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Comment Re:Bad genetic diversity, flaws in resurrected gen (Score 3, Interesting) 168

Second, all of a species isn't exactly captured in just the DNA. DNA only gets expressed properly in the right cellular environment, it's a 'chicken and egg' problem.

I asked this question myself and the answer I got was that the first generation wouldn't be genetically pure, but through selective breeding of the first generation down a couple of more generations you will have a pure genetic animal. Similar to how they destroy mice that have been cultured with partial human DNA (growing a human ear on their back, for science!), it is possible if you let them breed you will get something human.

Comment Re:Could somebody explain wayland, please? (Score 1) 77

Because of the client/server architecture. This makes absolutely no sense when you are, say, playing a high FPS game. Right now, the hardware rendering of such, including opengl, simply place a proxy window in place of where the hardware overlay will render. This is a terrible hack and shows that the needs of today's desktops aren't met by the design of X.

Comment I don't think so (Score 4, Insightful) 124

The school admins already have a hard enough time dealing with kids destroying things, both logically and physically. Now you expect them to be on the level enough to be able to stave away actually taught hackers? How much are you willing to pay for this little experiment (both in the admins pay, and the cost of cleaning up the disasters)?

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