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Submission + - How to keep cloud data encrypted without cross-platform pain? 2

bromoseltzer writes: I use cloud storage to hold many gigs of personal files that I'd just as soon were not targets for casual data mining. (Google: I'm thinking of you.) I want to access them from Linux, Windows, and Android devices. I have been using encfs, which does the job for Linux fairly well (despite some well known issues), but Windows and Android don't seem to have working clients. I really want to map a file system of encrypted files and encrypted names to a local unencrypted filesystem — the way encfs works. What solutions do Slashdot readers recommend?

Ideal would be a competitive cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive that provides trustworthy encryption with suitable clients. Is there anything like that?

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

I mentioned the +/- zero thing in another comment elsewhere in this tree, actually! So we're all on board there.

It's not really that signless infinity is a contender for 'consensus' inasmuch as number systems which use signless infinity have utilities different from systems that have signed infinities, just like integer math continues to exist despite the 'improvements' of fractions and decimals.

Comment Re:So they walk up to the fence and talk (Score 5, Informative) 154

The summary makes it sound like they refused to give permission, but actually TFA says that the Swedish simply didn't submit the right paperwork yet due to some delay and have merely pushed the interview date back a little. No refusal has been given, they simply have not applied yet.

Comment Re:Run out the Clock (Score 5, Informative) 154

TFA mentions that they were unable to compete the necessary paperwork, but that they fully intend to and have simply pushed the interview date back a little. The Swedish don't seem particularly alarmed about this. The request was not refused, they just didn't submit the necessary paperwork.

Comment My ISP? Verizon, really bad (Score 1) 269

Verizon FIOS (aka Verizon broad band) has what they call "SPAM Filters" but they are pretty much worthless. It used to be pretty good, but they have apparently not managed the filters for a few years and now they are really not effective at all. It is so bad that I'm almost wondering if they actually HAVE a filter anymore, or is it just a check box on the web screen they put there to keep people from complaining....

I've been seriously considering buying a domain and setting up my own server just so I can get some reasonable filters back, but who's got time for that? What I do now is just use GMail for everything and I just use a throw away account for most things with specific filters to forward only what I want to see and keep my *real* e-mail address for only the most important things and close friends.

Comment Re:Down with "research"! (Re:Wow, just wow...) (Score 1, Troll) 490

The homosexuality issue is slightly more complex than your understanding of it. While there may be some element of choice to some degree, what is important is that many people, probably most people, feel that they can't change their's. Most straight people feel that they couldn't choose to be gay, and would be upset if people blamed them for "choosing" to be straight. They would feel it was unfair and discriminatory, because while it is perfectly fair to criticise people for their choices it isn't fair to criticise them for things they have no control over.

So actually, the science of it isn't even that important. What is important is that most people can't choose to be straight or gay, they just are, and people who blame them for that deserve criticism. I think most people understand that, but somehow you got bogged down on one specific detail and missed it.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 1) 490

In Europe human rights guarantee equality. The courts have interpreted that as dress codes for both genders having to be equally liberal/strict, but not necessarily the same. So for example if women are allowed to wear knee length skirts men would be allowed to wear similar clothing that society considers normal for men, such as knee length shorts or a kilt.

If women don't have to wear a tie, men don't have to wear a tie. If women can wear causal shoes, so can men. It's a perfectly reasonable, well balanced system that doesn't take equality to a ridiculous extreme.

Comment Re:That's enough! (Score 4, Insightful) 40

how about we just make it a crime punishable by 20 years for any IT professional to hook sensitive computers to the internet.

Even if the PHB makes you do it?

In my experience, it's not the IT guy that is responsible, it's the PHB who doesn't understand the risks, doesn't take the IT guy's advice or provide the necessary resources to do the job safely, they just want it done NOW!

Comment Re:Equality (Score 0) 490

They don't have to be women, but we know (because we asked, and because of historic numbers) that women are a large, willing and untapped resource in CS. We also know exactly how to fix that, so it makes sense to do it. That's why companies like Intel, Google and Apple are throwing vast amounts of money at the problem. It's in their own interests to get more skilled programmers on board.

I'm sure someone will claim these companies have been shamed into acting, but if that were they case they would have spent some money on PR, not $300m on an actual solution like Intel did.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 0) 490

GamerGate still growing? What planet are you living on?

GamerGate is dead. The release of their own IRC logs showed exactly what GamerGate was really about, with absolutely no ambiguity or question remaining. It was a trolling campaign, elaborate and seemingly widespread but actually with just a tiny core of people and masses of sock puppet accounts. It's all there for you to read yourself.

Comment Re:Equality (Score -1, Troll) 490

And that's why it's complete bullshit. Until they are about a week old babies don't even understand that there are other human beings in the world. They instinctively know how to feed from their mothers, that's about it.

So yeah, a test of one child who happens to look at one or two objects they have no understanding of doesn't prove anything.

Comment Re:Wow, just wow... (Score 0) 490

History says it isn't that simple. Pink used to be a boy's colour, with blue for girls. Horses were at first of interest mainly to boys, then girls, then boys again and nowadays it's girls once more.

Sure, there clearly are biological differences, but there are strong social ones as well. Is child care seen as more of a women's thing because women are genetically predispositioned to it, or because biology says only women can feed babies with breast milk and men are physically larger and thus better hunters and society just never fully corrected in the modern age.

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