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Comment Re:Helps explain a few things ... (Score 2) 222

Or your dog could just not like certain people because they smell bad to him. Some schizophrenic people have poor hygiene. Or maybe the dog doesn't like the color of their skin. I met a racist dog once -- it was hilarious :)

In any case, I think it's more likely a coincidence of some sort than the dog peering into someone's soul. Remember, we're the species with orders of magnitude more neurons than everyone else, and dogs are about as smart as small children.

Comment Re: Then I guess you could say... (Score 4, Interesting) 222

No, he's thinking of multiple personality disorder, which is extremely rare and much different than schizophrenia. It's confused with schizophrenia because of the hallucinatory voices common in schizophrenia, but those "voices" aren't different personalities of the afflicted; they're just hallucinations. Multiple personality disorder is the split personality one -- the person is basically like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, although the personalities don't have to be good/evil or working at cross purposes to each other, and there can be more than two.

Comment Re:The Nanny State Strikes again! (Score 1) 364

I was at a gate to my apartment. Nonresident woman was in front of me, oops, she went to the resident gate instead of the nonresident one. There's a somewhat-hard-to-see U-turn slot for exactly this reason. Instead of using it, she starts backing up. I lay on the horn. She BACKS INTO ME anyway. Fortunately she was going 5mph so no harm mostly although she did scrape off some of my paint.

Sometimes, you wonder how some people survived childhood.

Comment Re:At home too (Score 1) 185

Re "what could possibly go wrong": it was a combination of a nod to the common humorous expression and a serious question I meant to answer, the answer being historically graphics cards, etc., and now, I asserted, being mainly printer stuff.

Comment Re:At home too (Score 1) 185

The last time I had any trouble with Intel graphics was with kernel 2.2 on a 700MHz Celeron with an i810. It was right after I first got into Linux, and I needed to compile an external kernel module for it or something. I think I still have the printout of Intel's mini-manual on how to do that somewhere. That computer came with Windows Me; XP might have been too much for it.

Broadcom turned over a new leaf four years ago:

I've never had any problems with touchpads. Don't they just look like USB mice to the OS if you don't take advantage of Synaptics-specific features?

You're right that it's hard for me to put myself in a newbie's shoes at this point. I don't use the same distros as they do and I compile my own kernels (although it's getting harder and harder because the number of configuration options keeps growing), so "easy to set up" isn't something I see on a daily basis. But my experiences with Knoppix, king of hardware auto-configuration, have always been positive and seem to be getting better with time.

Still, thanks for responding. It's interesting to hear other people's experiences with this.

Comment Re:At home too (Score 1) 185

Okay well let's look at this objectively. When installing Linux, what could possibly go wrong? You need support for:

- The CPU, which is x86. No problem there.
- The graphics card, which is one of Intel, AMD/ATI, NVidia, or Via. No issues there. You don't even need proprietary drivers anymore except for games.
- The WiFi card. Because of Android, Linux wireless support is now a given.
- The wired Ethernet card. Hasn't been an issue for over a decade.
- Keyboards and mice. USB or PS/2 and have been since forever.
- Modems. Oh wait. It's 2014, not 1994. Your computer doesn't have a built-in modem. Scratch that one.
- Printers. These could actually still be an issue; I personally ran into a non-supported printer in the past six months. I'd wager maybe a 10-20% chance of a brand new printer not working. If it's older I'd wager 1-3%.

That looks like pretty good odds to me. And Windows isn't better with the printers. With Linux new printers sometimes don't work. With Windows, old printers almost never do.

If you're running into issues with graphics cards, maybe Unity sucks. Well, Unity does suck.

Comment Re:Free as in TPB (Score 1) 163

Oh shove it up your ass. The guy's posting on Slashdot and said specifically, "this product is what I used to use but it's out of my price range, so what else is out there?" He's not going to buy Premiere. If he WERE going to buy Premiere, he would have DONE it already and not wasted his time posting to Slashdot.

If he's not going to buy Premiere no matter what, Adobe loses NOTHING if he pirates it. Piracy hurts the cppyright holder WHEN IT'S A LOST SALE. He's not going to buy Premiere. It's too much. He said so in the question. Would it be illegal for him to buy Premiere? Yes. So is ingesting a plant known to treat epilepsy, schizophrenia, and chronic pain (marijuana). So was marrying someone of another race until not terribly long ago. The law is often in conflict with reason/morality.

So back to the topic in question. This guy probably isn't going to pirate Premiere anyway, because he would have just done that and not posted to Slashdot if he was inclined to do that. Reminding him he has that option isn't unreasonable, but he's probably not going to do it. Instead he's going to use what he would probably consider an inferior tool because he can't legally get Premiere for himself. In the short-term, this is a pure economic loss. He and Adobe both lost out. Longer term? If his use of FLOSS video editing software leads to improvements in the products, maybe not. Improving FLOSS forces Adobe to lower its prices and makes better video editing software available to those who can't afford and won't pirate from Adobe.

Comment Re:CS2 (Score 2) 163

Not quite. Such a contract -- "we can change the terms at any time" -- would almost certainly qualify as an adhesion contract. Websites get away with this in terms of service because they're free to use. But if you shell out money for something and the contract says, "we can decide to give you nothing at all for your money whenever we want to", that probably wouldn't hold up.

Most likely, however, the CS2 terms always were, "you're only supposed to download this if you bought CS2", and Adobe just wasn't publicizing that requirement enough. My understanding with the giveaway is, from a technical perspective, you can register with a throwaway account and download it whether you bought CS2 or not, but you'd be pirating it if you didn't legally buy CS2 in the past. I never bothered to create an account and download the stuff because I had no need of the software. It might be cool to run it in WINE, I guess, but the GIMP is awesome, and mkvmerge + ffmpeg + handbrake works okay for the tiny amount of video editing I do. Also if Acrobat Reader and Flash are any indication, Adobe's software is bloated, unstable crap.

Comment Re:Stop being so impatient.... (Score 2) 289

I see an easy way around that problem: give police officers special IR or radio remotes that they can point at a self-driving car to tell it to stop. Specially mark self-driving cars that recognize those remotes. Let the driver (maybe) have a way to override the stop signals just in case those remotes fall into the wrong hands, depending on how likely that seems to occur.

Comment Re:Truly the best scams (Score 1) 251

I understand your parents' perspective. They are scammers impersonating a well-known company with a reputation to protect. Banks send out notices warning about email scams; I don't know if they do anything further, but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't at least forward reports to the police. Personally, that's what I think Microsoft should have done in that situation. Even if the police do nothing, at least they're doing their part reporting it.

Comment Re:If systemd is deemed going against unix philoso (Score 1) 826

/etc/rc.d/rc.S on my Slackware system is 400 lines of bash. That doesn't look too complex to me.

As long as people don't start depending on systemD, I have no problem. It's like ALSA versus PulseAudio: you want to run that on your system, fine, but I'll stick with ALSA kthx please don't rip out support for it.

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