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Comment Re:bye (Score 4, Insightful) 531

my 'fix' has been to stop upgrading, about 2 or even more years ago.

yes, it has bugs and probably security issues, but I deal with that instead of dealing with more bullshit from moz.

really - a web browser is a little bit like a flashlight; it has a job to do, its clearly defined and its not hard to solve the problem. I don't need a flashlight with 'accessories' on it or with 'helpful advertising'. I simply need it to work, stay stable and not change every damned time someone has an itch to change-just-for-changes-sake.

I won't give up what I have, but I have stopped upgrading a long time ago.

Comment VisiCalc stories (Score 1) 74

I've read 3 different explanations of why VisiCalc was done on Apple first.

1. The dev TRS and Pets were tied up on other projects.
2. Jobs promised free hardware if they targeted Apple first.
3. Apple had more potential RAM ability.

I don't know which is true or if it's a combo. Either way, Apple would probably be dead if not for VisiCalc. VisiCalc sales gave Apple just enough money for R&D into GUI's (Lisa/Mac), and those were relatively slow sellers until desktop publishing kicked in.

Without the VisiCalc boost, Apple would probably fall short, and die with the rest of the early microcomputer makers (who got clobbered by IBM clones).

Comment Re:zyxel? (Score 1) 34

ODDLY enough, I have 2 nas boxes here by zyxel; and the truly odd thing is their model number: nsa-320. I kid you not!

had them running about 2 years, now, with no problems! not the fastest thing but they are tiny, they do support both nfs and smb (most small nas boxes don't do nfs) and it has not crashed or had o/s issues that I've seen. I dont use usb on it, only ethernet in and 1 or 2 drives internally, but its been pretty good for its size and price!

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