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Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 8

To be fair, I wouldn't be much affected by the restriction, since I'm allergic to crustaceans.

Still, it's petty and mean-spirited and I hope SNAP users are able to hack around it in some way, just on GPs.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 8

I suspected it was something like that.

Here in Sweden, like many if not most Swedish workers, I'm eligible for something called Rikskortet ("the national card"). It's a card that works like a credit or debit card that gets charged up with (in my case) about $250 (1600 SEK) every month. If you take the benefit, you're taxed on half the amount. You can use the card to make purchases of food and/or beverage at most places where plastic's accepted--café, McDonald's, grocery store, fancy restaurant--doesn't matter. No restrictions on what sorts of food or beverage that I'm aware of, either, other than that it can't be used to buy alcohol, which seems fair enough.

The longer I stay away, the more the US seems to be run by complete assholes.

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