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Comment Two words: HELL YES! (Score 1) 42

Even before I became a Buddhist, I believed that it is never right to inflict harm on other beings except in self-defence against an immediate grave threat to one's own physical safety. So if you come at me with a knife, I've no compunctions about grabbing my cricket bat and taking a swing or two in order to stop you.

But inflicting harm on a defenceless and possibly restrained subject is right out.

(And if you don't believe that existence isn't moral, then you've got the wrong morals. Karma isn't just a neat idea; it's how things really work.)

Comment Re:Someone has (Score 5, Insightful) 270

I use a French press, beans, and a grinder. Zero waste other than the grounds (and if I had a yard, I could compost them). The grinder's a hand-cranked model, so the only power used is to heat the water.

I've been making coffee this way for years, but never thought about the fact that it's also very conservative of resources until now.

And I despise the capsule-style makers on general principles; as for Keurig--if I won't accept DRM for my music and video, I sure am as fuck not going to accept it for my coffee.

Comment Re:gotta be Bennett (Score 3) 162

I read halfway through the first paragraph: "WTF? This guy's an idiot. If I didn't know any better... Naaahh, it can't be... Who sub---OMFG, it is him."

I agree with everyone and his brother who's going to point out that Bennett's proposed hashtag anti-gaming system will be gamed in a bit less time than hashtags have been.

Comment Re:I am no economist, but as a geek ... (Score 1) 205

I have always respected your opinions but if you think I had any of what I have handed to me on a silver platter then you are very much mistaken. I've had opportunities and even a bit of help along the way, sure, and I'm grateful for these. In particular I'm grateful to a couple of folks I met online who encouraged me and even gave a chance to prove myself, way back when. But I'm the one who put in the work to take advantage of those opportunities. I'm the one who spent 3-4 years sleeping on other pepole's floors and living on ramen and PBJs, and keeping my nose to the grindstone 70+ hours a week to make it happen.

I had other, easier opportunities when I was younger, which I wasted. Had I been a little wiser then, things would have been much simpler later on. Well, paying for that fuckup was part of the overhead, but I pay for that I did.

The really good part about it is that I can look at what I've got now and know that I *earned* it, and even if I end up homeless again tomorrow, that fact is something that nobody can take away from me, not even the All-Knowing Jedidiah.

Just because someone doesn't piss and moan constantly about the adversities they've faced doesn't mean they've not had them.


Comment Re:The real solution is really much simpler. (Score 1) 205

Did you actually bother to read what you responded to?

He said... wait for it... absolutely NOTHING... about open-sourcing your closed software.

And plenty of businesses make perfectly good money creating and maintaining Open Source software. I think I'm qualified to make this statement, since I work for one of them. In fact, it's one of the top half from this list of the world's 10 largest vendors of software. And they don't pay me in play money, either.

Comment Re:I am no economist, but as a geek ... (Score 1) 205

Don't make the statement if you're not prepared to address rebuttals. You don't get to cherry-pick your facts and pretend that other facts don't exist.

BTW, you said previously,

Imagine if the economy was such that for you to be able to do all the 'geeky' stuff you do, you'd literally have to starve yourself to death and/or use up 99% of your normal sleeping time.

That sounds very much like how I had to live for several years whilst getting started in my present career.

Comment Re:I am no economist, but as a geek ... (Score 1) 205

Evidently you don't actually know how much a writer of documentation gets paid. Hint: It's not nearly as much as what a programmer with commensurate experience gets.

That being said, I write because I like to, and because I've found ways to get paid enough doing it to keep a roof over my head and coffee beans for my grinder.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
