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Comment Re:Not a Canadian... $800 ipod nano (Score 1) 198

There is a levy on blank CDs. (I can't remember the last time I bought a spindle of CDs). It used to be about 30 cents a disk, which is insane considering bulk CD-R cost about 25 cents. At least they didn't go full retard and charge for MP3 players. At the time the levy was introduced, MP3 players were about 128 to 256 MB capacity and I can recall fees of $5 to $10 on MP3 players (based on 5 cents/Megabyte) being considered. The music industry would love to collect $800 on a 16GB ipod nano.

Comment Re:Education!! (Score 2) 312

It is even worse than that with religious folk. All sorts of people will go into "Cognitive Dissonance" mode when their strongly held beliefs are challenged and some will refuse to change their beliefs no matter what evidence is presented. With religious people you get this plus also they are convinced that it is their faith (how strongly they cling to their beliefs - no matter what) that determines their reward in the afterlife. There is no point in attempting logical or evidence based discussions with someone like that.

Comment 3 of the 7 Deadly Sins - Sloth Greed and Gluttony (Score 1) 670

The medieval Christians had their list of the 7 Deadly Sins (Sins that may lead you to eternal damnation). Fat people are the living embodiment of 3 of them - Sloth, Greed and Gluttony. We look down on fat people because they offend our sensibilities at some deep, almost unconscious level, that we have as a bone deep part of our culture. (Not saying it's right, just saying why.)

Comment Re:Don't understand (Score 1) 452

1. the guy selling the bike got his money 59 seconds sooner, is this not a benefit? 2. Anybody who wants can buy the premium service. That means there may be multiple people competing for the $100 spread between the buyer and seller. In your scenario, they have all posted adds selling a bike for $599, but only one can buy the bike for $500, and the rest have to buy the next highest priced bike if someone accepts their ad. Some of them may not make any money or may lose money on the transaction. Therefore, in order to prevent this, the next time they will offer a bit more than $500 to the seller, to make it more likely that their buy offer is accepted.The trade still happens more quickly, the seller gets more money, and the HFT guy gets a smaller profit. Over many trades, the competition reduces the HFT traders profit, while still speeding up the rate that bikes are bought and sold.

Comment Re:like anything else.. (Score 5, Insightful) 580

In high school a very smart student can get honours marks with minimal effort. In high school an average student can get honours marks by working very hard.

In engineering school a very smart student needs to also work very hard just to get by. If you are diligent about doing all the problem assignments, hand in all the labs, study efficiently (in a small group really worked for me), be very strategic about obtaining all possible marks, you can do reasonably well. In engineering school an average student can't get by on hard work, because the workload is too high, and will likely fail.

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