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Comment Re:why can the world (Score 1) 329

I may sound unhappy, but I'm not really. I'm fairly neutral about it. I don't find any joy though for sure. I make up for my lack of career satisfaction by using that paycheck to buy my after hours toys. My family is what I derive fun and satisfaction from and a job is just a means to that end. The largest contributing factor to my lack of job satisfaction is what usually causes everyone to be unhappy- the people. My repair team consists of 4 techs. There's me, who does all of the actual work, and then the other 3 ride on my back all day like the dead weight they are. They are all old and about to retire so they aren't going to actually do anything but they'll stand behind me and bitch the whole time! I just ignore them and go on but they certainly aren't making my world any brighter. Again, that's what my family is for :)

Comment Re:why can the world (Score 4, Insightful) 329

Why should he shut up? I hate going to my job but it pays so damned good. For every one of your type, there are 10 of us. I mean I wanted to be a goddamned astronaut but it just didn't work out that way so now we do what we must to get by. You should applaud people like me and Bill. You aren't paying us to sit at home and mooch off of the system. Instead we go to a job we might hate but it beats scrubbing your toilets for $20/wk.

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