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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Here Comes The Cramdown 69

RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved "Republican" Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

Let us be clear and non-pretending. The RNC, a private corporation run by U.S. multinational corporations, billionaires and donors who control it, is a private club--who construct the rules of affiliation according to the interests and demands of the benefactors.
The RNC club, the right side of the UniParty corporate structure, has zero consideration or interest in the opinion of voters forced to register in their affiliation.

The CTH website analysis mostly rings true. The funny part is the overt pro-Trump bias. In a rematch with Biden, I would certainly vote for the fully-alive candidate. The only genuinely interesting candidate at the moment is https://www.vivek2024.com/ but I deem him only slightly more likely to prevail than, say, Bernie Sanders, for reasons alluded to in The Famous Article.

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Here Comes The Cramdown

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  • That kind of jibber-jabber has no place in real governance

    And he does Bitcoin!

    We need sane people, not these nutcases

    • That kind of jibber-jabber has no place in real governance

      Which is how one rationalizes agreement with d_r that killing the unborn and carving those born live is somehow a swift call.

      • Religion is the greatest cause of conflict, but I will grant its effectiveness in crowd control, and it keeps the bankers in business... And speaking of "carving", I'll assume you are uncircumcised

        • We can totally hate on "religion" all you like together, but you have steadfastly refused to offer any meaning for life, at which I continue to chortle.
          • Chortle to your heart's content, do what makes you feel good. Life needs no meaning to exist, it just does, because it's inevitable, not for some ethereal "meaning" that masquerading philosophers dream up to sell you

            • Life needs no meaning to exist

              Certainly accurate pertaining to Nature in general. Were one interested in reducing people to livestock, this would be cited as "true". But if there is no meaning, there is no right/wrong, and everything is fine. Dahmer is fine.

  • So the clinically obese man who is only 4 years younger - and vastly less intelligent and curious - is somehow more "alive" than his presumed opponent? Does he score more points on this imagined scale by virtue of the number of failed marriages and extramarital affairs he has had?

    I know your team threw family values out the window years ago but I didn't realize that taking the seven deadly sins as a to-do list was now worth extra points.
    • Your instant need to deflect toward Trump is a tell. Zombie Joe is a derelict meat puppet; you know this; but there is zero truth in you.
      • Zombie Joe is a derelict meat puppet

        So what if he is, he is serving his purpose, to keep the game running. 50 years in the business is nothing to sneeze at

        • Sure. We are entering your chemical utopia, and making explicit the sheer pointlessness of our political system. If the concept of "honesty" were objectively existent, we might decide to rejoice in the candor.
          • Well, you gotta grant, they're honestly and openly corrupt, and still get 98% of the vote. Everybody makes their own choice. Whaddaya gonna do?

            • Everybody makes their own choice. Whaddaya gonna do?

              Well, I put together what I think is an interesting framework for discussing the topic, but there seems little traction for the ideas.

              • Your "framework" is a tiny little box of limited ancient superficial ideas, dismissing others out of hand. All choices are personal, regardless of motivation, that's what separates humans from other life forms

      • Your instant need to deflect toward Trump is a tell

        Deflect? Trump is the topic. You were directly stating that you will vote for Trump over Biden, and pretended that you could somehow call him "fully alive" by comparison. Between the two old men one is is vastly better physical health and it is not the younger of the two.

        I would think you would not be such an enthusiastic celebrator of gluttony; is it not on the list of the 7 deadly sins?

        • Deflect? Trump is the topic.

          Oh, hogwash. Trump is mortal and his heart will beat its last. Trump is just a specific instance of the high school popularity contest GARBAGE that we are offered in lieu of substantive policy debate.

          But, in your defense, this is social media, so: go on with yo' bad self.

