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Comment Re:Bono is a disingenuous prick.... (Score 1) 323

You're so completely full of shit. What does Bono DO with that money?

He invests it in socially responsible investments, 0promotes (spends money on) pro-social causes, gives it to charity . He does what any rational person who wants to achieve a goal in this world and has access to capital- he creates it, he invests some as principle, he uses the earnings to effect change. Rinse and repeat.

I just love conservatives who attack liberals for having *anything* to do with making money. It's a completely cynical attempt to get their opponents to divest themselves of any real power.

It's also a cynical attempt to demoralize people to whom Bono et. al. are role models- "See, they're just as greedy as the Koch brothers! People are just greed machines! Get used to it... "

Ditto the attacks on Gore and his "carbon foot print".\

The facts are, if everyone were and did as Bono and Gore do, we wouldn't have crushing poverty and war. Fact. And we wouldn't be facing extinction through environmental degradation. Fact.

So shut the fuck up you little asshole. Go read some more Ayn Rand , snort some more coke and cruise some more really vile S&M porn. Those are the points of your moral compass. That's what's *real* to your reptilian brain.

Comment But can I have a path name loner than 256? (Score 1) 545

All I care about is- can I finally create a path+filename+extension location longer than 256 and still have Windows Explorer work? Or is this bug still dictating the names I can give my libraries?

It's a simple question.

I am *quite* sure the answer is no, \so what do I care about Windows 9?

Answer- I don't.

Windows 7 is still humming along, thanks.

Comment Re:If it's not like Vista or 8.0 (Vista II)... (Score 1) 545

you do not need a Microsoft account for Windows 8.1

This is a very ironic statement given that people with Windows 8 (now out of support and thus no more security updates via Windows Update) could not upgrade to Windows 8.1 without a Microsoft account to access the store. You may not need one to run it, but for many poor folk out there they couldn't even get it without one.

Comment Re:A non-UNIX OS in a UNIX world? (Score 1) 545

I find it funny that MS is now the only major OS vendor that isn't running on a UNIX base.

You find it funny that a company which has invested decades of work into an OS and kernel doesn't just up and dump what they have in favour of having to derive and modify other people's work in ways that may or may not be compatible with the systems they have? You find it funny that a company that in the PC realm has far more market share than any Unix based system wouldn't just stop work and switch to Unix?

Seems like an uphill struggle as the world passes them by.

What part of their world is an uphill struggle which would be fixed by switching to Unix? Windows is a very solid system. Windows 8 even has some fantastic features under the hood. Most people hate the interface and the user interaction, neither of which would be solved by some magical Unix. What part of vitalising the garbage and migrating the garbage to some other system would make their work any less of an uphill struggle?

They should do an Apple and virtualise the old Windows code in a classic environment and switch to a UNIX base. Or just stop trying to make operating systems altogether and focus on software.

You sound like CEO material. I suggest you put this on your resume. "Blindly copying the worlds largest company because .... errr ... just because" is a critical skill and likely to score you one hell of a golden parachute.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 1) 324

I'll give it a go.

You people who believe you'd run a functioning society without taxes and the things it pays for are completely deluded.

In a taxless society, there would be no one to run it other than those with wisdom and experience. But they wouldn't "run" the society as we understand it today.


LoL, "Wisdom and Experience".

No, the people that will run it are those with the desire for power and the force to defeat all the others with the same idea. We have a word for this, despotism.

All the societies you quote lived as pre technology civilisations. You may notice I used the past tense, none of them exist any more as independent people. The Native Americans had quite a few wars. Unless you expect every single American to divide into small tribes and live off the land you're going to end up with a government forced on you by others... Just like what happened to the Native Americans or Australian Aborigines. We've been doing this since the Roman times.

Awaken from your dreamy state Libertarian, what you claim will not work in reality. Any attempt at what you propose will end up as a series of dictatorships at best, outright fascism at worst.

Comment Re:Ehhh, cases. (Score 1) 425

My Nexus 5 is pretty thin. I don't use a case with it. The screen has not broken. I haven't gone out of my way to be especially careful with it, either.

It's just not that damn hard to use a phone without breaking it, unless you're ridiculously careless.

Same with my Nexus 5. It's 1.5 mm thicker but that 1.5mm is just because of a larger battery that affords it 25% longer life to an Iphone 6.

However thinness is pretty much all they have, the Nexus 5 we have has better specifications (higher res screen) or at worse, is the same as an Iphone 5 (both have 80211.ac). Lets ignore the Nexus 5 was released in October 2013.

So I'm happy to let the Iphone have that one. It's thin. Enjoy your 1.5mm tiger.

