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Submission + - America's Troubled F-35: Five Ways to Replace It (nationalinterest.org)

An anonymous reader writes: The F-35, love it or hate it, has its share of problems. From the cost, nearly $400 Billion, making it the most expensive US defense program in history, to its share of technical problems make it an easy target. Yet, there is very few ways to replace it. Considering that parts of it are made all across the U.S. and most of the planes it plans to replace are getting quite dated, the program seems "too big to kill."

However, there are ways to do so. One good example, jump to the next generation of planes:

"Another way of cutting our losses would be to abandon the fifth generation fighter entirely (apart from existing Raptors and F-35s), and focus instead on the development of sixth generation fighters. Expectations for Gen Six fighters generally focus around stealth, supercruise, and networking capabilities, potentially with tailless configurations, the capacity for the installation of laser weaponry, and the possibility of unmanned operation. Several other countries have played with this concept. Japan, Russia, India, and France have all examined the possibility of skipping the fifth generation and moving directly to the sixth. Expectations of relative great power peace over the next decade, combined with still-large Cold War-era fleets, have made this a plausible option."

Comment no doubter here, I watched the launch (Score 4, Insightful) 211

our family drove down to Florida, hauling our new 17' trailer, partly to see the launch and partly to visit Grandmother. up at 4 am to drive down Cocoa and park on the side of the road. when that Saturn came up over the rise, the noise was monstrous, quiet as a churchmouse until that first lick of yellow-orange showed.

a stunning achievement. from that effort came chips, medical telemetry, Lord only knows what.

our driver of innovation today? cat pictures and dashcam video of accidents.

Comment Language = Math (Score 1) 241

I am surprised that more people are not better at Math, since language is almost entirely Math. Think of the words we use that denote math terms: Quantity (more, less, many, one, few, all, none, etc.), space (large, small, besides, etc.), relationships (on, in, with, by, all, included, etc.), ..and the list goes on.

I strongly recommend a book called, "What Linguists Always Wanted to Know About Logic..* (*But were Ashamed to Ask!)" by McCawley.


Incidentally, this book has one of the BEST descriptions of Lambda Calculus I've seen so far.

I can easily see the disconnect between language and programming; it s pretty much the same as the disconnect between language and good thinking. Language contains many distortions, deletions and generalizations the people who know the language process unconsciously (sometime to their detriment) to complete their understanding of the communication. Computers cannot, at this time, do a good job of imputing the missing components to fully complete the instruction.

Good programmers are simply better at complete and precise thinking.

Comment Re:No Advertising does not power the Internet. (Score 4, Insightful) 418

Notice that the guy who said it is an advertising guy. That's his whole worldview. That's the way he thinks it is and the way he thinks it should be. Meanwhile for the rest of us, we have lots of alternatives. Paid sites, community-supported sites, ad-blocked sites, sites run by people who love what they are running a site about.

Basically this is a little advertiser wanting us to support clubbing a big advertiser, Google. He'd like us to get mad at his competition. What he wouldn't like is for us to start noticing just how much what he is advocating is in his self-interest.

I recommend we all switch to ad-block and screw them all. If some sites die or have to switch funding models, works great for me.

Comment headed in the wrong direction (Score 1, Insightful) 230

it is the common view of medical and general science during the century-odd that we have discovered and been able to document radiation and its effects... that no amount is "generally recognized as safe" and standards need to be tightened. that radiation damage is cumulative. and that normal diagnostic x-rays and so forth approach the line of cellular damage over a lifetime.

so a comprehensive review based on science would move the decimal point to the left, at least to .025 mS/year, and perhaps .0025 mS.

certainly, radon exposure in homes has been trending that way, much to the chagrin of some homeowners who would also pass off arcwelder power panels because they haven't had a fire yet.

Comment Airports are not much better (Score 1) 195

I routinely have to travel from Dayton Oh to Knob Noster Mo. It is an 8 hour drive, Flying into their regional airport which is an hour away takes about 7 hours and I have been stranded there because even though I had a reservation there were no cars to be rented. The other option is going to Kansas City which has a 90 minute drive on the end of it and takes 7.5 hours all together. Flying through the southwest it's even worse as small regional airports can be over an hour away and larger airports over two hours away. Traveling from Alamogordo NM to Colorado Springs Co by plane takes 7.5 hours while driving takes 7 hours. Maybe it's because the Air Force keeps all its bases away from large airports but I know many places where driving 8 hours is just as good of an option as flying.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 83

Did activation slander him? He was portrayed as a kidnapper, murder, and enemy of the state, and is currently serving time for murder and kidnapping in Panama after spending two decades in a US jail for drug trafficking so those claims are not false. Noriega may have a case in that Activision used his likeness to sell Call of Doodie and he should be compensated for it.

Comment Re:Silicon Valley is officially old (Score 1) 533

We'll do some math to help you understand how wrong you are. I'll even include sales and property tax even though those are state so they vary.
Lets first look a single person making 20k a year they pay no federal income tax, $1240 in FICA that's 6.2% in taxes they have paid. Now lets look at sales tax items, lets say they pay 10% sales tax on everything else that's $1876 for a total tax rate of 15.5%. This is not a true rate as this person would qualify for tax credits and assistance which are not accounted for.

Now lets look at someone making 40k they pay $4k in federal $2480 in FICA , $3k in property tax we'll assume they don't have a mortgage to deduct ,and 3k in sales tax, for a rate of 18.8%.

Now lets look at someone making 100k they pay 18k federal 6k FICA, their property taxes will be around 8k and lets pretend that is all the taxes they payed that's still 32%. Even if this person defers the taxes by investing the money they still will pay taxes on it when it's moved out of their IRA, 401k, ... and probably at a higher rate since taxes don't go down. The dividend and capital gains taxes are lower 10-15% for the 100k guy. Capital gains are only paid when the stock is sold and the rate is much higher is the stock was purchased within the year. Stock awards are taxed like ordinary income. I fail to see how the middle class will be paying a higher rate.

Comment Re:Silicon Valley is officially old (Score 0) 533

Since that time, there has been a large segment of the population who, while still gaining the benefits, and using the services of this country, have actively refused to live up to the basic responsibility of living in this country. They have acted like leeches, sucking the life out of this country, using up it's resources, and driving the future generations into massive debt. They can't be bothered to pay for the government they use, because they're greedy, self centered, egotistical, myopic assholes, who don't give a damn about this country... just about themselves. They are nothing more than thieves, stealing from the future to ad their pockets in the present day.

How much should the top 10% of income earners pay? Is 50% of their salary enough? Currently the top 10% pay 70% of all federal income taxes yet only account for 40% of that income while the bottom 48% pay no federal income taxes.

In the 1940's, during the war, millions of men were called up to fight, with hundreds of thousands paying the ultimate cost for this country. The top marginal tax rate was over 90%. Now, we are paying close to the lowest rates in 60 years, and there's no requirement to submit to a draft for military service... yet we still have a segment of the population who bitch and whine like little toddlers with shit in the diapers that taxes are too high. These people are THE problem in this country. They undermine everything that this country has ever done, and spit on the graves of those who gave their lives making this country a better place... all because they're greedy little bitches.

No one likes to pay taxes, but taxes are the cost of living in society. As for the ones stealing.... those are the worthless little bitches who don't support this country, even after using everything this country offers every day.

In the 1940's only 30% of the population paid no federal income taxes while in 2013 48% paid no federal income tax that is the highest rate since the 16th amendment was passed. How many people should get a free ride on the backs of all hard working Americans? Who is stealing? It certainly is not the people paying the abundance of taxes.

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