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Comment Re:Only Republicans are stupid enough... (Score 2) 318

equal opportunities means that no one is barred for doing X. whether one can afford to do X is another story completely

By trying to equalize outcomes you do a couple things. You teach a portion of the public that they dont have to do anything because the government will take care of them. this is bad because the cycle gets worse not better

You should not be punishing people who do right, which is what happens why you try and equalize outcomes

Lets take sports for example, I would never want to see equal outcomes in sports, it would kill the game. patriots won the superbowl last year? well, we cant let them win again until all the other teams get a win, because, you know fairness. Plain and simple that is wrong on so many levels

Comment Re:Running only Windows on a Mac (Score 3, Insightful) 209

a surface pro is the better solution over the macbook air if one must stick with the microsoft camp IMO. light weight, compatible with everything, and in the same price range as the air. Add in the fact that it can be a tablet or a laptop and i think it wins hands down in a comparo between those 2 devices

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