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Comment Re:Another child making unsupported claims (Score 1) 203

It's like a lot of these technological inventions coming up with the method is easy actually achieving it is harder. The quickest achievable one I can come up with is laser styled printer. Where the drum picks up the printing medium in a pass and you use a laser light to set and heat the medium in select areas and then apply it to the printing bed. As the drum makes each pass a layer is laid down, adhering to previous layers. Partially set printing media on the bed provides support for suspended parts, those parts as the same for the rest of of media are forced from the drum by the application of the appropriate charge at the appropriate location in conjunction with a charge in the printing media. All print media is partially set via electric current to provide support for set areas of print media, thus partial set media is recovered and recycled at the end of a print run. Thickness of each pass can be varied to accelerate printing.

So easy to came up with the idea, now putting it into practice is far more difficult including coming up with the printing medium. Of course the USPTO passes patents on far broader description with far less of an idea all to feed patent lawyers.

Comment Re:Uuh, wrong question (Score 1) 76

The multi-verse. From chaos, every thing, every where, every when, life enforced a singular time line, some thing, some where, some when because you can never have nothing, no where, no when. Although not to be fooled, time as such doesn't exist, it is just a life based relative measure of change.

Comment Re:I dont see a problem here (Score 1) 146

Yep, because that way, some privatised company can grab the research for free and then claim how much cheaper their stuff is, of course without reminding people it is cheaper because they didn't have to pay for all that research, they don't have to properly monitor space to ensure they can achieve a safe launch and orbit and they don't have to pay for all that rescue stuff. If we want to be doing more in our solar system, then we have to be researching and designing new stuff. We have to push the limits of our understanding. Otherwise as a society we will shrink back into self consuming parasitical nothings, eating ourselves to extinction, food for the psychopaths until our society collapses. To strive for nothing but greed is to strive for nothing at all.

Comment Re:Missed it by that much. (Score 1) 154

Now add in those earthquakes and basically the completely fracturing of the formations that waste water was injected into and well, those estimates just reflect the intent of those estimates, sheer and utter bullshit to justifying the cheapest possible method of dumping that water, short of just dumping it straight into the nearest river or stream.

Comment Re:It's Intended (Score 1) 137

The legal requirement is the seller is to ensure the person making the purchase is the holder of the credit card, nothing more and nothing less. The commonly extort payment by threatening the holder of the card children with criminal charges even when under law the minor they threaten is to young to enter a contract. So the courts need to rule on real and actual harm. What is the real and actual harm engendered by a minor making a false purchase of a virtual product, would the parent have ever allowed the purchase, is the virtual product devalued and now second hand, is there a restocking cost of the virtual product ie what are the real and actual damages of the cancellation of the virtual product. Now that virtual product also logically has to extend to downloaded content, again, no devaluation of product, no restocking and the end user paid the delivery costs. So legal common sense needs to surmount insensate psychopathic greed. There is a penalty for failing to properly authenticate the purchaser and really as it is fraud and theft that penalty should be revised and made far more severe.

Comment Re:What's next (Score 1) 67

Yeah, nut everyone with half a brain who reads the reviews knows that Beats suck for the price. So point and laugh at the suckers and teach the a lesson they need to learn, don't believe anything coming out of the mouths of pseudo celebrity douche bags, they are full of it. I as a rule steer clear of any product with a psuedo celebrity endorsement, the immediate thought is they have wasted money spending it on the douche nozzle rather than on making a quality product. Now that's the lesson that needs to be spread far and wide.

Comment Re:On this 4th of July... (Score 1) 349

Wrong. You are slandering someone and fraudulently attempting to steal their content. No different to running up to someone in a public street screaming out that they are thief and taking their wallet claiming it is yours. Some weeks or months later after it is proved your claim was lies and returning their wallet, just wandering off like some fuck head douche, laughing like nothing happened and not just doing it once but enough times to destroy all potential competitors.

The law has to tighten up and those issues of slander, fraud and attempted theft of work need to be tackled.

Comment Re:In Soviet Germany... (Score 1) 74

Three ideas to bring the arrest into focus, Economic Espionage, Industrial Espionage and Extortion. So no matter the country, no matter the origin, get busted being a "FOR PROFIT" double agent and you are screwed. That the US was paying him will in fact piss off the Germans more than if the Russians were doing, they would expect if from the Russians, from the US, oh yeah, they will be hunting down those doing the paying as a matter of principle. Don't forget the US just made the German intelligence service look like a bunch of amateur idiots.

