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Comment Good old Slackware (Score 4, Interesting) 202

I remember back in the mid 90's I hosted on a Slackware box (Pent 90, IIRC) because Rob Malda's T-1 circuit was getting constrained. I was working for the Seattle ISP and we had a whopping T-3 with 45Mb/s direct to Sprint.

Slashdot start off on Slackware.

This, of course, was back in the dial-up days. Nothing like trying to find a ring-no-answer in a 400 line hunt-group.

Comment Re:Survival of the Smart (Score 1) 412

This is why I work to build our local CERT teams and work with the Tribes to stockpile MRE's and whatnot. I also live in a native American fishing village when they know how to feed themselves without depending on stores. Last week we spent $11k on ham radios with solar power to keep the rez in touch with the rest of the state.

Working WITH the community is always the better plan.

Comment Re:Sorry, but... (Score 1) 508

To reproduce that capability with your own hardware & infrastructure requires a tremendous amount of planning and capital investment: in power, servers, and network.

No, that's what VMWare vCenter is for. It's not a tremendous amount of work, etc., we do it every month or so.

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