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Comment Re:Half right (Score 1) 286

It's not particularly hard to fix: spin the viewpoint around the country. For the southern forecast a view from across the channel (pretty much what it is now). For Scotland spin round to viewing from the north, Wales from the west etc. This then has the benefit that whatever region is being discussed takes up most of the screen and the rest of the UK drops away in perspective.

Whoever they outsourced to is not just less smart that they think they are. They have gone full-retard.

Comment Re:Reading vs writing (Score 1) 161

I'm not sure if Science is phrenology by another name, but they certainly look similar at your level of detail:

a) Part of the task under study is definitely linguistic
b) No effort has been made to separate this linguistic part from the rest of the task
c) The study has not produced evidence because of a validity threat: namely the confounding factor that the task has been presented in a linguistic form.

I wouldn't want the terminology to get in the way of the original point: the task has been phrased in textual form, areas of the brain used in text recognition lit up, the researchers concluded that programming was the same as language skills. Their conclusion was bogus because presenting a non-programming task to the participants would have provoked the same response if it was done in written form. Obviously this would be impossible to fix in the study design.... without replicating the results on a non-textual experiment, such as a graphical language.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

The problem would be that the equation models net population growth i.e. births - deaths. When resource limits are reached the birth rate does not drift down gracefully of its own accord. Lots of people die as the system reaches a new equilibrium. Typical methods are wars over resources, famine from lack of resources or widespread disease due to a lack of resources to treat them. As the equation is only a model (an approximation) it does not cover the difference between hitting hard resource limits softly, or sharply. There is of course no natural reason that resource starvation would not kill off the entire population, as a barren lifeless world is also an equilibrium.

Comment Re:Ticket use rules (Score 1) 240

It seems quite obvious from the summary that what they propose is not arbitrage - it is fraud. It's caught by the rule that you state, but more generally they are using a single ticket to make two journeys. In the case of the two hypothetical commuters crossing the city they are both paying for 1/2 journey and then it is being made twice. That is not a price difference between two assets, it is double-spending.

Comment Re:Classic Slashdot (Score 1) 463

I've been here about 11 years and this will make me leave. Screw whether or not it looks nice - this new interface is functionally broken. I can't see what selection of comments has been loaded or not loaded. There is no indication of parts of the tree that are not shown. The load more button gives no feedback about where it is inserting comments, or how many.

If I wanted to see a flashy rendering of the headlines with no context then I would read the site over RSS. If I wanted to see some random selection of the comments instead of (an outline) of the whole tree then I would just ask somebody else to read slashdot and give me a badly organised summary of their interpretation of the daily feeling of slashdot.

This interface does not work on a mobile device. It does not work on a desktop. It does not work. The final insult is that I had to switch to classic to post, because that doesn't work properly on the new interface either. Complete shite. So this is how slashdot died.

Comment Re:Thing is (Score 1) 146

Perhaps, but what did occur on every system was the most horrifically jarring texture popping. Looking away from a surface and then looking back (without changing position) was enough to flush the texture and have it reloaded so it takes a second or two to hit maximum resolution. That is a terrible way to handle texturing.

Our eyes are most sensitive to motion. Geometry-pop is bad because a few pixels change in a way that is inconsistent with the model. Texture-pop means that lots of pixels change in a way that is inconsistent with the model - the motion does not map onto motion in the virtual world. This is the worst possible choice for immersion and it completely ruined Rage.

Megatexturing is really just a big exercise in caching. The optimisation problem is to not to minimise distortion in the projected image (i.e maximise the resolution of each texture on each frame), the problem is to minimise change in the projected image. This implies that if somebody walks closer to an object then the transition of textures should be as smooth as possible.

In summary, the idea behind megatexturing is cool (unique textures everywhere), but the implementation of it in Rage is just about the worst possible.

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