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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 8 accepted (34 total, 23.53% accepted)


Submission + - Scientology proven false... by their counsel (

drinkypoo writes: "In one very interesting moment, Davis said, 'Of course, if it's true that Mr. Hubbard was never injured during the war, then he never did heal himself using Dianetics principles, then Dianetics is based on a lie, and then Scientology is based on a lie. The truth is that Mr. Hubbard was a war hero.' And the way he phrased that, that everything depended on whether Hubbard had sustained these injuries and healed himself was like a wager on the table." And to drive the point home, "And [a researcher] had inquired about Howard D. Thompson, this lieutenant commander that supposedly signed this notice of separation. And the archivist at the time said they had thoroughly researched the roles of Navy officers at the time, and there was no such person."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Dell to cut 7,000 jobs

drinkypoo writes: "The BBC is reporting that Dell is planning to cut 7,000 jobs, or about 10% of its workforce. Michael Dell claimed "these actions are critical to our ability to deliver unprecedented value to our customers." Does this really make sense given that Dell is currently being sued by the New York Attorney General for their inability to provide adequate service (among other allegations)?"

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