          • Trump is mortal and his heart will beat its last

            Aside from the cult followers who would lay down their own lives to extend his. But even if we ignore the extreme zealotry of his followers, you still aren't addressing the facts that

            • Trump is a total moron
            • Trump is clinically obese and overall in poor health

            Yet to are trying to claim that his is somehow more "fully alive" than someone who actually exercises.

            • Aside from the cult followers who would lay down their own lives to extend his.

              What a disgusting assertion.

              you still aren't addressing the facts that
              - Trump is a total moron
              - Trump is clinically obese and overall in poor health

              If these are indeed facts, one would expect you to offer a credible link to support them.

              • Aside from the cult followers who would lay down their own lives to extend his.

                What a disgusting assertion.

                What were the proud boys doing with their body armor and guns on January 6th? Were they not there to spill blood to extend the presidency? Automatic weapons are not required to tour the capitol.

                - Trump is a total moron
                - Trump is clinically obese and overall in poor health

                If these are indeed facts, one would expect you to offer a credible link to support them.

                The first one is trivially easy. He was an incoherent gaffe machine throughout his presidency. He often had simple facts staggeringly wrong, and seldom showed any capacity for learning or the least shred of curiosity.

                The second is also quite easy. The WHO defines obesity as a BMI of 30 or above. In 2019 th [google.com]

    • vastly less intelligent and curious

      You think that matters in this business?

      Does he score more points on this imagined scale by virtue of the number of failed marriages and extramarital affairs he has had?

      Probably so... Whose fault is that?

      • Between Trump and Biden, the only fully alive vote is voting for a third party candidate, particularly one aged 35-40.

        • I don't disagree, having hit full "meh". The only correct answer in my view is Article V, and I'll probably vote straight GOP on the ticket, fustakrakitch chuckles and all.
          • I'll probably vote straight GOP...

            Heh, never said you aren't a team player, but you just pointed out why your Article V is a fatal mistake. You can't expect to be taken seriously (aside from being a threat) when you're just supporting the incumbency

            • I just love how attacking the incumbency is "supporting" the incumbency. Was there anything beside contrarianism on offer from you, sir?
              • DNC/GOP is the incumbency... Obviously you are not attacking the incumbency if you (and d_r) are going to vote for it

                • You've asserted so many things that are not in view that all I've got is an emoji :-)

                  "Vote, vote, vote," you say. "Not like that!" when anything with an (admittedly low) probability of success comes into view. I submit that, as with the Transmanian Devils coming after the children, a no-kidding Article V that requires 2/3 of the States to ratify *could* wake up voters. At the moment, we've doubled the debt in the last decade or so, and seem intent on getting all Fibonacci with that already astronomical nu
                  • Probabilities don't matter, unless you're merely strategically gambling.. keep playing the same numbers, eventually they'll come up, right? Aside from that, I'll assume you know the definition of insanity

                    And the "debt"? Your Article V? Please! Just stop it [youtube.com]... That should be actionable enough for ya...

                    • I'll assume you know the definition of insanity

                      I mean, the current course, replete with fake women jiggling ersatz boobs on the White House lawn seems to meet the "nucking futs" criteria.

                      Just stop it

                      Great clip, but--hear me out--an individual is not 300+ million people. You're playing Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" games, so maybe review the Newhart clip.

                    • an individual is not 300+ million people

                      Keep making excuses... play along to get along

                    • an individual is not 300+ million people

                      Keep making excuses

                      No, seriously: the singular is not the plural. But please, tell me again that **I** am the obtuse one. It's such a pleasant tune.

                    • tell me again that **I** am the obtuse one.

                      Well, of course you are. You're just following the crowd and making excuses for your personal choice to do so. Apparently you will follow them right off the cliff and deny doing it until... splat... and then all your problems are solved

                    • You're just following the crowd and making excuses for your personal choice to do so.

                      Nothing says "following the crowd" like standing athwart it, apparently.

                    • standing athwart it

                      But you aren't, you're just flowing down the river, confirmed it with your intended vote for status quo

If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he had lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