The most appropriate German response would be to punch a hole in US security and specifically let the Russian and Chinese in. This to provide a real sting in replacement for capture, enhanced interrogation and execution. Which is the legal response for spies.

Comment Re:What's next (Score 1) 67

Problem is, when it is a tech product it has technological outperform all rivals, think, supercars. If they don't people will laugh at the idiots that buy them and as they are bought neither for use or comfort but for poseur value it kind of defeats the purpose.

The internet already is doing a lot of damage to the poseur value of products. Why supercar if you can't drive it like one, why branded clothing if you could spend less going to a tailor and get the same thing custom made and custom fitted, why sit in a big empty macmansion and be stuck with a long commute. When bullshit marketing controlled the airwaves, as it still does on the idiot box, sure the poseur spend big to be someone lies ruled but, on the internet everyone's voices are heard and marketing bullshit is being seen as marketing bullshit. In this case so much so, that Apple's marketing bubble is now deflating and they are desperate to pump more hot air into it.

Comment Re:Trust (Score 1) 136

PS I also use MY MSN have done so for decades, prefer it to Google. I also do not use GMail at all. Dislike BING mostly because of the name, it really comes off as goofy, always reminds me of the insurance salesman in Groundhog Day (wasn't 'B' for Ballmer an insurance salesman), never could understand why the would devalue the MSN brand as in MSN Search, MSN kind of rolls off the tongue. Ain't no amount of intimidation or insults ever going to stop me from what I have been doing for over 20 YEARS M$ it was and M$ it will be and it really is pretty childish of the M$ marketdroids to try.

Comment Re:Trust (Score 0) 136

As Always I use MS specifically for http://www.msaustralia.org.au/, http://www.msnz.org.nz/, https://beta.mssociety.ca/, http://www.mssociety.org.uk/, http://www.mymsaa.org/ (Ohh Look M$ scared them off). Of course also if you had any history going you would know when it comes to coding M$ was big on the $ not to do with making money. Of course the M$ first use came with stories about the creation of rental models and advertising in application way back in the nineties.

So all of your don't ignore MS and dig deep, remember how important our noggins are to geeks and nerds. Thanks to you for your M$ paranoia, it gives me the opportunity to promote worthwhile charities, only happens about once a year. Some silly anal retentive type has to spout off and a bunch of modders from a particular company join in (there I used M$ five times including this are you happy yet?).

Comment Re:inflation is not related to economy growth (Score 3, Insightful) 115

Nope because bit coin is primarily a pyramid ponzi currency. Accruing it's value by the work now required to generate it, whilst those at the very top who created by far the bulk of the bit coins did very little to create those bit coins (the bulk of their effort was in marketing the creation of the illusion). This illusion of later effort has not relationship at all to earlier effort and the main driver that keeps bitcoin going is use in criminal activity. How ever that use in criminal activity also drives theft of bit coin. This is why so many crypto currencies have now appeared, other scam artists trying to be at the top of their pyramid, creating the bulk of their crypto currency prior to release to the public.

So how many coins are there, who holds the most, what effort was required to generate them and, how many were generated prior to release to the public. Crypto currencies are ponzi schemes, you generate value by selling the idea to others who must put more value in, in order for your investment to be worth more, this obfuscated behind the principle that earlier players can far more readily generate coins than later players. So pretty much legal authorities have failed to act on activity that really runs on the border of being a blatant ponzi scheme.

Comment Re:Non-compete agreements are BS. (Score 1) 272

So that brings an interesting point to that 18 month non-compete clause. You sign the contract, you haven't been paid yet, does it come into force. You work one day, earn one days pays and they own you for 18 months unpaid. What proportion of your salary pays for that 18 month non-compete clause and over what period does it come into affect. Non-compete clauses logically have to be paid for to be valid, if they failed to stipulate how it's payment is accrued, then it was never really paid for and never really valid. In the suit they can claim repayment but really only for the value of the non-compete, the actual damage as a proportion of his salary, the value of the work, excluding all other value accrued to the firm by his work. They can not really deny the job they could however recover contractual damages against the salary they paid him, putting a value on that as a proportion of his salary would be really tricky.

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