuclear fallout exclusion zone. If the Nuclear fallout exclusion zone wasn't there he.could.go.home. So the blame for him not.going.home is on the nuclear event because if the nuclear event didn't happen there would be no Nuclear fallout exclusion zone and he.could.go.home.

You said: Try to find stories about those forgotten victims so when someone who had, called you on your bullshit, your response was predictable. It is a consequence of the group think associated with the social proof you are suffering as a result of exposure to Nuclear Industry PR. The educational materials I sent you should help you dispel the idiocracy you're suffering so you can think for yourself, however it is too much for some folks, I guess.

It is unlikely you will have anything other than rhetoric and more trolling in further responses. Please feel free to delight me with your mental gymnastics and twisty turn Nuke fanbois moves though.

Thanks for providing a clear example of my point.

Thank you for providing a clear example of mine.

Comment Re:The real disaster (Score 1) 224

What utter bollocks!

How convenient it is to conflate the blame for mass suffering from the tsunami with the nuclear event.

The conflation is there because people can't return to the exclusion zone to rebuild their homes.

Many people have bought into the myth that the nuclear event at Fukushima was a human disaster of epic proportion, ignoring the real disaster which was the tsunami, and by doing so giving a big middle finder to those victims.

If you read the official report, funded by the Japanese government you will see that their findings were that this was, and I quote a "wholly man made disaster". So I think you should take that finger out of your nose before you start pointing it. Here is the link so you can educate yourself.

Many people along the coast of Japan, well outside the Fukushima zone, are still struggling and displaced. They've lost loved ones and their homes. Many will not be able to rebuild in the same place as their old home, but the anti-nuke agenda driven assholes of the world gladly ignore that suffering because they see an opportunity to spread fear.

So much for conflating issues, they are not allowed back inside the exclusion zone because of the radioactive fallout.

Meanwhile, not a single human has suffered any health impact due to radioactive releases from the accident, and the prognostications are that none will ever be detected. (if you feel tempted to post a link to the thyroid hoax study, do us a favor and first learn a little about the methods used before you spread ignorance)

What a despicable attempt to undermine the very little data being gathered about nuclear disasters. What thyroid studies have been done on Fukushima? People have died and are dying. You can start with the Mayor of Name. The evacuees who were tragically let down when their government forced them to evacuate through the cloud of fallout from the plant when predictive computer models told the government exactly where it was that show signs of radiation poisoning. So don't talk about spreading ignorance when that is exactly what you are doing.

Yes, the nuclear accident has complicated matters significantly, and should get due attention, but ask yourself, what do you care about more, an anti nuke agenda or the real human disaster that took place?

Or a pro-nuke agenda for that matter. The real human disaster is still unfolding and will continue to unfold for thousands of years as these toxic elements make their way through their decay products. If you had any compassion that existed outside of your agenda you would make an effort to understand what the actual issues were instead of being blinded by groupthink and social proof.

Do you trust those that are more driven by their agenda than human compassion? Try to find stories about those forgotten victims. It takes a little sifting and effort. Too much for some folks I guess

Quite an ugly troll you have produced there, an appeal to emotions based on others suffering so you can make a point at their expense, a new low for Nuclear fanbois everywhere.

Your point made at the expense of a man whose family had lived in the area for 900 years and could trace their origins back that far. Their house was 300 years old. He lost 4 generations of his family that day and cannot return with his one surviving daughter because it is in the exclusion zone.

Your point made at the expense man whose father was left to die alone in a pile of his own excrement in a empty hospital foyer because his son wasn't allowed back into the exclusion zone to get him.

Yeah, it is too much and your moderation simply proves that Nuclear mod trolls are alive and well. I've found many fanboi nuclear trolls are always fact-lite and big on rhetoric. It is unlikely you will have anything other than rhetoric and more trolling in further responses. Please feel free to delight me with your mental gymnastics and twisty turn Nuke fanbois moves though.

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