Comment Re:Online only gives the illusion of accomplishmen (Score 1) 292

The problem with non-online only games, is that you can't prove that you accomplished anything in it, since it is so much easier to cheat.

And to whom, exactly, do I need to prove anything?

I play video games to relax, unwind, and kill a few hours. It's recreation. I'ts diversion. It's play.


I play X3 Terran Conflict on occasion. I also use Cycrow's cheat script because, well because I like the game but dont want to spend umpteen thousand hours flying cargo around. People who complete missions like the Hub without cheating must have the patience of a saint and no life (and no doubt they're out there). I find 95% of the game fun, I like flying around, exploring, combat but hate the repetition and grinding.

Also, if you've got a big monitor, you can get a mod that lets you play the TC missions in AP so you get the bigger and more eye friendly interface.

Comment Re: Escapism (Score 1) 292

Skyrim had a story?

Sure it does.

But you know the really great thing about Skyrim? You can pretty much ignore the story and just wander about on your own and play it how you like.

You're not constrained by a linear story, you can go anywhere at anytime, and you can do things however you like. There's no set sequence to it.

It's the same with Fallout 3/NV...Whoda thunk they were made by the same people.

I haven't played Skyrim, but with Fallout you had lots of little stories in addition to the main story. Story wise it always felt like you were progressing even though the stories weren't presented in a linear fashion.

Comment Re:Never been a fan of multiplayer. (Score 1) 292

Multiplayer, on the other hand, is a spastic experience which seems to be dominated by obsessive players with endless time to practice. The reward for the average player is not mastery, but rather learning to die a little less often.

Well said. Multiplayer games are nice for teenagers who have too much time on their hands and can master the game completely

To master a multiplayer shooter it just means memorising the map and twitch mashing buttons, that takes about 30 minutes. There's little strategy or forethought involved (there are a few notable exceptions like World of Tanks, not that your average team of red Seatards bothers with strategy or forethought). Mostly its about running, jumping and shooting, you dont even need to aim with auto-aim doing that for you.

However with the shooters in the last few years it's just been about showing up until you unlock the upgrade and then pwning everyone who hasn't got them. I played Battlefield 3 for 30 minutes before realising a lot of upgrades like the heavy barrel were stupidly overpowered and gave up on the game (and uninstalled Origin) after 3 days. I'm sure you can pay to bypass the "dying a lot" part of getting the upgrade too.

Comment Re:Crouching Microtransactions, Hidden DRM (Score 1) 292

Overall the video game industry is dying

The industry isn't dying; it's just facing many of the same problems that the movie industry faced in the late '60s through the early '80s.

The problem is slightly different.

The problem with the games industry is that quantity has outstripped quality and that major publishers believe that massive marketing campaigns and paid for reviews will make up for a games blandness, bad gameplay or lack of content. It's not just Madden/NBA sports games, there's a new COD every year with minimal changes just to make people buy the new one (sports games at least have the excuse that teams and players change each year). Publishers are afraid to try new ideas, marketing budgets have outstripped production budgets, deadlines are more important than releasing a working product and this is to say nothing of using DLC to fleece the consumer by releasing half the game and selling the rest piecemeal.

It's the same problem Hollywood is facing now. Too many sequels and recycling of old ideas. Too much emphasis on cash cows, not enough experimentation or evolution.

Without a radical shift from the major publishers the games industry is doomed... but gaming isn't, eampires will fall but gaming will live on. Already in the PC world, small and indie publishers are showing the big boys how to make a great game and make money (not treating your customers like dirty thieving criminals helps a lot, in the age of bit torrent, the good will of the community is the best copy protection you can get).

Comment Re:Crouching Microtransactions, Hidden DRM (Score 1) 292

Absolutely. I was going to buy Destiny but waited for the initial reviews. and there are a LOT of people pissed off because it's unplayable if you don't have a super fast internet connection.

I got a little excited about Destiny until I realised it was console only. If they cant be bothered making a PC version it's not worth playing.

I prefer PC for multiplayer games precisely because you get fewer 13 yr old squeakers. People with proper gaming rigs tend to be older and mentally stable.

Comment Re:International Copyright (Score 1) 172

I keep hearing "greed" but that is a copout. Greedy people do not refuse to license their products for decades.

Its not the license sellers that are greedy here, its the companies who bought the licenses that are greedy. Companies like Nine and Foxtel in Australia paid for an exclusive license and will hold the licenser to that agreement. Foxtel especially hates competition, they are presently scrotum deep in trying to get ISP's in Australia to start policing users for them (ISP's are blocking this at every turn).

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