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Comment Re:Newest battery technology? (Score 1) 128

I was very surprised at the choice they made, to keep the single-motor S60 & S85 models.

Given that the forthcoming Model X is dual-motor only and the now sizable deployment of Superchargers, I can't help but think that canceling all the single-motor models, offering a discount on options or upgrades to anyone who'd already placed an order ( Call NOW! and get Supercharging at 1/2 price!!! ) or a cheerful refund would have led to an increase in orders and relatively few cancellations.

I doubt the few extra thousand would have made much difference to anyone waiting on a S85 and the range & performance boost across all models probably would have meant an increase in orders. And I can't think of any mass production car in any sane price range where you can lose an entire motor / engine / drive unit and keep on going.

Comment Re:Newest battery technology? (Score 1) 128

That's an interesting insight about active cooling for quick charging. I myself support battery swapping but it seems it'll be slow to catch on although without it EVs will never match the "refueling" speed of ICE vehicles.

What sort of performance cars did you own prior to your Tesla and how does it compare? I imagine it's quickest off the line but what about highway passing & handling?

Comment Re: The Navy sucks at negotiating (Score 1) 118

It's amusing that your offense at my question & assumption led you to an even more useless response.

In the 5+ hours since my OP and your reply, at least 1/2 a dozen informative or truly insightful comments have been made including a couple by ACs and one with a large photo of a harbor with several decomm'ed ships were made.
Your response achieved nothing except to puff yourself up solely by putting me down, for which you've already been congratulated.

Here's a bonus "rhetorical question" with an implied response: "Is a response by kenh (9056) of any value compared to that by any other Slashdotter incl Anonymous Cowards?"

Comment Re:The Navy sucks at negotiating (Score 2) 118

They sold it to a Texan - let's not be too quick to say that it'll be disposed of an in environmentally friendly way. Perhaps it will but perhaps not.
Still, I get your point about not having it sent to some overseas backwater.

But why isn't the Navy doing this themselves? Surely they have the manpower & capability and there must be huge sections that can easily be re-used.
The US Military just has too much money; they've lost all sense of the value of anything.

Submission + - Net Neutrality in Argentina!

plerner writes: Argentina has a new Net Neutrality law; law no. 27.078. It was passed by congress this week and published yesterday. Original text in Spanish can be foud at http://www.boletinoficial.gov....

Article 1 reads (translated by google):"Object. Declared of public interest the development of Information Technologies and Communications, Telecommunication, and their associated resources, establishing and ensuring complete network neutrality.
Its purpose is to allow access to all the inhabitants of Argentina to the services of information and communication equitable social and geographical conditions, with the highest quality standards.
This rule is of public order and excludes any type of content regulation, whatever their means of transmission."

Theres a little bit more about it on articles 56 and 57 of the same law.

Submission + - Scientists Discover That Exercise Changes Your DNA

HughPickens.com writes: The human genome is astonishingly complex and dynamic, with genes constantly turning on or off, depending on what biochemical signals they receive from the body. Scientists have known that certain genes become active or quieter as a result of exercise but they hadn’t understood how those genes knew how to respond to exercise. Now the NYT reports that scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have completed a study where they recruited 23 young and healthy men and women, brought them to the lab for a series of physical performance and medical tests, including a muscle biopsy, and then asked them to exercise half of their lower bodies for three months. The volunteers pedaled one-legged at a moderate pace for 45 minutes, four times per week for three months. Then the scientists repeated the muscle biopsies and other tests with each volunteer. Not surprisingly, the volunteers’ exercised leg was more powerful now than the other, showing that the exercise had resulted in physical improvements. But there were also changes within the exercised muscle cells’ DNA. Using technology that analyses 480,000 positions throughout the genome, they could see that new methylation patterns had taken place in 7,000 genes (an individual has 20–25,000 genes).

In a process known as DNA methylation, clusters of atoms, called methyl groups, attach to the outside of a gene like microscopic mollusks and make the gene more or less able to receive and respond to biochemical signals from the body. In the exercised portions of the bodies, many of the methylation changes were on portions of the genome known as enhancers that can amplify the expression of proteins by genes. And gene expression was noticeably increased or changed in thousands of the muscle-cell genes that the researchers studied. Most of the genes in question are known to play a role in energy metabolism, insulin response and inflammation within muscles. In other words, they affect how healthy and fit our muscles — and bodies — become. Many mysteries still remain but the message of the study is unambiguous. “Through endurance training — a lifestyle change that is easily available for most people and doesn’t cost much money,” says Sara Lindholm, “we can induce changes that affect how we use our genes and, through that, get healthier and more functional muscles that ultimately improve our quality of life.”

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