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Comment Re:There's always a possibility of mental illness. (Score 2) 441

The most likely explanation is that the teacher's behavior had grown erratic and he had shown signs of mental disorder that caused grave concern in his co-workers and friends.

Sorry, not buying that without any evidence to suggest it.

I think the most likely explanation is that overly paranoid police have detained someone for a trumped up "emergency medical evaluation" because he wrote a book on a controversial topic, and because law enforcement can't accept that you could write a piece of fiction and not have it be a real threat.

There is absolutely nothing in the linked article to suggest any crime (actual, imagined, or planned), or so suggest any link whatsoever with schizophrenia or any other mental illness.

If law-enforcement authorities in Dorchester County have additional information that implicates McLaw in a crime, or in the planning of a crime, it is imperative that they release it immediately. As it stands now, they appear to be violating the constitutional rights of a citizen, and also, by the way, teaching the children of their county something awful about the power of fear over reason.

And until such time as they actually do have some evidence, I'm going to take this as a gross over-reaction by the police and school board.

Comment Decommissioned (Score 3, Insightful) 220

Canvas (site, not the HTML5 element) and DrawQuest were killed earlier this year. I used it briefly in its beta form and thought it was a neat idea. Any chance you could elaborate on why it was shut down? The e-mail I got was brief and vague -- were you facing copyright issues? Monetization problems? Image space issues? Care to spill your lessons learned?

Comment Re:Property rights (Score 1) 215

By inalienable rights, no doubt he's referring to those rights that according to the Constitution, the government cannot take from you. The Constitution does not grant those rights; it prohibits the Federal government from interfering with them. Now, feel free to rant about the obvious overstepping that's been going on since the Civil War.

I don't have to, because you pointed it out. It proves that the government doesn't actually consider those to be rights. We have no rights, period, end of story.

Comment Re:The diet is unimportant... (Score 1) 588

Look at what Michael Phelps ate. Something like three pizzas a day or something. And he was in great health at the time. Won Olympic gold medals and everything.

Why Runners Can't Eat Whatever They Want
Studies Show There Are Heart Risks to Devil-May-Care Dietsâ"No Matter How Much You Run

As a 10-mile-a-day runner, Dave McGillivray thought he could eat whatever he wanted without worrying about his heart. "I figured if the furnace was hot enough, it would burn everything," said McGillivray, who is 59.

But a diagnosis six months ago of coronary artery disease shocked McGillivray, a finisher of 130 marathons and several Ironman-distance triathlons. Suddenly he regretted including a chocolate-chip-cookie recipe in his memoir about endurance athletics.

TLDR: Being in insanely good shape can mask (but not prevent) the health consequences of eating three pizzas a day for years.

Comment Re:Empty Calories (Score 1) 588

Oh actually, I don't really eat fried chicken with breading. That's not because I won't eat it, it's because I can't find any worth eating. We used to have a broaster in town but the local supplier closed up shop. When I was on Atkins I was just frying chicken thighs in oil as a means of fast, complete cooking. Add soy sauce, powdered ginger, and powdered garlic for an easy asian-ish flavor...

Comment Re:The diet is unimportant... (Score 1) 588

I think the problem is that most people lie or are overestimating how much exercise they do. The human body is a pretty remarkable machine, we are very efficient when walking and running. Our biology is designed for it. So you won't burn that many calories by going for a walk or a slow jog. I find it amazing how slow some people can jog, and still think like they are getting a good work out.

From a quick Google search, it looks like 10,000 steps a day will burn 3500 Calories A WEEK. That's only an extra 500 Calories a day. That can easily be offset by eating unhealthy throughout the day.

I'm with you about what you are saying about diet. People need to eat a reasonable amount of Calories, but they shouldn't be putting their body at a deficit, and only eating 1000 or 1500 Calories a day. But exercise is a big part, because everybody will cheat on their diet from time to time. You have to exercise to use up the extra energy. Also, exercising keeps your lungs, heart, bones and muscles healthy. Eating just the right number of Calories to keep you thin, but you won't be healthy.

Comment Re:Calorific value? (Score 3, Insightful) 588

More important than either of these is the calorific value of the relative diets. Both of them (low carb / low fat) ultimately work by restricting the types of food, and therefore the calories,

No, in fact, that's the opposite of what this study shows. I'm not surprised you got this wrong, because you are simply parroting the prevailing thinking, but it is plain wrong and this study shows that. Of course, so did the ketogenic/Atkins diet, but you ignored that so it's not surprising that you're ignoring this.

Irony: Holding forth with an obsolete opinion as a reply to an article about a study which proves your opinion obsolete. You may try again, but you have failed abjectly and you're spreading bullshit misinformation to make yourself appear relevant.

Comment Re:Too simple (Score 2) 588

That is why even organic meat contains sugar and all kinds of syrup nowadays.

Uh, what? Only processed foods, and then frankly, almost none of them. The lack of unnecessary ingredients is part of the draw to most Organic brands. Only the fake-ass organics like "O" (Safeway's brand) are full of bullshit like that.

Comment Re:Empty Calories (Score 1) 588

I absolutely packed myself with steak fried in butter, salads with massive wads of bleu cheese, and six-egg omelets with cheddar and some sort of pork product (usually sausage, sometimes bacon) for nine months of ass-sitting and lost ninety pounds. I've kept it off. The thirty more pounds I lost after that while working out and putting on muscle and eating pretty much the same stuff, but less steak and more fried chicken, I've pretty much put back on. But I'm eating "normally" now, including occasional fried food binges when the fair comes through or what have you.

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