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Comment Re:"why shouldn't they?" (Score 1) 438

treat others with respect.
don't cheat.
don't lie.
work hard. ...

the list goes on, but "cheat when you think life isn't fair" certainly isn't on my list.

personally, i praise my son when he does the right thing, even if it doesn't result in him "getting ahead". case in point, friends that are cheating during a game (happens all the time). when he talks to me about it, the only thing i care about is that he *didn't* cheat. cheaters will be exposed for the frauds they are. maybe not now, but eventually.

i don't really care if indian students cheat. i hope they do, along with chinese students. it just means when my son comes of age he's going to win when he competes with them for jobs.

and yeah, stop trolling me. you've gone through every single one of my comments and responded. i seriously doubt that i'm just so interesting that you picked my 3 comments from the thread of hundreds.

Comment Re:true but... (Score 4, Insightful) 246

even there, they need to become much more efficient.

more efficient ... than who? who else has autonomously landed a nuclear powered rover the size of a small car on the surface of mars? do you have some evidence to support that this should / could have been done for less (2.5B USD)?

i searched for "curiosity rover pork" and the first article that came up was from the tea party. there you go.

Comment Re:Old Saying. (Score 1) 438

things like doping, cheating, stealing, and so on only work if a small subset of the populace partakes in the behavior. if everyone does it, it's the same as if no one does it.

so argue that it's "fair" to cheat all you want, but if it's sanctioned the result is that India is going to churn out an exceptionally large number of unprepared from their universities. the solution here isn't to sanction cheating, it's to stop it universally (duh).

Comment Re:Don't thow out the wheat. (Score 1) 438

Your assumption is that if someone cheats at all to offset an unfair advantage then they will be incapable of doing anything afterward.

yeah i didn't say that did i? are we talking about cheating once or twice? or are we talking about systemic cheating that persist throughout the students school career?

if everyone cheats including the rich how is it going to offset any advantage? and hey, have you ever read "The Sneetches?" if not, you might pick it up it's a quick read and might help you realize where you logic breaks down.

Comment Re:Not really surprising (Score 1) 438

BTW, if I were a poor student in India, I would cheat too, then work hard in the real world to make it not just a selfish waste.

if you cheated, you'd enter the world completely incapable of not making it a selfish waste. you wouldn't be the type of person that's capable of working hard. you'd have taught yourself to take shortcuts whenever possible. you'd have learned that breaking the rules for your own gain is okay, regardless of how it affects others.

Comment Re:Terrible summary, unwarranted inferences (Score 1) 151

and less cops dying in fatal crashes

like the cop that blocked the entire lane of a 2-lane major expressway along my commute when he pulled someone over and decided to park completely blocking the lane. complete moron. he couldn't drive 100 yards on pull off onto a side street? hundreds, if not thousands of people inconvenienced, and put in danger from the disruption in the flow of traffic.

thank god these men and women are protecting us.

Comment Re:Ecch ... (Score 1) 74

i don't know about you, but the functionality and performance of the hardware matter to me, not just the fashion statement.

thinner, lighter.
higher res / higher quality display.
better sound.
longer battery life.
port configurations (HDMI, SD card).
antenna performance.
durability / waterproofing.
screen sizes.

there's a list of some really very obvious ways that companies can differentiate based on hardware. i'm guessing if i could come up with that list, a hardware engineer could increase that by 100x.

don't believe it? look what samsung did with the galaxy note. ALL they did was make a phone w/ a really big screen, which was something no one else was doing at the time.

Comment Re:Ecch ... (Score 2) 74

were graciously allowed to pollute the pure Android experience with some of their own crap

you can disable any android app from running ever and from showing up in the launcher, even if it's delivered as part of the firmware. it's annoying to get a new phone with all that stuff loaded, but it's not the end of the world anymore.

on the contrary, nexus devices will never have the customized UI elements that you see on every other non-nexus android device. android device manufacturers need to figure it out. let google make the software. they are pretty good at it. you focus on building awesome hardware. delivering an android phone with slightly different UI elements isn't going to differentiate you from your competitor.

Comment market dominance? (Score 1) 74

Shunning larger manufacturers like Samsung, speculation is that Google is trying to mitigate the effects of market dominance by one firm.

yes, because the nexus line has been such an amazing market success? on the contrary, the nexus lines have sold in relatively low numbers, and very thin profit margins. and AFAICT, that's by design. stock is always extremely limited at launch, and advertising is non-existent.

this is more of a desperation move by HTC. samsung is eating their (and everyone else's) lunch. try something, anything to get a name for themselves.

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