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Comment Re:Hahah (Score 1) 246

The shitbag in the article committed a crime. He should be punished.

At an adult prison? The experts seem to think locking kids up in adult prisons is a very stupid idea, hence my focus on your stupid luddite sig pretending that experts are not experts which seems to indicate that very stupid ideas have found fertile soil.

Comment Re:It took 5 years? (Score 1) 180

Doesn't seem in any way related to your post so maybe you should actually try writing some stuff instead of assuming that people will figure out the unrelated unwritten stuff for themselves. I suspect that's why the mods didn't have the faintest clue what you were writing about and just saw an accusation of a lie that hasn't happened.

Comment Re:Hahah (Score 1) 246

The attitude sort of makes sense coupled with the weird sig - not being able to tell the difference between science and economics so not being able to make sense of juvenile versus adult criminal treatment goes with the territory.
Yes it's a personal attack but you wanted big boy games with consequences didn't you?

Comment Oh really now? (Score 1) 628

Very strong words - why exactly? Would you like high school CS teachers to discuss porn with their students or do you have some other motivation for your sad attempt at bullying me?
It's not the time, place or the person that should be trusted with doing it. By sheer co-incidence I'm currently reading a biography of a radio "shock-jock" who was driven out of high school teaching for having frank discussions about sex with his high school students until 3am (and other stuff that was suspected but not proven). It's not something that should be encouraged since teachers have so much influence over their students.

Comment Re:give it up (Score 1) 84

We could also just as accurately say that Goldman Sachs stole the Greek economy among many other things.
I suppose it could always be argued that the Greek government didn't have to follow their advice, and that "sharp practice" is the American way that they should have been wary of - but it isn't what is supposed to be the American way is it?
It's the same with proposing to jail a copyright infringer for longer than a rapist or armed robber - something to be ashamed of. Just because Goldman Sachs execs like to act and think like the English nobility of the 1700s and splash money around to get mere elected representatives to do their bidding is no reason to treat those they see as their enemies as worse than the enemies of society that actually deserve to be locked up (murderers etc).

Comment It does show the full image for me as number 4 (Score 1) 628

Incorrect. Image number 4 for me in a search for "lena soderberg" was this:

Don't bother with the long URL just do the search yourself.
So a fuckup by the teacher. Maybe an irrelevant storm in a teacup but the image does come up.

Comment Re:Minumum Wage will push these sooner (Score 2) 46

With the push for higher minimum wage for low/no skill jobs, I'm sure there will be more focus on robots that can flip burgers and serve up milk shakes.

Oh, please. First you need robots that can do that, second you need people to maintain those machines, third you still need people to do all the other jobs that still have to be done besides flipping burgers and serving shakes. Did you know that most McDonalds shut down every night, everything in the kitchen is taken to the sink to be washed and sanitized, then put back so the morning crew can flip a switch and start serving customers? Did you know that twice a week a huge truck comes by, drops off boxes of food ingredients, and those have to be inventoried and stashed properly so they can be used throughout the week. When that stuff comes, the next promotion that comes around has to be deployed, cardboard cutouts assembled, decor changed, etc. Basically at a corporately-owned McDonalds you are not a burger-flipper. You're a surprisingly nimble meat-bag capable of just about any task that is required to run an establishment about that.

What I'm trying to tell you is that you can automate the cooking of the meat or the dispensing of the shake but you're not removing any significant amount of man-power to the place. You might be able to shave one or two people during the weekday lunch shifts, but until they start making full on androids you're nowhere near minimum-wage motivated store automation.

What your'e really going to see is a higher-priced burger. I say: "Bring it!"

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