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Journal Journal: How to have it both ways 1

I said, regarding the status quo: "...standing athwart it..."

Fustakrakich says: "But you aren't, you're just flowing down the river..."

And here is our standard dilemma: stipulating that Fustakrakich is correct, how would he show the homework? From what context emerges the "you're just flowing" judgement?

The best I've been able to extract is "[smitty is] just being obtuse" and "[he] just feel[s] things".

OK, guilty on the "obtuse" charge, but the question stands: what's the rule? Do we scuttle the Western tradition that brought us here in favor of Wokery?

Fustakrakich seems to demand the juice without applying the squeeze, as far as I can tell.

UPDATE: Oh, my fault. Who knew that Slashdot was a proxy for a conversation with my wife?
User Journal

Journal Journal: "You've been happily redefining your question on the fly to make it more diffic" 10

You've been happily redefining your question on the fly to make it more difficult to answer.

I've done nothing of the sort.

I've pointed out that, for all of the sweeping, dogmatic assertions that you have offered, human knowledge is far from complete. You can no more offer a repeatable experiment going from inorganic chemistry to self-replicating life than you can state the precise age of the universe, or what occurred before T-nought.

Therefore, we can be humble, rather than go around warlording as though we were so much wiser than is actually the case.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Here Comes The Cramdown 69

RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved "Republican" Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

Let us be clear and non-pretending. The RNC, a private corporation run by U.S. multinational corporations, billionaires and donors who control it, is a private club--who construct the rules of affiliation according to the interests and demands of the benefactors.
The RNC club, the right side of the UniParty corporate structure, has zero consideration or interest in the opinion of voters forced to register in their affiliation.

The CTH website analysis mostly rings true. The funny part is the overt pro-Trump bias. In a rematch with Biden, I would certainly vote for the fully-alive candidate. The only genuinely interesting candidate at the moment is but I deem him only slightly more likely to prevail than, say, Bernie Sanders, for reasons alluded to in The Famous Article.

User Journal

Journal Journal: It's actually true 4


You can make the world a better place by shutting the fuck up. It's people like YOU that 'reason' your way into hate and discrimination, supporting others to do the same. You're a vile, disingenuous scumbag.

If I had mod points I'd carpet bomb you into oblivion. In fact, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do the next few times I get them. Enjoy!

I confess that I have not loved everyone else at the same fidelity level that Christ self-sacrificially loved all humanity for all time, or even that more finite fidelity that fellow veterans afforded the ideals (if not always the implementation) of the U.S. Constitution.

Lord, have mercy on this benighted country, and especially the young falling prey to the fresh evils of our day.

And, since I have some mod points, let me go bump up the posts of my fanboi, in stark contrast with the way he did for fustakrakich.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ever Wonder If Slashdot Interlocutors Are Sociopaths? 87

If we object to letting our children be brainwashed into the transsexual cult, then...

We'll just accept that you prefer for transgender kids to go ahead and take their own lives, rather than actually seek any form of treatment aside from someone they don't know yelling at them about what's in the bible. Got it, we can move on from that matter now. It's understood that you are indeed a fascist on that matter, even if you won't accept that term.

My preferences, in this context are as externally forced as genders on tender young victims, as far as I can tell. I have "yelled at" others of any age concerning Biblical content precisely zero (0) times. I should probably mention having taught Suday School for children in grades 3-6 for the last decade or better. They appear to be thriving.

You have no moral high ground here, when you are endorsing child rape and refusing child medical treatment.

I guess that inchoherent invective carpet bombing is a rhetorical tactic. Possibly implying surrender, here. d_r is already on my prayer list.

Show me a repeatable experiment where you move from the Periodic Table of Elements to Biochemistry, and I will be impressed.

That statement is so vague

Nope. Not at all vague.

What you asked for makes no sense whatsoever.

When all other arguments 'splode, pretend the perfectly simple, coherent statement (e.g. you were you when your genetic material was complete and initialized, at conception), "makes no sense whatsoever".

There is a beatiful passage in Job40 that silences all mortal tongues:

6 Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.
8 Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?
9 Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him?
10 Deck thyself now [with] majesty and excellency; and array thyself with glory and beauty.
11 Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one [that is] proud, and abase him.
12 Look on every one [that is] proud, [and] bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.
13 Hide them in the dust together; [and] bind their faces in secret.
14 Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee.

When we can fully re-create reality from scratch, then we are equipped to compare notes with the Creator.

Short of that, we are well-advised to keep it humble.

Which brings us to Covid:

You own it. "Your Team" asserts those powers; makes those calls; eats the subsequent crap sandwich

So you had no better plan before Covid, and you have no better plan now.

The Pottery Barn Rule applies: "You broke it; you bought it." The need to point the finger externally is understood; "Your Team" is absolutely unaccountable for anything at any time under any circumstances. May the Lord have mercy on you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: " There is more to life than DNA alone. " 43

It's not clear who ever claimed that DNA alone is the sum of life.

I contended that life is initialized when the DNA is complete, i.e. conception.

In software terms, this somewhat similar to a constructor function for a class.

There is absolutely no subsequent, post-DNA-complete moment when one can be said to transition from "not-life" to "life".

THAT is my argument.

The fact that, post the initial cell division, cells continue to divide, virii contaminate the DNA, neurons grow and memories form, is completely true.

I would like to thank all of the strawman interlocutors for manning the straw and slaying copious tangential arguments that I never proffered.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Maslow-3D as a .pdf 4

Here is the theoretical framework that I published a while ago as a raw LaTeX JE here. Only now it's a rendered .pdf

Other improvements include connecting it to Positivism, and showing that Maslow-3D maps nicely to the three branches of everyone's favorite urinal cake, the Constitution.

I have no idea if the URL is visible without a researchgate login, sorry.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bitchy "Singularists" Don't Understand: The Ring of Mindreading Is Tempermental 19

How Can Media Identify 'White Supremacy' In Hispanic Shooter But Not Trans Murderer's Anti-Christian Hate?

These "Singularist" scum need to understand that they have Constitutional right to consistent news.

How can these smelly peasants not know that their "Pluralist" betters are feeding them exactly what they need, in the service of the Holy Narrative?

There re-education camps will need to be expanded beyond the universities in order to reprogram, if it is possible. Or perhaps something darker, if not.

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