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User Journal

Journal Journal: Gleaning Information With Exif 1

While digging through my past, there are points in my life that are black holes. These are problematic. I joined Gmail in 2004, Facebook in 2005, and basically everything after that is recorded in some form of digits. But prior to that is proving to be a challenge. I had a MySpace, Live Journal, Yahoo!, and Hotmail account dating back to 1997, but all of them have been obliterated. I bet even the NSA would have trouble coming up with data on me prior to 2004. So this leaves me stumped.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Archiving My Life

2014 was a trip down nostalgia lane. I dug through my past and started documenting. But this year I have only gotten more serious about it. As I dig through old emails, paper documents, school work - anything, I am distraught by how much is gone forever. There are events in my life that will only live in my head. But for how long? Now is the time to document everything that has happened in my life. The further away I get from it, the harder it gets to find and remember. But once it's recorded

Submission + - Has the Native vs. HTML5 Mobile Debate Changed? (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: The tools available to developers who need to build an application once and deploy everywhere have exploded. Frameworks like famo.us, Ionic, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch, Appcelerator, Xamarin, and others are reducing the grunt work and improving the overall quality of web based mobile applications dramatically. The benefits of a build once, deploy everywhere platform are pretty obvious, but are they enough to make up for the hits to user experience?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Operation Pacman

It's been a while since I spawned an Operation. As I'll remind my audience of approximately zero, I determine operations based on the need for a long term focus on a particular goal. This particular goal is eradicating debt. And since I can't do it all at once, I'm doing it a little bit at a time. Like Pacman eating the little dots (monthly payments) and trying not to get caught by the ghosts (surprise expenses).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Upgrading Ubuntu End Of Life 13.04 Raring Ringtail on a Sony Vaio 1

I bought a laptop a couple years ago. I don't know why, because I installed Ubuntu on it and then it sat unused for about three years until my girlfriend's laptop broke and I told her she could use mine. Having a Linux machine is like having an HP graphing calculator that uses RPN — Awesome for you, but when someone asks to borrow it, they are utterly clueless. All she really needs it for is Internet (all anyone really needs computers for these days is Internet — hence Chromebooks

User Journal

Journal Journal: Eclipse: The Loathe of My Life

Eclipse is bad, man. And I'm not saying that because I used it once and didn't like it. I have used it daily for 5 years. I remember it being pretty decent somewhere around the Helios/Indigo era. But once Juno hit, everything fell apart it seems. I'm currently still sitting on Juno, with two versions gone by now, because while, yes it is fucked up, it is a known level of fucked up. I don't know how much worse they've made it since then.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Albatross and the Architect

I'm listening to Strikeforce: Diablo's the Albatross and the Architect, which I haven't thought about in years. It's probably been like, 8 or 9 years since I rocked this album. Back then, I was living in shitty out-west apartments, driving a Toyota Celica, playing in a band, in my sophomore year of college, breaking up with my longest-term girlfriend, and just starting what would become the job I am doing now. Little did I know, accepting that internship because I needed a job and cash would

User Journal

Journal Journal: Things Are Looking Up!

After re-reading my last journal entry, man. This year has sucked. Shit was bleak. And it all culminated into a terrible, awful week. A got into CRNA school and I was so, so happy for her. But that was where the happy times ended. We went out to celebrate, but I had a feeling I should set up the dog cam, because I was worried that the dog had been barking when we'd leave again. No sooner had we got to the restaurant 3 blocks away than he started backing. I sprinted home to stop him, but that

User Journal

Journal Journal: Looking Back - Looking Forward

Looking back on my post from 2010, Life is Hard, I couldn't help but smile given what I know now, four years later. First of all, it's hard to believe it's been four years since I wrote that. Time has flown, partly for the better, partly for the worse. I'm no stranger to self-help/self-improvement. And since 2010, I've been writing out goals and plans for the year. Sometimes, you can't quite knock out a year's worth of resolutions

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bandwidth Hog Found, and It's About to be Roasted on a Spit

For fuck's sake. After about six months of getting overage notifications from Cox and being completely baffled at what was causing it, I finally figured it out. My computer was a red herring. I had Splunk set up monitoring logs, usage, watching Wireshark to see what was going on with my packets. Nothing pointed to a crazy process sucking down fatty packets. Then I started watching the lights on my router. I noticed when I disabled my WiFi on my computer, the little "i" icon was still flashing

User Journal

Journal Journal: SEO - The "S" Stands for Shit

In my last entry entitled Cox Can Throttle My Cock, I mentioned how Cox was throttling my internet. Well, it turns out, they may be within their rights to, because it seems as though there's a rogue data sucker somewhere on my machine. Looking at my data usage, it was off the charts. Something like 30 - 60 GB per day. I don't even think I can find 10 GB of crap to download per day, let alone 6 times that. So, I went away on vacation for a while and unplugged my machine to verify that usage we

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cox Can Throttle My Cock

I'm not sure exactly what that means, but Cox has been throttling me. These motherfuckers. I've been noticing some horrible network performance every now and then so I busted out WireShark to see what the deal was. I was seeing an extraordinary amount of RSTs and out of order data. I had just bought a new router too, so I confirmed that wasn't the problem and pinged my gateway server. That was fine too. Eventually, I tried resetting my modem and that seemed to fix the problem temporarily, but

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The last person that quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong -- until the next person quits or is fired.
