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Comment Re:Hold on a minute (Score 5, Insightful) 198

1) Why do teachers always rank as an all important metric? There are good teachers and bad teachers.. even lousy teachers, there's nothing that special about their profession compared to many others. They are not beneficent deities, shaping our future via our children, though the rhetoric would have you believe that. It's just another angle for the whole, "think of the children" routine.
2) My sister-in-law is a teacher for a high school in NJ, and makes over $80k a year. And that's for 9 months out of the year. I just don't see public school teachers who belong to the NJEA doing all that badly. Private catholic school teachers maybe, but public teachers in a union have it pretty good around here.

Comment Re:Maybe you would and maybe you would not. (Score 1) 111

What you're - perhaps unintentionally - highlighting is itself interesting although something we've known for years that's illustrated perfectly by, say, Politico - modern political journalism is not about holding politicians to account, it's about gossip, being in with the in-crowd, and confusing the public interest with what the media thinks the public are "interested" in.

We're in agreement there, political journalism has gotten so yellow it looks like it's got a terminal case of jaundice. But when Obama stated his administration would be more transparent, it was in the context of the laws and executive orders he would sign/pass, the initiatives he would undertake regarding defense, the wars, the Patriot Act, the economy, and that's how most of us understood it. That's the important stuff of actual consquence. If the media wants to go all tabloid, that's on them, but I don't believe it absolves Obama from essentially reneging on his campaign rhetoric.

Comment Re:More feminist FUD (Score 1) 239

"Ascended. As in Nethack?"

Yup, which is what I point out when ever someone tells me they are "hard core". I'll give prop to people who even recognize what that means (props yo!), and anyone claiming to be a hard core gamer that doesn't understand what that means, well, lets just say that I'm not impressed ;)

I do know a hard core raider woman in EVE. I don't play EVE though, so I don't know the details, but my buddy (her roommate) plays 2nd fiddle to her.

I'm also not big on the CoD/DotA games these days. I use to get my fair share of TMP kills back in the Counter Strike days (pre-Source). But I've been in WoW/EQ guilds with women GMs, women main tanks, and women achievement seekers that have put me to shame with their accomplishments (and I consider myself a pretty solid gamer).

Maybe there are other women shamming other women in the gaming segment, it's definitely an issue for some of the other pro-women activities I support (like the Slut Walk in DC). And that is something that should also be tackled. But Women-women shamming is a drop in the bucket compared to the flood of male dominated sexist stereotyping, harassment, and abuse that the vast majority of ALL women have to deal with.

We've got a lot of work to do on >our subculture's behavior before we worry about other groups.


Comment Re:hubris (Score 1) 421

But the fact that you used that slur will be used against you by your competition in the campaign. Duh.

I'm not afraid of that. Media and opponents will find something to use against you anyways, and if they don't, they will make it up.

And your apparent deviant character as demonstrated by your racist bigotry online will be used to help convict you.

I pity you for the country you live in. Or maybe I'm just idealistic and believe that whether or not I committed the crime I'm accused of will be used to judge me.

Since you're on the level of ad-hominem attacks now, with no discernable actual content, I'll leave it at that.

Comment Re:Why should I care? (Score 1) 97

There are some apps that are Windows/Adroid only. In order to run them side-by-side, you need some form of virtualization. Blue Stacks, Andyroid, etc...

The trick though, is that the Android VMs for Windows require a CPU and BIOS that support virtualization. Which means to pull this off, you explicitly need to know what processor (and BIOS) is in your phone or tablet.


Comment Re:Maybe you would and maybe you would not. (Score 1) 111

Great, so he can tell us all about his golf score, but cover up actually significant stuff, the political shannigans? - y'know, the shit that actually matters, like he'd said he'd do when he campaigned for office. The only ones who care about pointless handwaving personal details are the tabloids.

Comment Re:I am not alone when I say.... (Score 1) 139

BeOS? Wow.. I haven't heard a mention of that OS in over ten years, blast from the past.
I would be game for this change: where HBO is concerned, I only care to watch Game of Thrones, and I don't see the point of paying for a full subscription for one show, because nothing else interests me, honestly (well, True Blood, but that's over now). But then I have to wait, and be a year behind everyone else in buying the BluRay when it's finally released.

Comment Re:hubris (Score 1) 421

You're not a luminary shining light on the true inner workings of human minds,

I'm not? Now you confuse me. :-)

Maybe I'm influenced by being a European, so I don't have this history of living-memory slavery of black people and so the word is not such a trigger. But that's not the point. I didn't intend or claim to read peoples minds, but let's be honest here: If the Ebola outbreak were in Italy, the worlds reaction would be quite different. There is a definite element of racism involved in how we treat the matter, including the often made "let's just stop all travel" argument.

I don't care enough to try and dox you, but thanks for giving public permission to anybody who might. If what you say is true and you ever decide to run for public office, you're accused of a serious crime, you go through family court litigation, or you face any other circumstance whereby others have incentive to put your character under scrutiny, then God help you.

You're a bit strange. If you run for office, your private address will be public record almost immediately. Your family can be assumed to know where you live. If you're accused of a serious crime, you're going to be in jail, so it doesn't matter. So whatever point you were trying to make, I'm afraid your rage blurred your rationality.

Comment cute, but flawed (Score 1) 94

It's a really cute idea, but from what I've seen so far is lacking a few fundamentals.

Firstly, there's little mention of user interface design, which if you want this to be used by average Joes and Janes is about the most important thing.

Secondly, sharing your stuff on your own server is cute, in fact we've only had it for about 30 years, even before the Internet with BBS etc. - the problem is connections, networks. Facebook solved that problem and that's why it works and people use it. If everyone has - how do you find them? You will need a social network layer on top, at which point you're basically back to Facebook, minus distributed data storage.

Thirdly, the idea of having it mobile and being able to plug it in anywhere is cute, but it also means that the device - and thus everything I want published - is unavailable while in transit. In practice, the mobility will be a non-issue because of this.

Comment Re:I am not alone when I say.... (Score 1) 139

What "studios" are you talking about? Isn't this kind of thing up to the publisher/funder (i.e. HBO)? In any case, it doesn't detract from the point. If these decisions are up to the studio, then every single person involved with marketing for the studio is incompetent. They're incompetent in thinking that DRM has a point when non-DRM files will always be posted on piracy sites within minutes of an airing. Why would someone pay for something inferior?

This isn't per-episode. It's a subscription to HBO, but sans cable. So no, all the content they show is not theirs. The vast majority is not theirs actually.

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