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Comment Re:Warrants are supposed to be narrow (Score 1) 150

A far better analogy is snail mail. The judge has granted the right to enter an unlimited number of recipients houses and recover mail sent to them. The real question is who owns that mail, the senders, the receivers, the handlers or the, the ISP. That is the tricky question with regards to email versus snail mail and that technically email should be legally treated exactly the same as snail mail because by and large that is the public expectation.

Comment Re:Yeah, students will use bandwidth (Score 1) 285

That is a technical lie. If you had provided them with notebooks with hard disk drives, by far the majority of the information they required for the the whole school year could have been pre-installed on the notebook, with only minor update traffic required. Of course tablets lacking significant storage capability require a continuous flow of data, now add in class timing schedules, and the data flow has significant peaks which of course result in inevitable bandwidth problems. So not only poor input interfaces limiting creativity and foolish lock in but huge bandwidth problems.

Comment Re:What, NASA doesn't sell there building naming r (Score 1) 52

Why doesn't NASA ignore the celebrity bullshit and name buildings after the people they did the real work of getting man into space and onto the moon, the Scientists and Engineers. NASA you want more scientists and engineers, than stop bloody giving them a back seat to the monkey in the cockpit, grrr ;).

Comment Re:so one billionaire (Score 2) 63

Murdoch is also very unlikely to get Time Warner as long as he continues to try to buy it with junk bond status non-voting News Corporation stocks. News corporation just can not cut it on the internet which will make it a boat anchor for the Time Warner group. As News Corporations drops and Time Warner rises so the buyout will eventually be on the other boot. The MySpace was the death knell for News Corporation on the internet.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

Well of course that unemployed person ends up being employed when those around them with higher minimum wage buy stuff that needs to be made so that unemployed person now has a job. How much does an unemployed person make, likely the minimum wage once they become employed because the minimum wage jobs are the first to re-appear when the minimum wage is raised. As the flow on affect occurs so higher wage positions appear. The area of the market that loses is the slaver 'er' servant market, cheap maids, cheap gardeners etc. all paid for by cheap asses.

Comment Re:Apple has 'done nothing'??? (Score 1) 139

The claim that parental approval is required can only be made if parental access is properly validated. Threatening to charge the child with fraud if the parent refuses to pay, is not by any stretch of the imagination seeking parental approval prior to the pay to win virtual sale of imaginary goods. Also refusing to refunds especially when the product suffers no wear and tear or re-stocking cost is also pretty extremely corrupt.

Comment Re:How many employees does Slashdot need? (Score 2) 272

Do you how you calculate how much you 'NEED' to make. You don't bloody look at the job being done and think well the worse the job the less we'll pay them. You look at life costs. So how much to buy quality food and groceries, have a place to live, transport to work (bound to quality city planning), health costs, retirement, clothing and because workers are not animals to be beaten into submission some leisure spending. Now add on that breeding costs because that has to happen otherwise your community will collapse. So add it all up and you can figure out why some people need more than one job with both parents working.

Don't be an evil little git and define what people should be paid by how crappy the job is, always reflect on how much they need in order to live properly and honestly the more crappy the job the more they should be paid not less.

Comment Re:Not if you use the Virtuix Omni (Score 1) 154

What you need is a force feed back suit, basically an extension of powered exoskeleton technology but instead of providing mechanical assistance it provides mechanical resistance. Not only can it be used in gaming but in remote robotics where the operator guides the robot and gets feedback from the robot for accurate motion. Think of the suit being suspended in mid air, holding the player up and allowing a full range of motion, quite expensive and really only for the relatively wealthy, interactive gyms and hotels for an extended experience. Use in remote robotics extends the technology and subsidises cost, unfortunately it can also be extended for military and law enforcement operations. Think of the operator back in base in their force feedback suit controlling the armoured conflict drone. The big problem with powered exoskeletons in fitting the operator inside them, put the operator in a remote location and the become far simpler to design and that same technology can be use in all high risk environments, like fire rescue, not just of course fully immerse virtual gaming, which might seem like a waste but of course it helps generate the numbers to pay for development and manufacturing.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 0) 121

You know how a ponzi scheme works Those at the top of the pyramid sell the scam to those at the bottom. Those higher up the pyramid make a load of money whilst those at the bottom make nothing as the scheme collapse. Now bitcoin, how easy was it to generate money at the begging for free, all those people had to do was sell the scheme to others, who would find it progressively harder to generate coins, whilst those at the begging cashed in for millions, hmm, ponzi currency, easy at the beginning, the bif sell, impossible at the end. The most marketed benefits of ponzi bitcoins tax evasion and criminal transactions.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 261

Not to mention the tiny little fact that the NSA broke computer crime laws in every country on the face of the planet. This after the US screamed about computer crime laws, sought to extradite all and sundry for the most minor computer crimes, spending millions on it whilst it itself was doing far, far, mind boggling, far worse. Double speak for USA crime is justice or computer hacking is only hacking when everyone else does it when the US does it we have a memo for that. Forget the constitution, forget the legislature, the US has memos that legalised everything and anything.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1, Insightful) 752

Better question to ask are who benefits and what was the regional track record. Who benefits at this time is pretty clear Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine into attempting to bring in international support. Things are not all hunky dory into Ukraine defence forces, they can not even properly feed their troops let alone pay them, the oligarch are too busy strip mining the country of anything they can loot and selling off the remainder to the US, so desperation is rising. Israel, another land based invasion of that Warsaw like ghetto Gaza, which will be kept off the front pages (there are highly skilled mercenaries from all over the world operating in the Ukraine, only temporarily loyal to the highest bidder). All prior rebel shoots down of aircraft were at low altitude, none at high altitude. Apparently a very high skill set of many operators is required to operate the system, definitely not point and click, strictly specialist trained operators.

The biggest indication of false flag, western media are trying to claim Russia shot down the aircraft without any reason why given and only mention the Ukraine government, the biggest benefactor in passing as a maybe might be.

Comment Re:Nothing to see here (Score 2) 117

The requirement here is for the UK Electoral Commission To Investigate http://www.electoralcommission... and to ascertain whether those activities amounted to political advertising by a government agency. Where those actions designed to make the policies of the current Government look better, is so, then the government agency us guilty of a crime a subject to prosecution ie the abuse of government funds to promote the activities of the current elected politicians. It is illegal to use government funds for biased political propaganda and this is exactly what has been disclosed.

Comment Re:No real surprise (Score 4, Interesting) 710

Let's see everything wrong with the survey, just 250 households. How where the people selected. How much of a cross section was there. Was it per capita energy usage or simply per household usage (per household), difference between a person living on their own and say a family of five. A far right wing government commissioned the survey how biased were they in the selection. Some were monitored for a full year some only for one month, no clarification on summer winter split. No clarification on meals, home cooked or takeaway or restaurant (hidden energy usage) Also clothes washing, how much done in house, how much an laundrette and how much professionally cleaned (hidden energy usage). Study included rented and owned properties but did not differentiate between the two. There was a large north south divide hence different climatic conditions.

So it's a whole lets come up with a bullshit report to slander climate change and make it seem acceptable to do nothing about it.

Comment Re:result of the lab/funding system (Score 1) 123

Reality here is, it is pretty much the same as wikipedia. You need to have sufficient spare time to be heavily involved in the peer review process. This in turn means you have sufficient spare time to write papers and of course sufficient support in the form of contributors, lowly paid ones in regards to science papers and of course free ones with regard to wikipedia. Getting to the top peer review and article contribution process requires a lot of effort, whether scientific or wikipedia and the social connections established do drive acceptance and of course rejection for those outside the loop.

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