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Journal Journal: Fuck this shit 11

I know the complaint's as old as the hills, and I know there are actual, serious, thought out reasons why this is so, but 2 minutes between posts starts getting really fucking annoying once you've got 3 comments queued up.

Which has the effect of rendering shiny karma and a sub almost pointless. Which leads me to troll, worsening the s/n ratio.

Google Was 3 Hours Away From DOJ Antitrust Charges 221

turnkeylinux writes "Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. called off their joint advertising agreement just three hours before the Department of Justice planned to file antitrust charges to block the pact, according to the lawyer who would have been lead counsel for the government. 'We were going to file the complaint at a certain time during the day,' says Litvack, who rejoins Hogan & Hartson today. 'We told them we were going to file the complaint at that time of day. Three hours before, they told us they were abandoning the agreement.'"

Prescription Handguns For the Elderly and Disabled Screenshot-sm 1093

Repton writes "Thanks to the Second Amendment, even the elderly have the right to keep and bear arms. The problem is that many of the guns out there are a bit unwieldy for an older person to handle. However, the inventors of the Palm Pistol are planning to change all that with a weapon that is ideal for both the elderly and the physically disabled. In a statement submitted to Medgadget, the manufacturer, Constitution Arms, has revealed the following: 'We thought you might be interested to learn that the FDA has completed its "Device/Not a Device" determination and concluded the handgun will be listed as a Class I Medical Device.' Physicians will be able to prescribe the Palm Pistol for qualified patients who may seek reimbursement through Medicare or private health insurance companies."

Comment Addendum (Score 1) 29

I came across a quotation from D.H. Lawrence:

'I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.'

And it struck me that the overwhelming burden for (some) suicidal people isn't, perhaps, life itself, but the knowledge of our dying.

Comment How Will They Know? (Score 1) 8

Since it appears (according to all those interviews with self-professed Democratic voters) that many Obama voters actually thought that Pres-Elect Obama endorsed quite a of McCain's positions (e.g., on abortion, on Iraq), how will they know that the Pres-Elect has flipflopped? As long as Pres-Elect doesn't admit it clearly and precisely (and he won't; he's excellent at waffling), I doubt they'll be told by MSM ... thus, his flipflops just don't exist. Does a tree flipflopping in the forest actually do so, if nobody reports it? I think not.

Comment I Agree (Score 1) 29

I agree that you have a point. But, of the people I know/know of who have seriously considered suicide or knew who have, it appears to me that the greatest burden they carried was life itself. Should they then never have been born in the first place? (I admit that my 'sample' is by no means large enough for statistical analysis/certainty.)

Comment Re:Crap List (Score 1) 10

You're absolutely right in that there are quite a few metal (term used broadly) singers that should have been on that list, as well as 'alternative' one (the nod to BjÃrk I see as whole perfunctory/mandatory), country ones, etc. There are even pop strumpets with good voices. Better than Patti LaBelle at any rate.

Again, I think it's a problem with the voter base: the overall list is ludicrously weighted in favour of R&B - if I can use that term really, really broadly - and I believe that's because it's seen to confer more 'cred' to the list voter than any other musical genre and therefore a 'safe' choice; I mean, it was hardly a secret ballot ...

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