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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Maslow-3D as a .pdf 4

Here is the theoretical framework that I published a while ago as a raw LaTeX JE here. Only now it's a rendered .pdf

Other improvements include connecting it to Positivism, and showing that Maslow-3D maps nicely to the three branches of everyone's favorite urinal cake, the Constitution.

I have no idea if the URL is visible without a researchgate login, sorry.
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Maslow-3D as a .pdf

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  • I'm curious to where you intend to submit this for publication, if that is part of the plan.
    • Not as is. This is an early fragment of the thesis proposal that my advisor may actually reject. We'll see. I was just posting it there to make it available.
      • Interesting. I know every grad program is a little different. In my case each chapter of my thesis was either a submitted paper or the beginning of one. By the end I had a paper that was published in the same journal (albeit different volume and issue) as a famous rock musician who himself holds a PhD in molecular biology. My other chapters didn't take flight and I needed to seek employment quickly out of grad school.
        • No, I'm working on a thesis proposal, which is the core of the deliverable. The whole thesis concept should be vetted by the committee by the time I get through with that, so that inflating it into the thesis proper will be a relatively low-risk endeavor.

I've got all the money I'll ever need if I die by 4 o'clock. -- Henny Youngman
