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Comment Re:Even worse - extensions == "chmod +x" ?!? (Score 4, Insightful) 564

The extension vs file system property is a trade off case. If I see a .EXE file I expect it to be a binary file. if I see a file which a 755 mod to it. How would I know if it is a binary file vs. a script without looking into it. Renaming a .bat file to a .exe will prevent it from running. A file that is chmod 755 will try to run. So the file extension is actually a good way to know what type of file it is.

Comment Re:Politics aside for a moment. (Score 2) 538

I've heard it said that we get the type of candidates for political office that we do because the system is not attractive to good and noble candidates.

It also rings true that we have lowered the bar of expectation with regard to decency and morality from our politicians.

Really, we just need to ban anyone who wants to run for office from ever actually holding office. Pick the pool of candidates like we pick jury pools.

Comment Re:c++? (Score 1) 407

I tend to agree, C++ gets its popularity just because you can code normal C in in it, but it does very little to put you in an OO mindset, you can use OO principles if you choose to do so, but thats it.
The issue that I have with C++ is the syntax get cluttered with symbols. ->, *, :: , >>, etc... When you are proficient at the language, they make sense, however while learning it, or having to relearn, after a period of inactivity, it isn't like riding a bike... You do forget, and have to relearn it again.

Comment Re: That's no mere galaxy; that's GALACTUS (Score 3, Insightful) 157

Yes, the method where you come up with models with predictive power and test them against observation, as opposed to bring a pathetic loser who grape onto kookery in the vain hope that somehow it will make your intellectual laziness seem less obvious.

I spent years debating people like you, only to learn your type are too fundamentally pompous and inadequate to actually want to learn anything.

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