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Comment Re:Illogical (Score 1, Interesting) 158

Russia does not have the luxury of wide open boarders or just accepting a vast culture of drink, lyrics, drugs, health issues, poor quality food and a trade in neon colored laundry liquids.
The Russian idea is to educate as many of its own people to a good average level and then sort out the best for further top quality higher education.
Russia does not have the option to focus on the top 10% of its best people and letting the bottom 90% drop out into slums.
Russia seeks to teach its own people: arts, culture, classical music, math, physics, biology, history, languages with less input from a distracting imported culture pushing drink and drugs.
Will it work? A few decades of university graduates after the 1990's might give a hint.

Russia Moves From Summer Time To Standard Time 158

jones_supa writes: Russia's legislature, often accused of metaphorically turning back the clock, has decided to do it literally – abandoning the policy of keeping the country on daylight-saving time all year. The 2011 move to impose permanent "summer time" in 2011 was one of the most memorable and least popular initiatives of Dmitry Medvedev's presidency. It forced tens of millions to travel to their jobs in pitch darkness during the winter. In the depths of December, the sun doesn't clear the horizon in Moscow until 10am. The State Duma, the lower house of parliament, voted 442-1 on Tuesday to return to standard time this autumn and stay there all year. The article also discusses a ban on swearing in books, plays, and films that went into effect today in Russia.

Comment Re:How to protest? (Score 1) 80

Top down the political class knows where its re election cash is flowing from and why.
You are seeking capitalism, entrepreneurship and a vibrant local telco sector.
Think about your local laws and community broadband.
Structural separation will ensure any local, state or national provider can offer its network down to homes without been shut out by any one regional monopoly.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 80

You can enjoy your own phone. Set your own plan on a long list of approved hardware devices under their own in store branding.
New fashion colors every few months and all the benefits of a dynamic and very competitive consumer hardware market.
Enjoy the freedom to select from several closed source or fully open source product lines.
If you like you can even write free or for profit programs for the 32,000,000 customers via dynamic and free to join online marketplace or shop.
Welcome to your new telco system. One Contract, One Network, Universal Surveillance.

Comment Re:Predictable outcome (Score 4, Insightful) 80

New owners: Competition is a sin.
NSA: One company would be more easy to deal with.
Federal law enforcement: One company would be more easy to deal with.
State law enforcement: One company would be more easy to deal with. Can we keep the networks on copper or coaxial cable in use for a few more decades?
City law enforcement: One company would be more easy to deal with. Optical networks are too expensive to tap. Offer more very low cost mobile plans.
Customers: Free mobile with my new internet plan on a 24 month contract.
The freedom of choice to be online sitting at home or on the move. Every 24 months I get a new free mobile phone.... freedom of choice from a huge selection of approved mobile phones.

Comment Re:Why is the UK missing? (Score 1) 86

MI6 warned the UK gov and was privately able to secure the power sector over a very long time.
GCHQ was working with the power sector over a very time.
The UK power sector is air gapped with unionized staff at each site unreachable by most modern internet code floating around.
All the other nations listed rebuilt their power sectors with a series of open internet connections. Very few top staff member with laptops could complete their tasks off site via the internet at a lower cost.
The only aspect of the UK grid open to networking is billing and secretarial support due to the age or expert design of the per site bespoke systems.
GCHQ has a UK wide super firewall they did not tell anyone about :)

Comment Re:Attribution (Score 1) 86

Any group can be used to fake an ip and work on shifts or use friendly 'locals' to provide the press spin of the expected evil/cover country of origin.
Lots of software gets tested, lost, sold, re built and re tested in the wild by many different groups.
A nation state would have real staff, real experts and real connections to the power sector to test all they like without any code needing a live test.
Why show your hand even if you need to test live? Why risk your skilled tight code floating around for many other govs and skilled AV firms to study?
Skilled nations have vast crews working on other problems - unique, special, air gapped sites that can only be accessed by mil/gov or contractors. Thats the focus of their experts, their spies, their dual citizens, people of the same faith long term.
Motive for this is just the usual new security product to sell/rent, domestic laws to change, political grandstanding.
The win is a boondoggle, security sector lobbying and press fun for the bellicose and militaristic.
Real nations have much more interesting long term projects to task on much more interesting sectors ie open networks are open to everybody on the 'net'.

Comment Re:Attribution (Score 1) 86

Any country can fake an entry point in another country with timezones to match or use their own diaspora to fake a networking origin.
Who is using code, paying for code, where it is uploaded or controlled from can be well covered from a list of nations.
So many groups in gov, mil, the private cyber security contracting sector sector have really been pushing stories like this for the past decades.
The tame press, AC's, academics and sock puppets then drum up the need for expensive products and new cyber laws to cover simple network cost cutting.

Comment Re:How is this any different than any other day? (Score 1) 86

Having real staff watch over a site is now been replaced with cheap networking. That network is the free 'internet' and a few skilled staff can watch over many sites 24/7.
Staff numbers could be cut, fewer real experts would be needed.
The networks are not hardened or unique to a plant or site. Too much consumer grade software and networking open to the outside world was used.
This is not news, was not unexpected and is an ongoing issue due to cost cuts and staffing ... ie an onsite design issue.

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