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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: How to have it both ways 1

I said, regarding the status quo: "...standing athwart it..."

Fustakrakich says: "But you aren't, you're just flowing down the river..."

And here is our standard dilemma: stipulating that Fustakrakich is correct, how would he show the homework? From what context emerges the "you're just flowing" judgement?

The best I've been able to extract is "[smitty is] just being obtuse" and "[he] just feel[s] things".

OK, guilty on the "obtuse" charge, but the question stands: what's the rule? Do we scuttle the Western tradition that brought us here in favor of Wokery?

Fustakrakich seems to demand the juice without applying the squeeze, as far as I can tell.

UPDATE: Oh, my fault. Who knew that Slashdot was a proxy for a conversation with my wife?
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How to have it both ways

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