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Comment Re:Yeah but..... (Score 1) 172

Every time I *stop* it

i'm not talking about killing the process. i'm talking about going into settings > apps > [app] > disable.

on my n6, there's no "google search" app. there is an app called "google play services" which is the heart of google. there's a big "disable" button right there for me.

Comment Re:Yeah but..... (Score 2, Insightful) 172

From my experience with the Note3, yeah you can "disable" apps from showing, but not completely. They're still resident in memory most of the time

the "disable" feature that's available on any firmware-based app completely stops the app from running. i use it on my nexus 6 to disable the exchange crap from running in the background. works fine.

if samsung did something to mess with how that works (i'd be surprised if they did, but if you say so), then well, why the heck did you buy a samsung device? that's called just deserts. don't blame android for some terrible crap done by samsung. by the way, you paid 50% for samsung, right?

if people don't support the delivery model they want, how do you expect anything to change? carrier bloated, manufacturer bloated malware infested devices. why? stop falling prey to samsung, et. al's marketing barrage. you're a nerd, you know nexus exists, what's your excuse?

Comment Re:I hope the Device Protection is optional. (Score 3, Insightful) 172

Will a thief return my device when they discover they can't use it?

no, but if thieves understand that modern smartphones, including android 5.1 devices, are worthless if stolen, they aren't going to bother stealing them in the first place. sure, until a sufficient % of the devices out there support this it's not as useful but you have to start somewhere right?

also, don't you feel a little better knowing that the thief didn't get compensated $300 for stealing your phone?

Comment Re:But why though? Math time! (Score 2) 275

It's something like a 100:1 loss on electricity at $0.11/KWH by the way.

except they aren't paying for the electricity, so it's all profit. even if they are only making $100, that's still pretty great. considering they probably spent a week hacking together existing software ... and after that it's zero expenditure and all profit (except what they are paying bittorrent).

Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

BTC made a lot of money for the early adopters, but it still has not yet lost momentum as a currency, and only will gain in value over time.

it's 6-month high is ~484. it's currently ~269. as far as fluctuations go that is massive. using bitcoin for anything other than quick sales (cash -> bitcoin -> transfer) is really not smart.

not to mention, the entire market is in a constant state of algorithmic manipulation (yes, i know, so is the stock market).

Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

Private transaction without the worry of someone stealing my credit information.

that's funny. because with bitcoin, you sure don't have to worry about someone stealing the knowledge that you bought a six pack at the local grocery, but you have to worry about them stealing THE ACTUAL CURRENCY.

credit cards get a bad rap, but for the consumer, it's pretty low risk. it's in the companies' interest for it to be low risk, because they want you to keep spending money with it.

Comment Re:Oh great ... (Score -1, Troll) 188

I'm not funding someone's website with my personal information.

no, you're just visiting their site, consuming the content that they worked hard to produce, and circumventing the only mechanism they have to be compensated for their work.

i know how you can block ads very effectively: don't visit the site.

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