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Comment infinitely proving my point recursively (Score 1) 342

you can chase rhetorical circles all you want but you cannot address this fact:

the people should WANT suggestions for improvement, and the response TFA author got indicates a "superiority complex" mentality

this is correct, and no matter what your experience you cannot contradict it, given what you have indicated

they should welcome suggestions, TFA author was not welcomed and was instead give a line of BS

the fact that you think that b/c you were in the ice line once makes any of the above not correct **shows that Burners and Burning Man is about demonstrating abstract superiority**

they should welcome suggestions, TFA author instead was treated insultingly and rudely....ACCEPT THIS FACT

Comment Re:7 Year Old, Not Seventh Grader (Score 1) 217

I have to disagree.

do you? what are you disagreeing with?

YMMV means "your milage may vary"...it's a way to qualify your statement so pendantic people won't respond the way you have

so are you disagreeing with me when I indicated YMMV? do you NOT think the phenomenon varies by person?

or do you disagree that what I said was what i experienced? are you saying that I was NOT able to 'be myself' within the constraints I laid out?

if you are sure then you should have more detail...i said "2 tenses" and so if not 2 then how many? how do you know?

Comment civil rights + history (Score 1) 217

how many countries has China bombed recently?

what is the point of this question?

are you saying that we should compare China and the US on issues like human rights, pollution, civil rights, democracy, and compare the military actions of the countries throughout history? How far back do we go?

is that what you're implying here? that if we did some sort of "side by side" comparison that China would ***NOT*** be a totalitarian, authoritarian state?

China is a teeming, polluted, authoritarian clusterfsk of humanity...good synergy for facebook.com

Comment infinitely proving my point recursively (Score 1) 342

I'm sure they have tried it, along with lots of other ideas.

except if you read TFA, it's clear the author asked about it and was told it was a "food safety issue" which he checked on and found to be untrue

But that's not even what this is about. What this is about is someone (you) who *really* has no fucking clue what he's talking about, trying to pretend like he does.

again...you ARE indeed proving my point, that Burners like you who over-mystify something just to feel 'cool' and 'in the know' are the problem, pasted below from my OP comment:

...the problem with this system is that Burning Man as an event encourages this superiority complex mentality

and you did just that in the quoted portion above

Comment Re:7 Year Old, Not Seventh Grader (Score 1) 217

to be fair, that's still bragable

when it's said that someone is at "X year old level" in a language, they mean sentence complexity and vocabulary, not complexity of thought or level of intelligence

YMMV, but in my experience, you only need 2 verb tenses and maybe 300 words of vocabulary to be "yourself" in another language...most human uses simple words to make complex thoughts so you don't need that much to have an identifiable "personality"

Comment clan of the cave bear (Score 1) 128

I checked it out...seems interesting

I kind of wish we could just ditch "neanderthal" and "cro-magnon" from the lexicon entirely...Cro-Mags are "AMH" and IMHO all the evidence shows that Neanderthals are AMH as well...so let's start from scratch with the genomic comparisons and make a new nomenclature

Back to Earth's Children....from reading the wikipedia, it seems like it might be similar to the film "Clan of the Cave Bear"

Comment not two options_false choice (Score 1) 342

Pretty obvious. Because if they didn't care, they could simply not volunteer? The whole point of volunteering is to make something better than it would be if you didn't.

false choice....it's not a binary...it's not a choice between only either a) not volunteer or b) get ice slowly and not improve the system

those are not the only two options

the volunteers should try TFA's idea without a big hassle or drama...they should WELCOME a solution that makes it faster...and so should YOU

you really are continuing to prove my point with all this

Comment Neanderthals are 'modern' humans (Score 3, Insightful) 128

We've got to stop with the Neanderthal nonsense...

Neanderthals are *not* the magical missing link, nor does proving/disproving the existence of God or the truth of the theory of Evolution...none of this is in play

This is about legacy academia and how century-old academia wars are burdening good research today.

Another example: Clovis Culture http://www.examiner.com/articl...

Clovis Culture theory has been the bane of anthropologists and archaeologists for decades...the only reason it was so entrenched is b/c of flaws in academia.

Neanderthals are the same. The whole notion of "Neanderthals" being a separate thing is just a miscategorization of traits that modern humans have. Maybe they are rare, and have become less attractive over the millenia, but not any different than any other trait.

Look at Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev

The traits we collectively call "Neanderthal" are a distinction without a difference.

It's a failure of science that some ideas are irrationally difficult to disprove. Usually it is because people are using the research wrongly to prove a non-science point.

Again...Neanderthals can be variations on modern humans and it **does not disprove evolution!!!**

Comment Neanderthals = modern humans (Score 1) 1

We've got to stop with the Neanderthal nonsense...

Neanderthals are *not* the magical missing link, nor does proving/disproving the existence of God or the truth of the theory of Evolution...none of this is in play

This is about legacy academia and how century-old academia wars are burdening good research today.

Another example: Clovis Culture http://www.examiner.com/articl...

Clovis Culture theory has been the bane of anthropologists and archaeologists for decades...the only reason it was so entrenched is b/c of flaws in academia.

Neanderthals are the same. The whole notion of "Neanderthals" being a separate thing is just a miscategorization of traits that modern humans have. Maybe they are rare, and have become less attractive over the millenia, but not any different than any other trait.

Look at Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev

The traits we collectively call "Neanderthal" are a distinction without a difference.

It's a failure of science that some ideas are irrationally difficult to disprove. Usually it is because people are using the research wrongly to prove a non-science point.

Again...Neanderthals can be variations on modern humans and it **does not disprove evolution!!!**

Comment hasn't stopped him yet (Score 1) 38

so where was his "strong anti-authoritarian and anti-military streak" when he was rolling over for the NSA **for years**...

Google invades privacy for profit and for decades gave the NSA (and god knows who else) an unaccountable back door to all our data

you're trying to pass the Kool-Aide and it's not going to fly...

Submission + - Will the Google car turn out to be the Apple Newton of automobiles? (slate.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Actually, the better question may be whether it will ever be ready for the road at all. The car has vastly fewer capabilities than most people seem to be aware of. The notion that it will be widely available any time soon is absurd.

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