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Comment Re: No (Score 1) 122

I have nearly 20 years F2F experience with an in-demand computing technology that not too many native English speakers are conversant with, and my written and spoken English are better than those of the next 999 native speakers you're likely to meet. When someone asks to see my résumé, I just tell them to search for books under my name on Amazon.

*You* might have to worry about getting replaced. Me, I've changed countries 3 times and I've taken my job with me each of those times—most recently, back to the US after being away for a couple of decades.

Comment Re:So the US gov is calling a bluff on crypto (Score 1) 112

Even still, it would be unconstitutional.

In your dreams, maybe.

You're not using it to express an idea or opinion, you're using it as a store of value.

Good-bye, Freeze Peach—Hello, statutes and taxes and bans.

Let's all sing along:

Statutes and taxes and bans—oh, my!
Statutes and taxes and bans—oh, my!
Statutes and taxes and bans—oh, my!

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