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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 22 declined, 5 accepted (27 total, 18.52% accepted)


Submission + - Australia's Music mafIAA finds new targets.

MrKaos writes: Australia's version of the RIAA, the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia's (PPCA) has found a new target for revenue raising, Clubs and Pubs (Public bars) by increasing royalty rates by %1500. Zeropaid http://www.zeropaid.com/news/8904/Music+Royalties+ for+Aussie+Night+Clubs+and+Dance+Parties+Increases +by+1500%25! reports that new royalty models will be based on capacity and not actual attendance, effectively charging clubs for the people who aren't listening to the music. Could be a good thing if the clubs decide to enlist more live bands.

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